Thursday, January 12, 2017

Zionist App Can Save Your Life By Detecting Cancer Early

Thanks to Israeli technology, a simple and free app download may mean the difference between a simple 5 minute mole removal and full-blown skin cancer.
‘DermaCompare’ identifies skin irregularities with the click of a button by using your smartphone.
Watch this short video and see how Israel technology which came from the Israeli Air Force and intelligence communities, can save your life! The technology comes from aerial photography technology which was meant to help detect terrorist enemies trying to invade Israel. 
In the same vein, this app can detect the cancer enemy early before it fully invades your body. Thanks Israel!
No comment from anti-Zionist Satmar feuding brothers, R' Zalman Leib and R' Aaron Teitelbaum ...


  1. The reason we didn't hear any comments from these two Teitel-bum gangster brothers Is because these two bastards themselves are a CANCER in the body of the Jewish nation

    1. The satmar bastards can die they won't use a Zionist product

  2. Not at all true, 3:24. But I wanted to share with everyone this beautiful story that I saw on - - check this out!

    After the Holocaust, there were unfortunately some survivors who lost their faith due to the tremendous suffering they endured. Tragically, there were survivors who became bitter and completely left the Torah, proclaiming that there is no Judge or justice in this world, G-d forbid.

    There is a moving story about one such survivor. A religious Jew was traveling to Eretz Yisroel, and found himself seated in the airplane next to a secular Jew who spoke bitterly about the holocaust. “My parents, wife and children were all murdered,” he complained. “They were completely innocent. How could G-d allow such terrible things to happen?” He concluded that there could not possibly be a G-d if this is what happened to the world. The religious Jew tried to change his companion’s perception of the holocaust, but to no avail. After landing in Israel, they each went their separate ways.

    The religious Jew was in Israel for the High Holidays. On Yom Kippur, during the short recess after Shacharis, he took a walk around the block of the shul. As he was walking, he noticed an obviously secular Jew walking on the other side of the street, carrying several packages. It pained him to see someone desecrate Yom Kippur. And then he suddenly recognized the person as his flight companion.

    He ran across the street and greeted the non-religious Jew. “We are about to say Yizkor in shul,” he explained. “Won’t you do this much for the departed souls of your dear parents, wife and children? Won’t you come inside and say Yizkor in their memory?”

    At first the non-religious person refused to hear of it, but it wasn’t long before he conceded. As he entered the shul, the friendly gabbai (sexton) welcomed him warmly and patiently helped him through the Yizkor prayer. He asked for the exact Hebrew names of the stranger’s martyred father, mother and wife. Then he asked him for the names of his children. Crying openly, the stranger said the name of his eldest son. The gabbai paled and asked him to repeat the name. The stranger repeated the name once more. The gabbai exclaimed: “That’s my full Hebrew name!”

    The shul erupted in pandemonium. It turned out that the gabbai was a young child during the Holocaust. He managed to escape deportation and hid out in the woods until he finally reached a safe haven. After the holocaust, he came to Eretz Yisroel, thinking that he is the only surviving member of his family. After asking a few more questions, it became clear that the middle-aged secular Jew was none other than the gabbai’s father.

    After witnessing the open Hand of Providence, the father turned around completely and became fully religious. He now firmly believed that there is a G-d who plans everything that transpires, although His Face is sometimes painfully hidden

  3. AishKodesh,besides being stupid you are also very gullible,this happens to be an old fake internet story that has proven to be a complete fake made up story.
    why don't you take a job with CNN and make up some fake Trump stories LOL

    1. Wow so according to you this is a made up internet story, why because YOU have a problem yourself hating the fact that you were born in a Jewish family, what an example of an IDIOT

  4. Not true. This is a TRUE story....... I don't care what people say about it.

  5. M'Dvar sheker tirchakJanuary 13, 2017 at 3:51 PM

    News flash everyone; this is from the Nikolsburger Rebbe shlita's website - which takes it from his books or maamarim. I've read it before. It's obviously true. Talking about making things up? Look first at yourselves.....

