Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Citizens Upset with the Auerbach's 'Peleg Yerushalmi' Hafganos take back the streets

The Chillul Hashem is great. 
R' Shmuel Auerbach, son of the late R' Hagoen Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l, is the fanatical leader of the "Peleg" movement that opposes registration for the IDF. 
R' Sheitnman and R' Chaim Kanievsky Shlitah are for registering  for the draft as per State law!

The followers of Auerbach are the ones using violence and are behind closing streets, throwing over and burning garbage bins, causing hundreds of people pain and anguish, by stopping buses and ambulances from reaching their destinations....


  1. Expel the bastard and his crazed followers to Iran.
    There they can live in peace with their Muslim brothers.
    What a disgrace? oh yes they're "very" religious. Part of what religion? Islam

  2. We're talking about HaRav Shmuel Auerbach שליט"א here???

  3. So what with his attitude he belongs in Iran or Iraq there he can peddle his sick philosophy to his Muslim brothers

    1. Rav Rabbi Tzaddik Gaon etc.
      Titles are irrelevant if the individual is wrong. Peleg Yerushalmi are self hating Jews controlled by this Auerbach fellow. He and his group should be expelled from the State of Israel.

  4. Nevertheless, he is much greater than anyone here.

  5. R s auerbach's wife died nearly 30 years ago and he is been living alone. I think if he remArried( he has no children ) this wouldnt have happened, maybe

  6. It's a tragedy he lost his wife
    Even a bigger tragedy he lost his mind
