Sunday, September 4, 2016

Rabbi Yair Hoffman Panders to Satmar vis a vis Rebbetzin Jungreis

Chalk one up to the  new Satmar "Tuchis Lekker!"....... 
The one and only "poisik hador," Rabbi Yair Hoffman!!

In a tribute to the late Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis a"h, Rabbi Yair Hoffman in an article in the 5 Towns August 26 edition, credits the Satmar Rav, R' Yoel Teitelbaum as the creator of the Rebbetin's kiruv movement, Hineni ...

What??????????????? Are you kidding me?
Satmar Rebbe is the founder of Hineni?????

Satmar Rebbe is the founder of a kiruv movement????????????

Yup ..... you think that Artscroll has the license to re-write history??
Rabbi Yair Hoffman now joins the others in re-writing the entire Rebbetzin Jungreis' Kiruv Movement and writes, albeit in parentheses, .... that if it wasn't for Satmar Rebbe there wouldn't be Hineni!

Now, anyone that knows anything about R' Yoel Teitelbaum, the founder of the Satmar Chassidic movement, knows that the Satmar Rebbe was totally against all kiruv movements, and frequently mocked Lubavitch for their Tefiilin Campaign! He also said that the Kiruv Yeshivois Chinuch Atzmaei was "chazir treif."

When people pointed out to him that the Baal Shem the founder of the Chassidic world started the entire movement on the basis to be mekareiv other Jews, he would dismiss the entire idea and say that the Baal Shem's ideology  was "nishtakach" "Forgotten!"  

To now write "It is a fact. No Satmar Rebbe, no Hineni" is not only and out and out lie, and pure fiction but laughable!
Most liars ala Hillary Clinton start their lies with "It is a fact!"

The Satmar Rebbe never "advised her to go ahead and form her Hineni kiruv movement in 1973."

The Rebbe was against Kiruv .... ask any Satmar Chusid ...
What happened was ... the Rebbetzin after deciding to form Hineni went to the Rebbe to get his blessing ....
the Rebbe knowing full well that she was not a Satmar Chusid and would do it anyway ... gave her his blessing but I'm sure that if one of his lady Chassidim would have asked to start a kiruv movement he would have said "absolutely no."!

Yair Hoffman now joins his nemesis, the "clown" Yitzy Franfurter as bono fide Satmar Tuchis Lekkers!
Pass the toilet paper ... please! 


  1. Gavaldig keep on being obsessed with Satmar and with the majority of frum Judaism who admire and look up to Satmar and their accomplishments, and the biggest joke is the so-called kiruv of chabad, there's no mitzvah to love reshaim and that's what chabad does, and their own they don't give a flying hoot about, and yes the entire concept of the derech habesht is gone doesn't exist anymore, actually doesn't exist for about 150 t years and chabad not only that it has no connection to chassidus but not even to the original chabad, it's a public relations firm and their faith is similar to Judaism, and that's thanks to the great professor of Sorbonne and now it's time to use lubavitcher slang KUSH IN TOCHES BUT ONLY THE LEFT SIDE BECAUSE THE RIGHT IS TAKEN BY THE REBBE KING MESSIAH

  2. Satmar are filth - they are not even Jews anymore, but a Rebbe-worshipping cult, Neo-Christians.

  3. " No Satmar Rebbe, no Hineni" is hard to believe.
    She asked for brachos from various rabbis, but she was an extraordinary woman who was on an extraordinary mission and nobody could have stopped her. Rabbi Hoffman, please provide the "facts" for your statement.

    the Derby

  4. Not only did satmer not accomplish anything but they ruined that that was accomplished and built up throu generations upon generations of jewish scolars and talmidei chachamim

  5. To anonymous ranting about chabad; yes chabad loves all Jews those who are tzadikim and those that aren't yet tzadikim. I refer to the article that was printed in NYC newspapers concerning which hookers call call whores and prostitutes the satmar "chasidim" love.

    1. I'm not ranting about anything, i myself grew up in chabad, but unfortunately after studying the sifrei chabad it became clear that nowadays the chabad movement is money making propaganda machine and they don't give a hoot about their own old natural followers only about so called kiruv for strangers putting on tfilin and making brachos on lulov with whoever is willing to including none Jews, that's exactly what's happening to two of my employees who happened to be Palestinians and speak fluently the Nazi-zionist language

  6. I believe it was Shlomo Carlebach that pushed her to go to Madison Square Garden and start the movement.

  7. To unknown: still waiting for clarification Re the satmars and their whores call girls hookers and prostitutes. Unless since nishtakach toiras.... gives your ilk license to shame kol asher bshem yisroel yechuneh with your sexcapades which were publicly documented and spread bchol hatfutzos causing a massive chilul hashem, while lubavitchers were putting on tefilin with reshaim.

  8. Nu unknown: ndekashasik shma minah idooyai odeh loi

  9. Both the satmerers and the lubavichers are mental defects.

    1. And the litvaks are gemaleteh ferden

  10. "that's exactly what's happening to two of my employees who happened to be Palestinians and speak fluently the Nazi-zionist language"

    I hope that they turn on you and stab you and your filthy offspring. You should neve have been born - A Shanda Hitler missed your grandparents
