Sunday, January 15, 2017

Jerry Nadler will not attend Trump Inauguration

Fat, Israel back stabber, Jeff Nadler will not attend the inauguration of Donald Trump, because of Trump's feud with the Black John Lewis......

The Black John Lewis said that Trump's election was "illegitimate"....and when Trump hit him back and tweeted that Lewis' district was full of crime and that Lewis was all "talk and no action," democrats started whining that Trump messed with the nation's icon! 

Nadler voted for the Iran Nuclear deal, that gave Iranian murderers, nuclear weapons ..... dissing his Holocaust survivor constituents ....and now dissing his constituents again, who overwhelmingly voted for Trump!


  1. Awwww
    Now the satmar cult is going to whine again. The antisemite brothers are heart broken Donald Trump won the election. They're Black Muslim brothers are hurting.
    aron and zalman leib are going to fast and pray to Allah that the situation changes in their favour. Poor little bastards your time has come to eat $hit and die.

  2. No, they're gonna run and attend acting as if they indorsed him

  3. At least Jerry Nadler has some principles, as opposed to his Hasidic poodle Ezra Friedlander, who is now trying to kiss up to the new administration, while at the same time continuing to hang with his old leftist comrades. Sooner or later people should wake up to his two faced act.

  4. It's Jerrold Nadler, not Jeff.

    I'm going to sit on the fence here, or at least until I start seeing some consulting gelt from the Congressional Shvartzer Caucus.

    I told my good friend Jerrold that maybe we can work out a compromise with the Donald. Jerrold might change his mind if the inauguration has a big spread flown in of OVERSTUFFED pastrami sandwiches from the treifenna Katz's deli on Houston St, Manhattan. Those are Jerrold's favorite!

  5. AishKodesh said...
    11:21, that is filth and garbage.
    This time you are absolutely right,Aron and Zalmen Teitel-Bum certainly are filth and garbage.


  6. Oh my, Nadler won't attend? Cancel the inauguration... lol...

    who cares what that fat Hitler says or does (besides satmar and the arabs)

  7. CHAIM, no, I meant his comment. And how can any person ever say that another is garbage?!?! How can you or anyone else for that matter know someone's potential? Only Hashem does!! Now enough of this!

  8. Aish Kodesh,
    let me ask you a simple question,if i were to call the Jewish Kapo's who collaborated and helped the Nazi's murder their own brothers and sisters,would my calling them filth and garbage bother you? if your answer is yes,then you belong in a mental asylum for the criminally insane,but if your answer is no then please explain what's the difference between the Kapos of 70 years ago and these two Jew hating and Israel hating Kapo swines Aron and Zalmen,now let me explain why i call them Kapo's,when the Israeli prime minister was here begging and pleading for the lives of the six and half million Jews in our holy land who were threathened with anhiliation by the Iranian Nazis and who were working day and night to produce and aquire nuclear weapons for exactly that purpose,the PM was here begging the congress not to let Obama go ahead with his murderous deal with Iran,and what did this KAPO bastard Aron yemach shemo do? he had his mayor of Kiryas Joel write a letter to all the senators and congressmen of NY state not to listen to the PM but to support Obama yemach shemo,is there a bigger obcenity than this ?,as a matter of fact this filthy murderous bastard is 100 times worse than the Kapo's of 70 years ago,because the jewish kapos under the Nazis had no choice and thought that they might save their and their families lives,but this filthy swine WHY IS HE DOING THIS?.
    And that other filthy swine brother Zalmen set up an organization called "NETRUNA"(has nothing to do with Neturei Karta) where they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in print and media ads to tell the gentile world that our God given holy land of Israel does not belong to us but belongs to the Palestinians and us jews have no right to it,tell me AISH KODESH what do you call this ? if not murderous Jew hating KAPO BASTARDS.

  9. To your initial question, those Kapos (most of them - some helped escapes) turned terrible. Though, of course, it still is not our place to sit and judge them as they were in a tough position. But do I hevaily disagree with them? OF COURSE!

    Did I say I agreed with what The Satmar Rebbe shlita did there? Totally not! I disagree with it! But, nonetheless, we still do not have the rishus to slander him or anyone else for that matter.

    Defending someone does not mean I agree with them - I just don't like people speaking lashon hara.

    I try not to hate Jews - including you and anyone else on here. So, I don't have anything against you - just sometimes against your words.

    Kol Tuv!


    notice how all of a sudden AISH KODESH is tongue tied and has nothing to answer.

  11. Did I say I agreed with what The Satmar Rebbe shlita did there? Totally not! I disagree with it! But, nonetheless, we still do not have the rishus to slander him or anyone else for that matter.
    Are you out of your mind,how can you make such a mind boggling and idiotic statement,SIX AND A HALF MILLION Jewish men women and children sent their prime minister to beg the only country who can prevent the murderous Iranian Islamo-Nazis from incinerating them with a mushroom cloud over Tel-Aviv,and this ROTZEACH this bloody murderous piece of human garbage Aron yemach shemo sent letters to all the NY senators and congressmen instructing them to ignore the pleas of the six million of his brothers and sisters and vote with Obama to enable Iran to incinerate them,and you have the CHUTZPAH to call this RASHA this piece of human garbage a REBBE,this filthy jew hating bastard has a DIN of a MOISER who needs to be put in CHEREM and vomited out of KLALL YISROEL

  12. He is too fat to sit in the chair for the duration of the ceremony.
