Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Chareidim now visit Har Habyis on a regular basis

The truth is that there were Rishonim like the Meerie that held that one can certainly go up on the Har Habayis... no problem...
But nowadays most poiskim prohibit it ......
However if people do get a heter from their Rabbonim to go up ... Kol Ha"koved ...
Better than giving sovereignty of Har Habayis to  Arab savages!


  1. Finally finally we were zoiche that you decided to proclaim yourself a posek, but we can't wait to see when you'll fulfill on yourself the mitzvah of UBIARTA HORA MIKIRBECHU, Be a man and do it already

  2. 1:25
    The Meerie was the poisek ....
    but I will take you up on your offer of " the mitzvah of UBIARTA HORA MIKIRBECHU" and will delete all your future comments .....

  3. I'm all for practicing your Halacha based on your rabbi but just because a guy is wearing a black jacket and hat doesn't make him an automatic typical charedi plus seeing two black hats going up doesn't deserve the title Charedim go on har habayis
