Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Yehivah World Blog's Comments, talk just like the Meraglim

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In a post titled: "Rabbi Chaim Druckman: How Can Jews Still Be Living In The Diaspora?"

Rav Druckman, Rosh Yeshiva Bnei Akiva, questioned  “after all that has happened to the Jewish People, how is it possible that there are Jews still living in The Diaspora?”

Look at the hateful remarks that,  Bnei Torah, Yeshivish and Chassidish people are making in the comments section  ..
Just as if they were meraglim....
I am telling you that the Roshei Yeshivas and the Chassididhe Rebbes in Chutz L'aaretz have to rounded up and be taught our holy Torah all over again ....they are destroying generations of Jewish children!  They have done more damage to the Jewish soul than Ben Gurion!

Except for one blogger (the comment below)  "ZionGate" that said it perfectly, the rest of the comments could be posted in Al Jazirrah

ZionGate says:
From Chapter 4, EHS, Rav Teichtal H”YD :
Margeleh befumeei of Rav Sonnenfeld ZT”L;
Urei Betoov Yerushalayim; One always must see the good in EY, meaning the good aspects of it, and not chas vesholom be meragel like the meraglim. And they were meragel when there wasn’t a single Jew, al achas kama vekama when there is a kibbutz Yidden.
Orach Chayim : 17the of Ellul is a taanis tzaddikim because the meraglim died then.
Mogen Avraham asks: But, B’avod Reshoim Rina?
Shaloh Hakadosh answers that they were tzaddikim.
Hence we see that that even tzaddikim can be meraglim.
Please, watch how you demonize Eretz Yisroel, especially in the 3 weeks. Many things wrong ?? Make Aliya, encourage the masses to do the same, and fix it. In Galut it’s like avodah zarah. No charifus pilpul can deny it.

