Monday, May 9, 2016

Gedolim in Israel afraid of "Satmar" hooligans so they are forced to back the protests against the arrest of the "Bar hopper"

I guess Satmar has power in Israel too. 
Remember what these barbarians did to Rav Moshe Feinstein z"l? Rav Moshe needed protection against the Satmar savages, when he traveled to Williamsburg. I remember when they poured glue into his locks on the lower East Side!

Remember what Satmar did to the Kloizenberger Rebbe z"l?  He had to escape into exile New Jersey, hiding near the Lincoln Tunnel  to escape their barbarism ... and mind you, the Kloizenberger Rebbe was nephew of R' Yoel.
All this while the "Tzaddik Hador" was alive and well!

It's a shitah that is coupled with brutal violence, and therefore its a false representation of Torah and it's teachings!

Well it seems that there are Roshei Yeshivah in Israel that do not want to back the arrested shaygatz that followed the fanatic, Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, that ruled that the bochrim shouldn't even register for the draft, but are afraid to speak out because they are frightened of Satmar repercussions! 

Here is a direct quote:

Well known Jerusalem figure Rabbi Yisrael Gillis commented on the incident, telling Kikar Shabbos News “I am afraid to speak out realizing there is Satmar and within an hour my house will be up in flames. They will burn down my home and I prefer to sit and remain silent. Realize there are prominent rabbonim and askanim known in the chareidi camp who are afraid to speak out for they live in the city, and therefore they remain silent”.


  1. הרב שמואל אוירבך נקרא קיצוני בכל אופן ממשלת סאטמר ניגשו אליו והניפו כמה דולרים בפניו שיעבדו ביחד נגד ממשלת זדון של הציונים על זה ענה הרב שמואל אוירבך שהוא אינו יכול לעבוד עם סאטמר מכיון שהם מגלים פנים בתורה שלא כהלכה והוביף שזה כולל את הספרים ויואל משה ועל הגאולה ועל התמורה ...

  2. Now Satmar & Co. will animated ... The Agenda is alive again ...
    Now Satmar & Co. will be suspended from animation ...
    Whenever Satmar & Co. can exacerbate the crisis they are in business ...
    Satmar & Co. is always on call to split up & dissect Klal Yisroel.
    Satmar & Co. never initiates a rally to unify Klal Yisroel.

  3. The STEIPLER z"l in his sefer KREINE D"IGRISE has a letter about the BECHIROS and in it he claims that whoever PASKENES that going to the BECHIROS or sitting in the Knesset is B"YEHERAG V"AL YAAVOR,is a MEGALEH PANIM BETORAH,and of course he knew full well who is the one who Is e one who gave this ruling,

  4. Amazing how the Litvishe Yeshiva world in America adores with gushing adulation and total acquiescence of the bombastic invective as well the vitriol of Satmar & Co.

  5. Why do the Roman-ian Satmars love to replace Eretz Yisrael with the fake country of Palestine? Because the fake country "Palestine" was created by the Roman ancestors of the Satmar-stinians thousands of years ago to replace Eretz Yisrael!

    Towards the end of this video showing a rally by Satmar-stinians, you can see raised the flag of the fake country called Palestine.

  6. Rabbi Jacob Kelner the speaking at joint Satmar-Arab Rally with an erudite Gypsy, Transylvanian-Dracula accent.
    Vayoel Moshe commands the Jew to demonstrate out in the open streets to show the world that the true Jew has no connection to The State of Israel.
    We have to pray for the dismantling of The State of Israel with UN or Turkish sovereignty.
    What a warped & twisted utopian vision.

  7. והיה כי תבא אל הארץ. אמר והיה לשון שמחה, להעיר שאין לשמוח אלא בישיבת הארץ על דרך אומרו (תהלים קכ''ו) אז ימלא שחוק פינו וגו'.
    אור החיים, דברים פרק כו. פרשת כי תבוא.
