Monday, December 19, 2016

Jerry "the Jewish Kapo" Nadler fights Appointment of David Friedman as US Ambassador to Israel

This obese self-hating Jew, who calls himself Nadler, and who voted to put Nuclear Weapons in the hands of the Iranian Mullas, has now aligned himself with the anti-Semitic J Street to fight Trump's choice, Mr. David Friedman as US ambassador to Israel. 

Nadler released a disgusting and vile statement from his cave in Washington DC!

Mr. David Friedman's Crime? 
Loving every inch of Israel including the settlements!

Ezra Friedlander the Chassidisher naive fool, is the spokesman for this fat, back stabbing lowlife.

Please call:
 Nadler's Office: (718) 373-3198
Call Ezra Friedlander: (212) 233-5555

Now my readers have an opportunity to put Nadler and his doggie Ezra in their place once and for all ..... 

"Everybody please get on Nadler's website if you don't want to call, there's a spot where you can leave this traitor a message.
Don't sit idly by when this traitor gets his money from J Street who get their money from Soros and Arabs.J Steet also has a website and bombard them with messages"

Here is Nadler's Statement! A Statement that could have been made by any Arab Muslim Country!
The nomination of David Friedman as the new U.S. Ambassador to Israel underscores, yet again, the extremist agenda of Donald Trump and his administration.  This is an appointment with dangerous consequences for both the United States and Israel, not only with respect to the prospect of an eventual negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but also with respect to the relationship between our two countries, and more generally, to regional stability.
"Mr. Friedman’s views and comments about a two-state solution are not only a total break from decades of American and Israeli policy, but are fundamentally out-of-step with the views of the majority of American Jews.  Support for a two-state solution is not only official U.S. policy, it is also the official Israeli policy when it comes to a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.  Breaking from this position undermines the longstanding diplomatic alignment between our two countries, and magnifies the risk to Israel’s long-term safety and security by increasing dangerous regional instability.  Moreover, the overwhelming majority of American Jews, along with most American Jewish organizations across the spectrum—from AIPAC to J-Street—all support a two-state solution. 
"Mr. Friedman’s appointment is even more disturbing given his hateful rhetoric in describing, for example, some supporters of a two-state solution as “worse than kapos.”  Using Nazi imagery, such as the term kapo—a reference to Jews who cooperated and/or assisted the Nazis during the Holocaust—when referring to Jews or Israel today, no matter the circumstance, is broadly deemed to be anti-Semitic and should be condemned in the same way it would be if someone who was not Jewish were to use it.  
"Mr. Friedman’s extreme views and use of such hateful language is an insult to the majority of American Jews.
"With the appointment of David Friedman, Donald Trump has continued the divisive politics that were regularly on display during his campaign.  As another in a series of extremists to be appointed to top positions within the Administration, Mr. Friedman’s radical hardline positions place him far outside the mainstream of both American and Israeli policy and of American Jewry.  His appointment is not only offensive to both American and Israeli Jews, it again signals the intent of Donald Trump and the Republicans who support him to align with extreme right-wing positions.  Mr. Friedman’s views break with one of the fundamental building blocks of U.S. and Israeli policy, jeopardizing the U.S.-Israel relationship going forward."


  1. Everybody please get on Nadler's website if you don't want to call, there's a spot where you can leave this traitor a message.
    Don't sit idly by when this traitor gets his money from J Street who get their money from Soros and Arabs.J Steet also has a website and bombard them with messages

  2. DIN,you are being to kind to Ezra the KAPO,he is not naive or a fool he knows exactly what he is doing,this piece of human garbage would sell his own mother for a few stinkin dollars

  3. time to vote this guy out of office. he is a hack. we can do much better than him.

    1. Didn't you guys try to vote him out at the last elections? And he won with a landslide, obviously you guys represent a few depressed losers who have nothing going on for themselves besides platzzing when someone else is successful

  4. They're getting money,somebody investigate.

  5. 12,12 %%
    You're the Israel hater and deprressed,and you hide the fact that this bum's didtrict encompasses the largest liberal leftie group in bklyn and Manhattan and unless more people vote it's hard to get him out.

    1. Hey Mr depressed
      I'm not hiding nothing, and i know exactly who and what he represents, and as a local representative he should first care about local issues, he was NOT elected to represent the so called state of Israel

    2. Shame on you to differentiate between Jews left right, don't you have a ideology of we have to respect the left because they're the majority? And btw the so called left self-hating Jews are nothing worse than the REAL self-hating Zionist pigs

  6. 12:12
    You must be deranged! He won by a landslide by the left self hating Jew and for the support of Ezra the "two-timing money grubbing" bastard ... who would sell his mother that lives in Boca for 2 cents!

  7. DIN, I understand your "passion", but this is too far.

    Let me relate a story of the Chofetz Chaim zt"l: Once he was speaking to a man while his son-in-law was composing an urgent telegram.

    Sensing that the conversation was taking a turn towards lashon hara, Reb Yisroel Meir zt"l observed "See how careful people are with the wording of a telegram! They count every word. Why? Because they know that every word costs them money. How much more careful should we be with every word, that might involve not a few pennies but serious prohibitions, and that cause loss of money and even of life." (From Sparks of Mussar).

  8. 3:53
    You bloody fool מזרע עמלק ..... "so called State of Israel?" You farikta briah!
    If he should "first care about local issues" then why is the fat bastard commenting on the appointment of David Friedman? You upgerissinar naar!
    And he was most definetly elected to care about his constituents who are Holocaust survivors!
    The Kapo Ezra went around whoring for the fatso and sold his soul to the devil!

    1. The Zionist pigs are the REAL Zera Amalek according to chazal and I'm BH definitely not a Zionist
      Yes i repeat the SO CALLED state of Israel, because the atheistic Zionist pigs have nothing in common with Judaism and the name was stolen it's all FAKE PHONY AND FRAUD,and he's supposed to care about local issues, Friedman is to be a representative of our great country the USA besides the fact that the USA is the main backbone specially militarily of the so called state of Israel and every elected official has a right to give their opinions YOU UPGERISSENER NAAR
      The so called state is NOT representing Judaism so they're NOT representing holocaust survivors they should actually be accountable for their role in the holocaust
      Ezra didn't sell anything to the devil because Zionism is THE devil

  9. 3.53%%%%
    You're right, he represents the USA, so why is he fighting a USA president elect's choice if that's what he wants? You see, you're a snake, because if trump picked a J street lover you'd be happy like a pig in crap. Local issues are for councilmen and assembly reps, this guy is a US Congressman who deals in international issues as well as local.

    1. The USA is a REAL democracy NOT like the socialist communist atheistic Nazi-zionist mafia regime, the U.S. is NOT a dictatorship he has all the rights to speak his mind and say the opposite of the president, you know who's a REAL snake the chazir fresser bibi, when Mr Trump wanted to visit the so called state of Israel in the beginning of the election season he was told by the Zionist snake bibi stay home (obviously they didn't believe at that time that he might win), and donkey it doesn't make any difference to me if he picked a J street lover or whatever, the USA should deal with the so called Israeli state like a boss,besides the Israeli thieves can't even one day exist without the USA, so the USA should demand FULL RESPECT and the Israelis should follow orders

  10. I don't get how Zionists or Anti-Zionists are "Nazis"....

  11. Did drunken Hillary with her nervous breakdown write 12,03 and 12,18?
    This farkakter zealot doesn't understand that Hashem protects Israel with or without the USA. He or she doesn't know that in 1948 the US and any other country didn't give a bullet to Israel and they still beat 8 armies. Can somebody give him-her a job so can feed his mother and bubby.
