Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump a True Friend of Israel

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu congratulated Donald Trump on Wednesday, following his victory in Tuesday’s election.

Netanyahu, who assiduously avoided commenting on the race prior to the vote, called Trump "a true friend” of Israel.

Following criticism by left-leaning media outlets that he had appeared to side with Mitt Romney in 2012, the Prime Minister remained mum on this year’s election, going so far as to order government ministers not to make public statements on the issue.

Netanyahu said he looked forward to working with the 45th President of the United States, adding that the bond between the US and Israel was “ironclad.”

"President-elect Trump is a true friend of the state of Israel, and I look forward to working with him to advance security, stability and peace in our region," Netanyahu said.
"The ironclad bond between the United States and Israel is rooted in shared values, buttressed by shared interests and driven by a shared destiny.”
"I am confident that president-elect Trump and I will continue to strengthen the unique alliance between our two countries and bring it to ever greater heights."
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin also reacted to the news of Trump’s election, congratulating him – and warning him of the challenges he will face once in office.

“I want to congratulate President elect Donald Trump, his family, and all the American people who have once again showed the world it is the greatest democracy.”
“There are many challenges that lie before you as president - at home and around the world. Israel, your greatest ally, stands by you as your friend and partner in turning those challenges into opportunities.”
Rivlin then offered a blessing for the new President-elect, and a wish for increased cooperation between Israel and the US.

“I hope together Israelis and Americans can grow our innovation and cooperation, which are the fruits of liberty, and equality. God bless you Mr. President.”

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