Friday, January 27, 2017

Eida Ha'Chareidis ban driving and riding in Cars

"Gedoilim" of the Eida Ha'Charedis in Yerushalyim are being mocked for their new fatwa against cars!
Yup ... you heard this right.... you can no longer drive or ride in a car.....
These antiquated relics have gone off the deep end .... claiming that if you ride in a car you have opportunities to go to houses of ill repute...
Hey "gedoilim" you don't need a car to go molest a prostitute, you can can just walk over to the shul's mikvah ....

And they write that this "car ban" is included in the "smartphone ban" 
They add that by driving a car you're putting your life in danger because you may be involved in a car accident. 
I guess the Rebbis like Satmar with their motorcades , and the Skverer Rebbe with his gleaming black Cadillac  will be violating the ban .... I guess ...
Crazy and getting crazier......


  1. Now they wake up after a century of riding cars,what about bicycles?:)

  2. DIN, this is hard to believe. Are you completely sure that this is real?

  3. Can't believe you fell for this obvious forgery

  4. It's probably a joke

  5. You know that this is a fake news satire, don't you?

  6. Guy ......ha ha
    Please don't confuse me with the facts ..... ha ha
    I stand by my remarks!

  7. I also think this is a satire and a mocking of these knuckle-dragger chareidim. Note that the proclimation is unsigned.
    OTH, I wouldn't be surprised if it was real. Remember this?

  8. They're right.
    You do put your life in danger.
    When you drive on the same road as the Satmar Motorcade.

  9. DIN,This is obviously a fake and phony PASHKVIL trying to make fun out of the EIDA crazies

  10. Someone pleeeeeez tell me this is a hoax.

  11. This PASHKEVIL is as true as the blogger of DIN is a believer in Toras Moshe
