Sunday, January 8, 2017

Terrorists kill 4 in Yerushalayim

An Israel Police spokesman has reported at least 4 killed and 13 wounded after a truck rammed into pedestrians in the Armon HaNatziv neighborhood in Jerusalem.
MDA EMTs and paramedics reported that all four of those killed - three women and on man - are approximately 20 years of age. Of the 13 living victims, three are severely injured, one is moderately injured, and nine more are lightly injured. All were transferred to either Shaarei Zedek or Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospitals in Jerusalem.
Police units at the scene are investigating.

Yakov Kaminetzki, a volunteer with United Hatzalah's EMS ambucycle unit reported, "When I arrived at the scene I saw a number of pedestrians who were run down by a large truck near the Armon Hanatziv Promenade. Some of the pedestrians were unconscious and trapped underneath the vehicle. I requested that the dispatch and command center send additional assistance including fire and rescue services as well as additional EMS responders due to the large number of injured persons. Near the vehicle were a number of other pedestrians who had sustained various degrees of injuries some of whom were in serious and moderate condition."


  1. May Hashem heal the injured ones and protect us from the cruel Arabs, Amein.


  2. Stupid suicidal lemming Jews - don't you realize by now that as long as one Muslim Arab murderous swine will live in Eretz Yisroel you will never have peace and jewish blood will flow like water,there is only one solution " THEY MUST ALL GO" anything else is NATIONAL SUICIDE

