Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Chareidim terrorize IDF Soldier in SHUL!

Image result for chareidie attacks on idf
There is a movement in the frum world to have people "stop talking in shul" ..... 
Every moontig n' dunershig" (monday & thursday) a Rabbi with a big beard talks on a podcast,on the internet, basically saying that all the ills of the world that have befallen the Jewish people is because of people "talking in shul!"
I'm positive that "not talking in shul" is a very good thing and would open all doors to heaven ....no doubt about that ...

But what I cannot comprehend is  a guy sitting in shul, davening and not talking .... and observes an IDF soldier davening in the same shul getting attacked and he keeps his mouth shut! 

Instead of getting up and being moiche that another Jewish child is being attacked, and not just "stam" a Jew, but a Jew who puts his life on the line every single day to help other Jews...he sits there and continues with his "ashrei"..... that "non talking guy in shul" Jew is a Rasha Me'Rusha! 
More wicked than his buddies that attacked the soldier ...

The story below was broadcast all over Israel, and yet, not one Rabbi or Gadol said a word in this special month of Ellul, a month of Teshuvah ....
Yom Kippur will not erase the aveirah of  that "non talking shul" Jew that witnessed an atrocity committed against his brother the soldier ....
I'm not talking about the miserable savages that attacked the innocent soldier that came to daven .... for them there isn't a hell hot enough ...
If I hear another podcast about "not talking in shul" I'm going to scream!
I'm going to leave the "Rabbi Havlin" story for another post another day! 

Anti-Zionist radicals harassed a haredi soldier on Sunday when he came to pray in a Jerusalem synagogue.
The soldier, who showed up at the ‘shteiblach’ [small synagogues with multiple prayer groups around the clock] in the Zichron Moshe neighborhood in the capital, was targeted by a group of locals who shouted at him, calling him a “hardak” – a portmanteau of haredi and haydak (bacteria) – and demanding he leave the area.
After enduring the verbal abuse, the soldier gave up and left the building.
Harassment of haredi draft opponents, which surged following the passage of the controversial Draft Law in 2013, has not been limited to religious soldiers. Even senior haredi officials who have compromised over the issue have found themselves targeted by fringe elements.

After anti-Zionist vandals broke into his home, Kiryat Gat Chief Rabbi Moshe Havlin has become the target of angry protests by draft opponents.
Rabbi Havlin, a member of the Chabad Hassidic movement, was a signatory on an agreement with the IDF which provided that 85% of Chabad yeshiva students will receive a two-year deferral for study, before being inducted, while 15% will be permanently exempted from military service.


  1. We need a better year than the one we just had...
    So...... For all of you who revere a certain rebbe or rav in EY,and especially if you're going there for Holy Days....
    Get by the gabboim, shleppers, leidigeirs and Gechazies, and send this message directly to the rabbis.....
    We want drashas of condemnation against attacking another Jew and especially of an IDF chayal... Same thing happened in Meah Shearim a few months ago... They refused an IDF's entry into a shteibel...
    The Daf Yomis can wait.....
    Do you understand what happened?? A Jew was thrown out of shul , was unable to daven, was shamed and insulted and couldn't pray to Hashem...
    I want condemnation from the rebbes and rabbonim....
    I'm telling you guys that you're turning people like me into chareidi haters, which is NOT what what we want to be....
    I don't give a frog's mechillah about any other chumrah, shiyur or rosh keves availability...
    I DEMAND an apology...!!!!
    WE demand an apology...
    There was a reason for the almost daily stabbings in EY.... A knife cuts in two... Separating Jews because of affiliation or IDF service breeds stabbings....
    Oh, so you're a navi huh?????? I can hear you tell me...

    NO... I'm no navi..... When was the last time we listened to a navi??????
    If one came today and stood up in your shteibel you'd laugh at him...
    Check Tanach... NOT to even ONE Navi did we listen.... Not'a 'One...
    Only Nineveh of all places listened to a navi, Yonah...
    Imagine.... He runs away because he's afraid that Jews won't listen to him so they'll be a kitrug..... So he shows up, spat out of 2 fish, soaking wet, disheveled, hungry on Broadway in Ninveh.... Tells them, in 40 days yuz are dust.... AND GUESS WHAT ??? They listen to him...!! Ha Ha...
    No, pals, you don't want a navi...... You frummies start doing tshuvah first.....
    I want a better year.... Don't we all????
    I know about apples, honey and raisin challas.... I WANT ABSOLUTE CONDEMNATION....!!!!
    You tekiah-9 kolos at least- medakdekers.... You want them to pierce Shomayim this year???? CONDEMN THE TERRORISM...!!!

    Slichas at 4:oo am huh??????
    IDF chayals are thrown out of shuls... Your selichos isn't worth a dime if you agree with this barbarism....
    Don't play with fire....!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. We should throw them out of our shuls when they come collecting

  3. and you guys think that moshiach will come. to whom? tho these self hating nazis?