  • says:
    Your see! Looking frum but in thr the head is KRUM.
  • sickofidiots says:
    The great Shofar to proclaim our freedom already sounded? Mashiach came already? How come I did not hear it? Silly me..
  • arizona says:
    Rabbi Chaim Druckman should read YWN. Every day there are new reasons not to live there.
  • Not getting involved says:
    Because America is a free country, at least for the moment, I think. Over here you can sit and learn Torah without being harassed by the Government. One is not forced to throw out his Yiddishkeit and join the army. One can go to work as a Charedie and not be discriminated against. Over here one can get along with our “not yet frum” brothers and sisters without all the hate. There aren’t all the tensions between the two and Kiruv rechokim is so much more pleasant and welcoming. Unfortunately in Israel it’s all the opposite.
    Btw, we’ve had generations of Gedolim/Rabbanim/Roshey Yeshiva /Rebbes etc… from all segments who did NOT move to Eretz Yisroel. When Moshiach comes and reveals himself, we’ll pick ourselves up and go.
  • bugnot says:
    Well for one, God cursed us. Hashem said that until the 3rd Bais Hamikdash is rebuilt, we will be spread among the other nations.
  • mendoza says:
    because yr goverment is corupted
    worrse then in the usa
  • kvetcher says:
    That’s a very good question. I’m not sure what to answer, but R’ Aharon Kotler, R’ Moshe Feinstein and R’ Yaakov Kaminetzky must have had a good reason. Of course there are many more names of Gedolim that could be included in the previous sentence.
  • rwndk1 says:
    With all due respect to Rav Druckman, I have been living in Eretz Yisrael for almost thirty years, would never consider going back, however there are reasons why at this point in history it is not for everyone.
    1) The lack of communal structure – say what you want about the yishuvim, the new communities they are trying, it is not the same. I have been there and I grew up in USA, it is just not the same. It is much more difficult here for a person to feel he belongs, to offer his services (even free of charge), and to get involved. When I was in High School, the school saw it as a responsibility to make sure a shiva-house had a minyan and would send a group for Mincha in the winter, here with the huge numbers, I see them flagging people down. A person wants to give a shiur who is not a great talmid chacham, in USA will have an audience, here probably not. Simchas – there people go and stay for a while, here “if I have time I will pop in”. This can make people feel very lonely.
    2) The total separation of “black hat” from “kippa sruga” is disturbing and very unhealthy. Our shul had a bit of this and that without making an issue out of it. What is happening here is that many come with good intentions, and feel they belong in kippa sruga, without the “black hatters” to befriend them and keep them honest, the demands of the community are just not as great and children of olim chadashim who would have succeeded abroad are getting lost. On the other hand, the “black hatters” without the other side to keep them honest, can lose their children if not religiously then certainly in other ways related to attitudes towards others.
    3) I was drawn to Israel by the simplicity of life, much to my chagrin materialism is rampant here, there is no longer the simple living that I was charmed by. Just look at old houses in yishuvim and the new ones to see the difference.
    4) The list goes on.
    Yes, it is a mitzvah, it is the land Hashem gave us, and I am very happy here, however there are many who would grow further in Yiddishkeit abroad than here and at this point until things change, they need to be respected as good Torah-observant Jews.
  • akuperma says:
    Because a bunch of רשעים took over the land of Israel and actively persecute Jews for being too frum. In America the current regime is at worst “benign”. It doesn’t see a Torah lifestyle as something to be surpressed. At worst, we are seen as “quaint” or “archaic”, but hardly a threat to society. At least the national anthem isn’t about creating a world free from the yoke of Torah.
  • dani 1659 says:
    New Restrictions Surround Donating A Sefer Torah To The IDF As The IDF Appears To Becoming Increasingly Anti-Religious
  • sholom66 says:
    Rabbi Druckman! Not everybody believes in messianic zionism
  • american_yerushalmi says:
    Unfortunately, all the commenters here are correct! In even more ways than you’ve mentioned and can even imagine. The assembly where Rav Druckman was speaking was not a gathering of yeshiva bochurim or avreichim in kollel. I fail to understand altogether why Dati Leumi news reports belong on a chareidi website at all. Particularly someone like Rav Druckman who has just about zero standing in the chareidi tzibbur here.
    Nevertheless, the possibilities for sheiging in learning and in avodas Hashem here are staggering. If you’ve never experienced it, you can’t really understand it. And so, despite all the above mentioned reasons not to come, I’d still urge people (– with children not older than 8-9 yrs. old; NOT teenagers), to come visit and “check out the situation.” If you presently own a house in the U.S. that you could sell, you could then afford to buy a nice apartment here. Yes, you’ll have to be willing to settle for an apartment, but there are some really nice ones available. And you must have some reasonable idea how you will support yourself and your family. If the above checks out, it’s worth exploring the possibility. Everything that was said by the various commenters about the government is true, but once you are settled here (after about a year), you generally don’t have many run-ins with the authorities on an ongoing basis. So, as some commenters remarked, “there are reasons why it is not for everyone,” you’ll never know unless you try. Trying could mean coming for a yomtov, or for a month in the summer (depends on work obligations back home), with or without the entire family. Get a feel for the place and the goings on here. At least, you’ll be making an educated decision. The fact that Reb Aharon Reb Moshe, and Reb Yaakov zt”l didn’t move here decades ago is not proof to what one should be doing now. And anyway, Hashem needed them to build Torah in the U.S.!! And regarding govt. corruption — yes, it’s all true in more ways than you know. But, after Nov. 6, especially if the machsheifa is elected (C”V!!!), you’ll be treated to a quantum leap in govt. corruption that will start being revealed in the great US of A.
    All the true gedolei Torah encourage yidden to come. There’s a brief video on You Tube showing Reb Chaim Kanievsky answering someone, “it’s a mitzva (!) to come!” This is all on condition that it’s possible, i.e., parnassa, housing, schools. You can’t really know unless you check it out up close and not rely on hearsay. Despite everything, it’s definitely worth a close look.
  • ZionGate says:
    R’ Druckman,
    They’ll come when it gets tight, as in France.
    Meanwhile, as you see here, excuses, excuses, lies, distortions, and more excuses. Of course some of the government frummies are as corrupt as anybody else .
    They refused to come in the early Aliyah waves, and now they moan about conditions.
    Using Moshiach as an excuse is untenable, as there are so many rabbonim in the past who explained it well.
    The question, Rabbi Druckma,, is this:
    When it’s time to run, will they still be able to take their $$$$$$$$$$ from their bank accounts. Better yet, will they even be allowed to sneak out of their sweet Diaspora.
    “Zovas Cholov Udvash”, yeah, but___ EFES. EFES.
    Heard that before from even from the gedolei hador.


