Thursday, September 22, 2016

R' Juda Lebowitz makes Aliyah fulfilling a lifetong dream


  1. Mazal Tov, R' Judah....
    This clip should be shown at all hotels and shuls during the upcoming Aseret Yemei Tshuvah... Bring your kvitlach to this holy Jew, and may he be an inspiration to all.
    This little clip is the antidote to the anti-EY plaplerei, shvantzerei and hazerei....
    This little clip also puts to shame those who are not anti-EY but are to one degree or another indifferent to it.... That, unfortunately, means a sizable chunk of the orthodox...

    Standing ovation from the Quartet;

    Cha Cha de Chazente
    de Heen & de Hoon

  2. It's interesting that the Ksav appears to be similar to modern Sefardi Ksav and not at all like what the Ashkenazim use. However it's not clear if this was (part of) an actual Sefer Torah since it starts with Vayikra.

  3. Sorry I posted the above comment to the wrong article.
