Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What drove Aron Austerlits to take his life?

A Rockland father who was found fatally shot in the woods last week died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to News 12 sources.
Ramapo police wouldn’t confirm the victim’s identity, but News 12 sources say the victim was Aron Austerlits. The information given to News 12 by police did match the details provided by News 12 sources. His body was found at Viola Park in Monsey.
Austerlits spent his entire life in the ultra-orthodox village of New Square until 2011 when he was allegedly banished by religious leaders.
See video of protest against Aron years ago ..

Sources say the father of eight was banished alongside New Square firebombing victim Aron Rottenberg.
A friend of Austerlits said he helped a lot of people and gave charity to people privately.


  1. Ezra Friedlander and Marc Schneier - birds of a feather flock together?January 25, 2017 at 8:53 AM

    Ezra Friedlander has just put together an event in DC with Marc Schneier, the disgraced, 5x married, serial philanderer 'Rabbi' from NY, who was expelled from the Rabbinical Council of America, who Friedlander honored last year with one his Jewish Heritage month awards (http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/204421/why-was-rabbi-marc-schneier-honored-for-jewish-american-history-month).


    What is this about, and why is it problematic? Because FFEU promotes the leftist idea of 'Islamophobia', that fear of Islam and Muslims is irrational, despite the fact that it is quite rational, in wake of all the terrorism, and so on.

    Does Friedlander have any standards or shame?

    1. If you're such an expert in expressing your outrage and protest, don't you have any standards or shame to look the other way and not to speak up against the Nazi-zionists who robbed away thousands of babies from their Yemenite and other parents and sold them to none-Jews so the newly established atheistic mafia regime should have a cash flow? And where's your outrage against the Zionist pigs for systematically brainwashing close to 2 million children in their public schools and educating them with a full fledged hate against Hashem? Idiot Friedlander that's your problem?

    2. From where should the Zionist people learn from ? Our corrupt rabbonim that preach Torah and then do the opposite

  2. Does Friedlander have any standards or shame?
    Well-that is why he is called KAPO Friedlander,
    DIN,i think you are making a mistake by giving this irrevelant piece of human garbage so much attention,this cocroach needs to be ignored

  3. This is a tragedy. Baruch Dayan Emmes....

  4. can you translate what the protesters are saying?

  5. Did you see the video of those bochurim protesting? They are thugs! Bullies!
    Where are their mothers and fathers in all of this? Their rebbeim? Where is anybody from the community raising a voice to tell them to stop persecuting this man, no matter what he's done?? Who appointed these young gangsters to be his judge and jury?? It's shameful - from a community that is so 'ruchnios', that feels the need to cut itself off from everyone else and allegedly gives allegiance to halocho and the concept of ahavas yisroel.

    I pray that at shidduchim time, it's not business as usual for these young men. I wish that those participants would somehow get blacklisted and serve as a lesson to others as well, who wish to take part in demonizing other community members. Who would want such a young man to be part of their family?

    This video and their faces should be broadcast and publicized, to warn people from inviting any one of these with despicable behaviour into their families. If you believe that this way of behaving is restricted to this situation and to the man in question, you are very very mistaken. Acting this way cuts across the board. No decent man would allow his daughter to come anywhere near to these young men.

  6. Anonymous at 11:00 AM.

    I got news for you, these animals you see on the video are not an exception but the rule in that insane asylum called New Square,all those unfortunate children born there are brainwashed from their childhood to become worshippers of that murderous gangster Duvid'l Twersky,children born in new square and in that other IR HANIDACHAS "Kyrjas Joel" become ignorant zombies

  7. Why were the Skverrorists out to get him? Did he go with Rottenberg to help make the minyan in the nursing home for the choylah?

  8. 11:28, That is absolute sheker! Don't speak that way!

    And, 1:44, There's no point in even replying to your comment, however, I don't believe that Zionisism OR Anti-Zionism will bring Mashiach Tzidkeinu. However, having Achdus will, as we are told. And this is just ruining it. Congratulations.........

    1. 2:37
      Does anyone force you to reply? And i believe that Zionism will definitely not bring Moshiach, actually they pushed it off for who knows how long, and that's not my personal chidush but that's what real gedoilei yisroel said including the lubavitcher Rebbe, anti-zionism does have the potential of bringing Moshiach as it says in parshas Pinchos

  9. Fred
    They are screamin "Aron Austerlits, Shaygets move out of Skver"
    What happened was that New Square received $$$$$$$$$$ from the Holocaust Commission to be distributed to Holocaust survivors ...... guess what? The didn't ...so Aron z"l made a stink about that ... so they protested in front of his house calling him derogatory names!

  10. Mendel, what are you saying? I don't get it....

    1. If ur sons cheider called u telling u that ur son is bullying another boy, saying terrible things about this one boy, that is stopping other boys talking to him, what would u do or tell ur son ?

      Would u reward him ? Or punish him ?

      Today's rabbonim, Rebbes, dayonim, do such terrible things to HKBH children they make other hidden folow their ruling, that are mostly based on Loshon Horsh and u expect HKBH to reward u with what ? Moshiach

  11. The rebunim pray on their own people,the zionists at least give them good secular education to go out into the world and make a decent living,the rebbes prevent their people to make a decent living on top of that they rob their own of money and self respect

  12. The damn skverer terrorist and his terrorist followers killed a gem of a human being.
    Sick bastards, Ari was one of a kind a genuine gentleman.
    Now the terrorists can look forward to burn in hell for eternity

  13. How many more people must be hurt or die before duvidel twersky goes to prison. He's running a cult the bastard should die. If he's not at least locked behind bars. The crazy guru is like a Jones town leader.