    1. yup, we were raised with beautiful chinuch...

      i know one thing i once said something about israel, and my father gave me such a shot in the mouth i couldn't talk for 2 days.

      he said you didn't learn anything from the meraglim, why am i sending you to yeshiva?

    2. So this blog is run from Israel I presume, otherwise it's a tad hypocritical. ..

    3. 1:06
      It's one thing living in Chutz Le'aaretz and it's another to bad mouth Eretz Yisroel and inhabitants ....
      The Meraglim bad mouthed the Caananim and that was considered Lashan Hara ...they said "efes Ki Az ha'am" and for that we journeyed 40 years....
      I'm afraid to think what the Onesh for these commentators are

    4. And this idiot drunkman and his ignorant fan the idiotic Jew hater of DIN are thinking that the frum authentic Jews will abandon the ideology of our Gedolim who were/are REAL gedoilei yisroel for some lies and twisted interpretations of Jews who trimmed the Torah in accordance of their personal agendas? And btw Reb YC Sonnenfeld is the one who was behind and gave his full support to his students who founded the Neturei Karta movement with the original name HACHAYIM and he asked them to change the name to Neturei Karta, and Reb YC Sonnenfeld was the one who personally traveled to meet the king of Jordan (although he never left EY even when his mother asked to see him) to clarify that Zionism is not Judaism and thanks to these actions the Zionist murderers killed Dr Dihan hy"d, and regarding the comments that bothers you so much although i didn't see them but if it's annoying you and angers Jew haters like you than that itself is great

    5. 3:21
      We already wrote that Dr Dihan was a homosexual that loved little Arab boys ...
      Rav Sonnenfeld lived in Israel and so do the Neturei Karta and that was exactly Rav Druckman's point
      The ideology of the Gedoilim is exactly that "Idol ogy" ... They advised their naive sheep to believe in the goyishe governments only to get murdered
      While they themselves escaped to Israel


    6. We have to make a distinction between the love of Eretz Yisrael and Zionism. Zionism is an anti religious nationalistic ideology that sought to eradicate Yiddishkeit. This is a known fact. The Gedolim were not against Eretz Yisrael, they were against Zionism as a means to take Jews away from their religion. This is why the Gedolim fought tooth and nail to fight Zionism. Zionists wished to replace Yiddiskeit with nationalism as means to counter anti Semitism. If Jews have a country and behave like the non Jews without religious identity then Jews wont be so hated. We can all live in peace.It was a fools dream. It should be noted that the early settlers of Israel were religious Jews, students of the Gra and the Baal Shem, also the Chotam Sofer. They built Petacg Tikva. The Gedolim loved Eretz yisrael. To say otherwise is stupidity. They fought Zionist anti religious ideology. Also to say that the Gedolim caused the Holocaust by not encouraging Jews to go to Eretz Yisrael is not accurate nor fair. Nobody has a crystal ball and can see the future. I'm not Satmar nor Neturei Karta. This being said, we have to be thankful to the Zionists because they built infrastructure, hospitals and general safety in the land for Jews. Also, when messiach comes we will need roads, hotels and housing for the incoming Jews. It's just practical. Reb Yoel, Z"L fought against those that wished to destroy the practices of his forefathers. But he loved ERETZ YISREAL. He hated the anti religious Zionists. We have to be honest. We should all try to find ways to protect Isreal because Jews live there and are surrounded by terrorists. We support Israel for safety reasons, not because of Zionistic anti religious ideology.

