Friday, February 3, 2017

This is in Brooklyn .... Not in Mecca!


  1. The next time Israel forcefully responds to a particularly vicious Hamas attack, those moslem worshippers will be in the vanguard of demonstrations accompanied by leftists, progressives and anarchists. I wouldn't be surprised if at least members of the NYC city council joined them along with the Netirei Karta and Satmar chuleryas adding aid and comfort.
    What happened in France could very well happen here.

  2. The total of hate crimes against Jews is going up. The fanatic anti-Zionists in NY are going to run to Israel soon and they'll be the first to escape Also,.Trump is cutting the programs so when the rest of us also leave there will be plenty of minyonim at airports, mark these words. G-D wants us to leave so listen or else. Most of my immediate family is there already so I'm packing.You may not even get a chance to pack, you'll run with your raincoats and galoshes, good luck.

  3. I wonder can Israel actually contain a massive influx of all, or nearly all, remaining diaspora Jews in one fell swoop! Is there enough housing, medical facilities, schools, food and all that is necessary to settle comfortably in the land?

  4. 1,36%%5
    That's why it's important to at least start the process afew hundreds at a time. If need be, they can set up tents like they did in the40s and 50s until they get settled, what other choice is there/ eventually Israel absorbs everybody, it's a miracle, but start moving now. Your question should be addressed to those who wait for Moshiach only, as if Moshiach is going to build homes in a second for the millions,

  5. I would love to make Aliyah, someday IY"H.

  6. That Asian female photographer is lucky this is Brooklyn and not Egypt -- or she might have gotten the Laura Logan treatment-- raped and almost scalped by the crowd of men who dont see a nonMuslim woman as off grounds -- according to their shariah law.

  7. One after another the modern orthodox of Wesley & Pomona come into Bubba's Bagels & tell the crew behind the counter they are moving to Teaneck. At Bubba's they are flabbergasted at the numbers. But the math is easy with all the Tuna Beigels & yeshivishe willing to pay so much for their homes. And the Teaneck crowd is spilling over into neighboring towns where the real estate is cheap.

    A Black employee of Bubba's is asking if the people in Teaneck are "nicer". Hardly, when you see that SHMUCK Nutty Helfgott, who is beyond Gott's helf, on the front page of the Open Schmorthodox controlled Bergen Jewish Link newspaper doing EXACTLY the dastardly deeds that DIN said he was doing! Nutty led the nutty protest alongside the Muslim Mayor of Teaneck. The fanatical women who think like Nutty brought their kids to protest with them!

  8. Montebello Tuna BeigelFebruary 6, 2017 at 10:08 PM

    There are plenty of reasons to move including that Monsey doesn't have a normal bagel cafe.

    At Bubba's on Sunday morning there was no one frum in charge anywhere in sight. The floors reeked from the putrid stench of the dirty water used to "clean" them. It was a very similar stench to the underarms of the workers who had not showered recently. Then the peabrain busboy started mopping in the middle of crowded brunch running his filthy stinking mop over the dresses of the customers' seated wives. One victim had the mop sloshed over her 3 TIMES in 20 minutes.


    Click on the picture button for the Muslim & Nutty Nut Helfgott

    The Left Wing of modern orthodox are losing their minds. I think the Agudah is right that it is a new Conservative movement in disguise.

    And it's not just being apologists for terrorists. A very famous well known porno actress who has strange non-Jewish men violating her daily with their appendages for film shoots is from one of these households that spilled over into a town neighboring Teaneck. Her father supports her behavior. YCT already signed that homos should be accepted into shuls & given aliyos and their adopted "children" accepted to yeshivot. Is this G-d forsaken heathenism next?
