Thursday, May 5, 2016

Yeshiva Bochrim in Eilat for Bain Hazmanim ... they don't care about the IDF draft

The Roshei Yeshivas are trying to tell us that Bochrim want to learn Torah and shouldn't be drafted, but the facts on the ground tell a different story ....
Bochrim in Israel hang out in Eilat during bain hazmanim  ..... yup absolutely ....
There was a Yeshivah Boy that follows the fanatic  R' Shmuel Auerbach and refused to register to the IDF .... 
well guess where the IDF found him .......
in Yeshivah? In Bais Hamidrash? ...... Nope .... in Eilat !    
What?   Yes in Eilat, hanging out in a bar with his friends!
What happened was ... the police officer was called to the bar for some reason, and when he asked the holy torah learning bochur for his ID matched with the name of a draft dodger!

Pictures tell the story:

Boys in Eilat

Boys in Eilat protesting the arrest of the draft dodger!
According to the official police version pertaining to the arrest of the talmid yeshiva in Eilat, the young man was a “partygoer dressed as a partygoer and heading to a pub when taken into custody”.

The young man police report was not dressed as a ben torah but wearing jeans and was not wearing a yarmulke. In fact, the reason police became involved in that a taxi driver phoned after a group of young men refused to pay the entire fare.

When police arrived they tracked the youths to the Crazy Elephant Club, a pub in Eilat. They refused to pay the driver an additional NIS 5. Police asked the driver to come to the station to file a complaint. When they ran the ID numbers of the youths, they learned the suspect is wanted by military policy for failing to report to the draft registry. Police add the young man said “I am chareidi”, adding nothing about his appearance added credibility to the statement.

Officials from the Yerushalmi faction are quoted saying that after hearing the story and speaking with the family, the decision has been made to halt actions on his defense.

To be clear, this was not the case, as protests were seen across the country – with protesters blocking traffic at major intersections and major highways.

1 comment:

  1. What a Chilul Hashem ...
    When you are a Chabad Shaliach you have a mission of with a Mitzvah Tank & keep busy of performing the Mitzvah of Kiruv ...