    7. "Israel buying gas masks from companies that worked with the Nazis"
      The above is in today's news, and you and drunkman and the others from the Eyrav Rav with their twisted brains are expecting normal people specially Jews to support the Nazi-zionistic ideology and it's murderous mafia regime? Not talking about halachkaly which your mind full of tumeh can't understand

    8. 4:57
      The Gedoilim may have been against Zionism but there were Gedolim that supported Zionism as well
      At any rate now that the Zionists live in Israel it is prohibited to speak against them otherwise you are a "merageil"
      Rav Henkin z"l was an anti Zionist but once the State was established he paskened that to speak against the State puts one in the category of s "rodeif"
      There is more Torah learned in Eretz Yisroel than in the entire universe
      The meraglim spoke against עובדי עבודה זרה and yet that is considered according to the Torah לשון הרע
      So? They bought gas masks ? So what?

      Your caps are on
      "Israel is the most dangerous place?"
      Tell that to the Dallas cops , tell that to the over 50 people murdered in Orlando
      Why don't you tell that to Getmany and France you שוטה שבעולם
      And by the way if you should open a חומש and read פרשת שלח that's exactly what the מרגלים said .... They said that Eretz Yisroel is a dangerous place
      So are you from the מרגלים or from עדת קורח?

    9. This is 4:57, anony. I was not speaking against anyone, I was just explaining that a distinction should be made as to why many Gedolim were not enthusiastic Zionists at the time in history. We have to support Israel because Jewish lives are in danger. That is simple. To say that the Gedolim or Rav Yoel, Z'l hated eretz Yisrael is not true. The anti religious Zionist ideology was the crux of their vehement fight against Zionism. It's a mute point today because nobody really knows the reasons, just the fight and old hatreds remained. Rav Kooks ZL greatness was that he saw the Zionists as a means to build a land and country. He was right. He tried to be mekarev. He knew that the old Yishuv would not be capable of building infrastructure that was needed. People hate but do not know why? That is the saddest part.

    10. Since when do people in chutz laaretz listen to daas Torah? R Chaim kanievsky has publicly stated all from Jews to come now to Israel.This is on video and corroborated by everyone.He even forbids people to travel to america unless its pkuach nefesh.I asked and the reply was no.I've confronted frum Jews with this daas Torah and they just wash it away.

      1. KANIYEVSKI also prohibited wearing a hand watch, and wearing peyos behind the ear etc etc, the guy suffers of dementia r"l

      2. The chazon ish held a watch is a CLI isha is he also demented?

      3. There are poskim c ish steipler r menashe Klein who say peyos can only be worn in front.There are perushim on shul aruch that says whoever insults a Talmud chacham not in his presence is to be put in cherem

      4. "At any rate now that the Zionists live in Israel it is prohibited to speak against them otherwise you are a "merageil"

        "R Chaim kanievsky has publicly stated all from Jews to come now to Israel"

        My comment was a response to the above, I have no problem whatsoever with any rules of any Gadol telling us to continue the path of our forefathers, butone can not choose to accept and follow only the rules he likes, if R' Kaniyevski is who you listen to, than you should follow ALL of his psakim,
        And the chazon ish and the other gedolim who said a watch is klei isha, didn't throw out from their homes people with watches or peyos behind their ears, someone that does that is either lacking leadership or is suffering from dementia bimechilas kvod toroso

    11. Daas Torah is one thing and psak hlacha another.When gdolim pasken on major issues affecting cl all Yisroel it has nothing to do with psak halacha on wearing watches and payos.R Moshe Einstein was daas Torah but not every one followed followed all his psakim vis Avis shabbos.As far as throwing a person out of his home wearing a watch I don't believe he threw a person out unless the person refused.He is very makpid on hanhagos chaz on ish and takes affront at the Chutzpa to go against him. He asks a person to remove his watch.But throw him out without asking.? You have a problem if you believe this.

    12. And I visited r Chaim personally with no peyos and no hat just a yarmulke and he never requested me to grow peyos or wear a hat and did not throw me out.

    13. 99 percent of these comments are incoherent at best
