Monday, May 9, 2016

Yeshivas in Israel empty ...Boys either in Eilat or busy protesting

The Holy Roshei Yeshivas are encouraging the talmidim that aren't vacationing in Eilat and bar hopping, to go out and protest against the draft!

So why are they protesting the draft, you ask?

Because the Roshei Yeshivah  are afraid that the bochrim will see things in the IDF that a frum boy shouldn't see .....

Ayeeeeee, the boys that are in Eilat, bain hazmanim,  see more over there in an hour, then they would see in the army in a year, means nothing ...
Ayeeeee, the cab driver reported that the boy arrested, said that the Bochur and 4 of his buddies wern't wearing their kippahs or their Tzizis, and were dressed in jeans, means absolute nothing. 
הג המונית אדריאן שהסיע את בחורי הישיבה מ'הפלג' באילת לזיגמן ב'קול ברמה': "הם היו 4 בחורים, לבושים כמו חילונים, בלי כיפה וציצית, חולצות שחורות עם כוכבים. מצאתי אותם מחוץ למועדון לילה".
I might add that there wasn't just the guy that was arrested in Eilat visiting the pubs, but hundreds of boys prowling the streets of Eilat in the very late hours....
That's how they were able to organize a protest with hundreds of bochrim in Eilat within minutes!
This also means that most of the bochrim had smartphones.

So why are the Roshei Yeshiva backing this boy and encouraging protests against the draft?
Because the Roshei Yeshivah know the truth .... and know the problem, .... and are now afraid that the Oilim Goilim, will finally smarten up and tell the Roshei Yeshiva throw those bochrim whose Torah is not Umnoso, the hell out! 
and where would that leave them (the Roshei Yeshivah)?

So they, the Roshei yeshiva  hold "lo plug" and are acting as if this 'playboy' is a tzaddik ... and the protests must go on ....yehereg va'al yaavor"

The truth is that the heimishe oilim is fed up with this "torah haskafah" because it's not working for most bochrim, but the Roshei Yeshivah will not give in, because if they did, the Yeshivas would look like the picture above, with seats half empty!


  1. Anything but learning ...
    It is much easier to protest than to indulge in Talmudic exegesis ...
    יותר קל להפגין מאשר לתרץ קושית רבי עקיבא אייגר

  2. מסכת קידושין דף מ' א':
    אמר רבי אלעאי הזקן: אם רואה אדם שיצרו מתגבר עליו, ילך למקום שאין מכירין אותו, וילבש שחורים ויתכסה שחורים ויעשה כמו שלבו חפץ, ואל יחלל שם שמים בפרהסיא

    1. Apparently this does not apply tp eilat becauae people knew each other there.