    1. M'Dvar sheker,
      It's true because it's in a printed book?
      You, Aish and many others who lend credence to these apocryphal tales , better known as bubbles meises, are gullible fools.
      In which shul did this occur? What year? what was the name of the secular Jew, the name of the religious jew, the name of the shul,the name of the Gabbai, the names of the people for whom yizkor was said? Any witnesses--who were they?
      Barnum probably had all you in mind when he said," There's a sucker born every minute. "

  6. M'Dvar sheker tirchakJanuary 13, 2017 at 9:42 PM

    As one Rav said "One who believes all of these tales is gullible. One who believes none is a heretic."

  7. M'Dvar sheker tirchakJanuary 13, 2017 at 9:43 PM

    Perhaps AishKodesh is gullible - but at least I'm not a heretic....

  8. M'Dvar sheker,

    So who is the " one Rav" who said that? What was the basis for his claim? Did he investigate all these bubba meises to determine which ones were true, if any?
    When it comes to unfalsifiable doctrine, there are very few things that can actually be proven true. But your hashkafic doctrine approachs the contrary limit ---- it has robbed you of a capacity for critical thinking.

  9. this story is true, it's been around many years. There are these types of stories that happened even until a few years ago when unfortunately most survivors passed on. Three years ago, two brothers who thought each other dead were reunited alive, there are many such stories. why won't you guys believe it? btw, nobody landed on the moon, it was hoax in a Nevada desert. Do you really believe that 1 guy circled the moon and 2 guys landed in this LEM machine and then it shot back up to unite with the rocket? you guys are gullible.

    1. Annonymous 7:05 PM,
      When I said that your hashkafa deprives you of the capacity for critical thinking, I didn't consider how quickly you would validate my assertion.
      Names, dates, places please!
      If you can't you should consider yourself among Barnum's top patrons.

  10. Abe, not every story is documented but that doesn't automaticaaly mean it's not true just beacause it seems farfetched.All of our parents passed on stories to us, some may be true and others not.
    Many bizarre things happen to most of us and we don't necessarily write them down then we tell others and they don't believe them even we know these things are true,i can tell you things that happened to me which I can't prove and which you won't believe. your definition of critical thinking is that unless it can be proven you reject it firsthand. That doesn't sound like critical thinking at all. Can you prove that atoms exist? Have you seen gravity with your eyes/

  11. Anonymous 9:34,
    If a parent passed down one of your fantastical bubbe meises, no doubt s/he would included all the fine details to assure that the story was believable. To the extent that you have no details, your tale is as believable as Jack and the Beanstalk.
    And can I prove atoms exist? Of course I can. A few Years ago The NY Times posted a picture of atoms arranged to spell IBM. This was done at IBM labs with a scanning electron microscope.
    As for gravity, last year gravity waves were detected for the first time in an experiment that gained international prominence.
    Perhaps you need to get a TV, if for no other reason than to watch the science channel.

  12. so since we can't prove it do you believe in Torah from Sinai, resurrection of the dead, covenant with Abrahem Isaac Jacob, miracles recorded in scriptures, coming of Messiah Noah's Ark and the flood ? Or should we use critical thinking like you and call them bubba meisses, can you prove historiacal events for which we only have oral records but are presumed true by historians. You believe everything on science channel without critical thinking?

  13. M'Dvar sheker tirchakJanuary 15, 2017 at 4:54 PM

    Abe, I didn't want to mention the name of the Rav around you Meshuginars who would just bad-mouth him.....

    1. Isn't it convenient to hide behind annonymous Rav sources? Why would anyone bad mouth him unless he's in fact a meshugganer like "rav" Mizrachi who says autistic children suffer because of sins in a prior life.
      As for your Rav, I would simply ask him to convey to us the sources and details of all his fantastic tales. If he can't or won't, perhaps it's time to direct your beliefs to a smarter Rav.

  14. Abe, I was not able to get all the names or dates on that story. However, perhaps I can tell stories in the future with more names and dates so that more people will be apt to believe the TRUTH.

    And, M'dvar sheker, you seem to be causing machlokes....

  15. Aishkodesh can speak for himself, but you seem angry at this story for some reason, going to a smarter rav won't convince you, because plenty of Chasidic ravs tell about miracles and wonderful stories about earlier Chasidic holy ravs without courtroom evidence. Nobody has an obligation to prove a story to you or me, either believe it or not like Ripley, that's all. You don't have to carry on and on.

  16. 8:45, exactly!!! Beautiful comment! Shkoyach!
