Sunday, November 6, 2016

Ivanka Trump Visiting Ohel Of Lubavitcher Rebbe


  1. G'poielt Ales Guts

  2. unfortunately, it will not help him,the fix is in.
    besides the point praying to dead Rebbe's has no point and no use,if you want something you go straight to HASHEM and not to dead humans.


    1. It seems like you got it all figured! I guess generations of Yidden that went and Davened by kivrei Tzaddikim and had Yeshuos is really meaningless
      Please pass this information to Kupat Hair fundraisers....
      And to all those who go to Kever Hagr"a zatza"l against his wishes!

  3. Last week, a Lubavitcher Celeveland Indians fan, Dan Eleff through out the ceremonial first pitch at the last game of the World Series. Result? Cleveland lost.

    Why didn't Jared and Ivanka learn a lesson and stay away from the Ayhel of the False Messiah, the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneersohn? It reflects poorly on them.

  4. Chaim, that's not why people go to the graves of Tzaddikim. They don't, Chas V'Shalom Raven to them. However, by going to these Tzaddikims' graves, they invoke their zechusim in their prayers.

    Oy vey, you just seem to be another one of the people who hates the Lubavitcher Rebbe at"l. Was he Mashiach? Of course not. But was he a huge Tzaddik? Of course yes.

  5. Chaim, if she would've gone to Monroe, you wouldn't have called Teitelbaum a dead rebbe, huh?

  6. It is important to specify dead when writing about the False Messiah our this era, the DEAD Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneersohn, because some of his whacky followers insist that he is alive. I am not aware of any Satmars who claim that their late rebbe is still alive. Such whackos exist only in the Lubovitcher sect evidently.

    The false messiah aspect of the late Lub. Rebbe is a giant stain on him.

  7. Anti false Messiah, stop with the anti-Lubavitch stuff already....