  14. jancsibacsi, untrue. You're biased, I can tell.....

  15. Terrible tragedy. Big questions need to be asked about many things in Skver. Poor Reb Aron! How come nobody got him help...... I feel we, his friends and neighbors should be questioning can we say ידינו לא שפכו את הדם הזה
    Poor family///

    1. What's the question ? U all took part in this man's death, yes u all killed him as if u took the gun in ur hand and shot him

  16. Duzisneis-

    How do you know about the Holocaust Commission $$$$ that never made it to the recipients? What kind of stink did he make?

    this is horrible


  18. 10:39
    We who live in Rockland, remember very well those protests and the reason why? I also knew him personally....

  19. 10:59 AM---You are not saying anythink just bragging about your closeness to the sick cult called new square, di shoite .

  20. jancsibacsi; what do you have against everyone???

  21. 2:37
    You "upgerissiner shoiteh" ......
    " Zionism will definitely not bring Moshiach, actually they pushed it off for who knows how long, "
    Pushed it off? Why didn't Moshiach come before Zionism? Hmm????
    Oh, because it wasn't the time yet? Well, how about it isn't the time now, either?
    Please don't bring the Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l into your crap ..... the Lubavitcher Rebbe actually had an hour discourse with the Boyaner Rebbe and explained to him that there isn't any such thing as "Sholosh Shevuois" anymore and that the time has come to populate Israel!
    You scribble:
    "anti-zionism does have the potential of bringing Moshiach as it says in parshas Pinchos"
    you am haaretz medoirisah .... who was anti-Zionist in Parshas Pinchos ?.....Hmmm?
    oh! Youre right ... Zimri ben Sali .... ahah

  22. DIN, his comment was at 2:21 - mine was at 2:37.....

    But you are corecct.

  23. 2:21 PM---Moshiah is a figment of the imagination get that through your thick skull.

  24. jancibacisi, what are you saying?! That is apikorsus! Moshiach Tzikeinu (may he come bimheira biyameinu) is comletely real! Don't spread your falsehood!

  25. The phuqing guru duvidel twersky should be castrated. A $$ hole that he is, he started Ari's troubles. That piece of $hit should be shot no trial no court case just be shot.

  26. There is no such concept as Moshiach read Moreh Nevuchim.
    It's a pile of Bull $hit
    Duvidel needs to be eliminated.
    The Squaretown guru is a cop out.

  27. There is no such concept as Moshiach read Moreh Nevuchim.


    Mamash sheker. The Rambam zt"l would never have said falsehood like that. You just wait; Moshiach will be here very soon, and you will realize your mistake. Please take my word on this one - and Hashem's - Who said that He would redeem us.

  28. 7:09 PM---Aish you are a hopeless dupe you let yourself be deceived what do you think that people can be lied to all their lifes you are tottaly in a fantasy world di shoite vus di bist.

  29. January 26, 2017 at 7:21 PM
    Anonymous said...
    There is no such concept as Moshiach read Moreh Nevuchim.
    It's a pile of Bull $hit
    Hey MESHUGENER did you ever read the RAMBAM'S thirteen principals of faith and one of them is the faith in MOSHIACH and the resurrection of the dead,so why are you giving us this baloney about the Moreh Nevuchim not believing in Moshiach,
    unless you are not aware that the author of the Moreh was none other than the RAMBAM himself.
    It's pretty obvious that the pile of bull shit resides in your brain

    1. Hey meshugener have you ever learned one daf in the Rambam
      You're the meshuganer

  30. jancsibacsI,

    hey Jancsi,you are nothing but a stupid MARMAROSHER FERD,you have the inteligence of a poodle,as a matter of fact i still remmember that you used to be the TUCHES-LEKER of that antisemite piece of human garbage Shmaryah Rosenberg (failled messiah) yemach shemo,why don't you go and join him .

  31. Why are we mixing Zionism with Ari Austerlitz?

  32. Where does the Rambam say this in moreh nevuchim? He never wrote such a thing. On the contrary, he discusses moshiach in detail in Mishne Torah, what are you talking about?

    1. Why don't you swallow your ignorance and look into a sefer Rambam once.
      Are you forgetting the Rambam s seforim were burnt before they were accepted.

  33. 4:57, yes. And CHAIM, thank you very much for helping out here. Shkoyach!

  34. 11:43 PM---Hey moron what dont you go and worship the cows di farikter beheime

  35. jancsibacsi, this rishus has gone far enough. Just please be quiet before you do another aveirah.

    Gut Shabbos!

  36. Ari, we will remember you.

    Cack this out. https://youtu.be/BV6ua8FYrqU

  37. Chaim, farikter beheime, Marmarosher ferd, meshugener, you all have me rolling in laughter. This is so much better than Saturday night live....

    Can you just imagine it-- and what do you think really goes on over int the New Square Rebbe's private mansion in Nyack where he goes to escape all his zombie chassidim?

    You have no idea... but this Austerlits said to the rebbe, no way am I going to put my butt on the line for you (literally) and go to prison for all your gneiva shtick. You found some other suckers (literally) for that, but I aint one of them. And so the rebbe knew hehad to get rid of this one before he squealed.

    And who knows.. maybe it was move from N.Square at first, but poor Aron knew too much and was a loose canon. he was no zombie. So N. Square Rebbe wanted to shut him up in another way and he knewhis chassidim could be counted on to take care of that -- but no mess, no fire, no witnesses, no threat of a courtcase. Make it clean.
