Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dovid Feldman YM"S Assistant Fuhrer of Jewish Nazi Party blabbering to Jewish Children

This ugly savage who calls himself Dovid Feldman, Yemach Shmo Ve'Zicro , is the assistant of the Satmar backed Neturei Karta.
 In this video filmed in Toronto Canada, this Nazi, blabbers on and on like a sick parrot. spewing his filthy hate, against his fellow brothers and sisters in Israel, to little children that are at a pro-Israel event!

The Neturei Karta is an arm of Netrunie that is totally supported by both factions of the Satmar Chassidus!
Ads for Netrunei can be seen weekly in Der Yid and Der Blatt!


  1. דויד פלדמן פשוט מצטט מהספר של ויואל משה ואינו זז מהשיטה הקדושה ...
    לעילוי נשמת רבינו הקדוש והטהור ...

  2. It is inconceivable how Satmar & Co. is tolerated by the Jewish community.
    Satmar & Co. is revered, worshipped with a gushing adulation ...
    Satmar & Co. tentacles should be exposed, excoriated & expunged ...

  3. Vayoel Moshe is revered & displayed in The Yeshiva World but Sifrei
    Harav Kook are not to be found.
    Vayoel Moshe is holy because it makes you into a good Jew just merely
    being in Chutz LaAretz & bashing Israel.
    It has never been that easy being a Kanoi & not being immersed in
    Torah learning as well being bereft of basic Judaism.
    The more extreme, the more finger pointing, the more wretchedness the
    more frum you are.
    We live in a sick society.
    Satmaritis is the antithesis of Judaism ...
    Satmaritis is the anathema of Chassidus ...

    1. Yes the sifrei kodesh from the Satmar Ruv is revered and learned by real authentic Jews because Jews have a chush to real gedoilei yisroel, and that's exactly the reason why the sifrei minus of the maskil and apikores the famous OYF TAMEH KOOK YM"S who went to bed while still in VOLOZIN with the new testament
      His books are perfectly fine to be used as toilet paper

    2. Umm.... seems you have no support to stand on!
      Go back to hungery to return those antisemtic ideas back to the magyers you borrowed them from!

  4. הסטייפלר בקריינא דאגרתא כותב על רבינו הקדוש והטהור שהוא מגלה פנים בתורה שלא כהלכה באומרו שכל מי שמשתתף בבחירות זה מבחינת יהרג ואל יעבור ...
    אותם דברים אמר הרב שמואל אויערבך מהפלג הקנאי של עולם הישיבה כשסאטמר רצה שיעבוד אתם ביחד נגד גיוס בחורי ישיבות לצה"ל הוא ענה להם שאיני יכול לעבוד אתם היות שהם מגלים פנים בתורה שלא כהלכה ...

  5. The Six Day War in June 1967 was a watershed & turning point in Jewish History.
    Open miracles, Liberation of Jerusalem, Chevron, Judea & Samaria.
    Huge resurgence to Judaism worldwide as well as in the Soviet Union.
    Everyone acknowledged the open miracles from Hashem.
    All Roshei Yeshiva said "Ein Od Milvado" ... Nes Galuy ...
    The only one that said it is not a miracle but to the contrary it is
    Maaseh Satan
    is Rabbeinu Hakudesh V'Hatuher.
    He also added in Al HeGeulah Veal Hatmurah that in essence it is
    natural for The Zionist State to win
    since Israel has amassed the latest weapons against the poorly equipped Arabs.
    Note we were outnumbered 20 to 1. On top of that says the Holy Rabbi
    that we struck first which is an
    automatic victory. Imagine any other Rabbinic figure making a similar statement?
    That Rabbinic figure would be condemned & excoriated for being a disbeliever.
    Not the ubiquitous & pristine Rabbeinu Hakudesh.
    The white wash goes "We might not understand him but he meant it sincerely"

    1. But we DO understand your hate where it comes from, Shalach Yadav Bishloimov Chilel Beriso! You're a Noief Sam Kay/Sam Green, you're fully sunken in the NUN SHAREI TUMEH so it's just natural to have such hate to kedusha, obviously i won't publicize your maasim tovim on this site but maybe it's time to do so in your circles, proof there's more than enough

  6. 4:50
    There is no Mitzvah to love this Nazi Feldman yemach shmo v"zicro
    For someone to even suggest that he is a descendant of Jews is ludicrous...
    he is mezerah amaleik that the Torah wrote "Uverta Hara Me'kirbecha"

    1. Of course it's a mitzvah, The mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel which is meant each and every Jew who's a Shomer Torah umitzvohs and even only a Shomer Shabbos, but you have a double mitzvah to love this Weiss, since you consider him a Nazi and you're a Nazi yourself so you definitely have to love him

    2. That depends if he quilifies as a rodef?? I don't think judiasm condones "loving the rodef"! That idea sounds a little to Christiany for regular judiasm!

  7. Yoely, who says Rav Kook read New "Testament" except liars from Natruna?

    It is true though that left wing Rabbi Goldin from OU's grandfather was kicked out of one of the Vilna yeshivos for reading Darwin. The idiot is proud & brags about it as if it's a maylah.

    1. Who says? His friends who were in yeshivas with him they said it, and you also deny the fact that his father in law didn't speak to him and actually cut off all connections with him after becoming the rav hamachshir of Zionism

    2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Isaac_Kook#Support_from_rabbinic_scholars

  8. Even if they read these books, so what. Sanhedrin read all sorcery and avoda zara materials in order to correctly rule on these matters.ONly books described as seforim chitzonim were prohibited but here it's not clear exactly what they were but majority feel they were Greek books, but not all Greek books.Reading Darwin is important in order to refute him so that millions won't believe him as they already do.Rambam read and wrote about all Greek philosophy.

    1. Didnt Chazal only forbid apochraphol books inside the beis medresh. But not a blanket prohabition for when in private.

  9. Don;t worry about these Satmar/ Neteurei Kunt scum.
    they have strayed so far from Yiddishkeit with their inbred cult, that they'll soon be another religion entirely
