Thursday, June 23, 2016

Chareidim Wearing Burkas

This is now a common sight in Yerushalyim ..... I think that only the ugly ones are covering up,


  1. Maybe she is so enticing that she decided to cover up to prevent sinners gazing at her ...

    This is not the Jewish Torah way ...
    Another twisted & warped import from Islam ...

    This should be discouraged completely ...

  2. These are followers of a crazy BT rebbitzen in Beit Shemesh. The Edah Charedis warned her to cut it out but she isn't listening so they put out a psak assering this and that husbands are allowed to divorce if the wife doesn't stop.

  3. This is not how our grandmothers dressed. This is for sure. We do not need to look at the Arabs for modesty lessons. It is a disgusting sight. Who is advising these misguided souls? This woman is not to blamed because some AM Haretz pretending to be a Rav is telling her its the proper mode of dress. We have to get back to basics. Not chumras, but basic halacha.

  4. She looks like a Death Eater (follower of Voldemort).

  5. Who cares? Perhaps she wants to be noticed more by dressing 'outrageously' like a Muslim woman.

  6. New Square Talking FishJune 23, 2016 at 10:38 PM

    No one should be surprised given the nutty "tznius" campaign of the past 20 years. Tznius was emphasized to the exclusion of every other Jewish value and it resulted in this warped nutty approach to clothing as shown in this photograph. And, might I add, the total disregard of other Jewish values that are just as important, if not more so. When you consider how "tznius" was shoved down everyone's throat the past twenty years or so, it's a small miracle that we are not all walking around under sheets. If you ever wonder why the Chassidic world is so warped and bizarre and full of perverts, it is because of the fanaticism of "tznius" and other repressive programs which are not really even Jewish in origin.

    1. Exactly I agree the answer to everything i tznius its rediculous then u wonder why they're cracking up

  7. Having women shave their heads bald with a zero number shaver is a much bigger CRIMINALLY INSANE MESHUGAS than wearing a burka,at least those idiots when in their house they take it off and look normal again but not a woman with a disgusting bald head.
    It's the insane Satmar Romanian gypsy women hating savages, who brought this insanity to America.
    I recall a few years ago the Daily News had an interview with a well known Madam who ran a big prostitution empire,and she claimed her best customers where the chasidim from Williamsburg, well now we can understand why

  8. They're not chareidim... they're chara-dumb
