Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Shan & Toad Online Retailer Offers Full Refunds on Items Unless You Live In These 5 Chareidi Towns in the USA

The return policy for Shan and Toad, an online children’s clothing store, is pretty standard until you reach the asterisk.
The store offers full refunds on items not on sale for shoppers who are “dissatisfied” with his or her purchases, unless you live in Brooklyn, NY, Monsey, NY, Monroe, NY, Lakewood, NJ or Passaic, NJ


  1. Chilul Hashem
    Their reason we all know but will still claim Antisemitism.

  2. Its about time i know many many hassidim who do this kind of thing they wear the clothes once their children also or twice to show of then they go return the merchandise what a chillel hashem it is.

  3. What kind of people would do this? Those that have too many children that they can't afford to support because the men refuse to work and women are prohibited higher education. What kind of hashkafa aquiesces this crookedness ? Theirs .

  4. Brooklyn Monroe Monsey and Lakewood I get. But even Passaic? I know it's charedi but it's definitely less than the others. And Williamsburg not? Impressed.

    1. Williamsburg is in Brooklyn Di chuchum

    2. Williamsburg is in Brooklyn

  5. B"H

    The men don't refuse to work, it's not even an option;they are brainwashed and not in total charge of their own senses. And the girls in Bais Yaakov are brainwashed as well. And the parents, instead of putting a stop to this madness, comply with it - some of them still kollel couples themselves. And all are fantasizing the portions of livyoson gefilte fish waiting for them at the head table....

  6. A small amount of research with the help of Google makes clear that the proprietor is likely living in one of said communities (or similar ones) It takes one to know one ;)

  7. B"H

    BTW just so we shouldn't think we're the only ones, there is a chashash that non Jews purchase crockery and silverware for parties, use and return. They are repackaged and resold. Years ao they were sold as new since the stores weren't aware. Not sure if this still goe on.

  8. I've been told that many Jews return air conditioners and other appliances at the end of the summer to the huge Catskills Walmart, after they've used them since the beginning of the summer when they were first purchased. I've never seen this, and I hope it is not true. But if it is, it is huge Hillul HaShem, just like the issur on returning clothing to said communities.

  9. Fred, It is 100% TRUE. So much so that the catskills walmart is the only one that revoked their return policy. Our own kind (and how it hurts to say that), would buy acsm bicycles, etc and use them for 2-3 months, then return them.
    And the saddest thing is that they think they are doing nothing wrong.
    And lets face facts, satmar is the number 1 sect that doesnt give a damn about chilul hashem.

  10. Delta no longer backs up their products if you live in Williamsburg. if there is a problem you take a picture of the broken part and they will send you a replacement.

  11. This has nothing to do with people being too poor, because from the looks of this site and the prices there, their merchandise is expensive and only for those looking to show off.

    Perhaps one could ask as well what it is about our communities that children wearing such fancy things is considered worthy of envy.

  12. Anon is correct
    this is a Flatbush biz

  13. This is not unlike Returning TV's after the superbowl... Stop nitpicking at every human fault and blaming it on religion.
