Thursday, May 26, 2016

What Happens when a Yiddish Speaking Chusid talks to a Chinese Rebbetzin in Chinese


  1. This Yiddish is a mere 200 word vocabulary in average Chasidishe Bucher ...
    This is Gypsy style Transylvanian Dracula "Yiddish" from Mar-me-Rosh in the Carpathian hinterland ...
    With such a Yiddish you cannot maintain a normal conversation or grasp any situation ...
    Classical Yiddish has its rules as well as proper grammar ...
    Yiddish is being taught in Colleges & Universities & it is a pleasure to listen to a flowing colloquial Yiddish when spoken among intelligent people ...
    Yiddish can be a rich language when it taught & attained correctly ...

  2. דער אידישער שפראך איז א רייכארטיגער שפראך און מען דארף דאס קענען באהערשען ...

  3. Why do you call her a rebbitzen?

  4. Because her full name is Rebbitzen Doofus Ignoramus from Untervisheve in the Carpathian hinterland ...

  5. I hope there was a happy ending
