Monday, March 7, 2016

Satmar Monroe Rebbe Will Not Bring Dollars to Mosdos who do not take money from Zionists

Reb Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe decided against bringing money to Yeshivas and Kollilim that do not take money from the Zionist Government.

He made a cheshbon, that any money that he would bring would be equivalent to  a drop of water placed in the Atlantic Ocean compared to what the Zionists  government gives to Yeshivos and Kollilim.

The Rebbe must have read the report in  Haaretz that says that the Coalition deal gave Yeshivos over 1 billion shekels... which is about $258 million US dollars.....
And that is for only one year! And that is after all the budget cuts!

The Rebbe knows that the biggest Baalei Tzedaka  to Torah causes in Jewish History is the Zionist government, and he laughed his head off when he heard that his brother, R' Zalman Leib, the Williamsburg Satmar Rebbe, brought a measly 5, million dollars and then skimmed off some, to fund his private airplane ride to Belgium!


  1. Are you kidding, sure the rebbe will not bring any money,, it works the other way today rabosie,? It works like this, the chasidim are poor, they will have to shnurrer money to make ends and meet, or to marry off their children,,and will have to go trough all kinds of big organizations like /ezer lamuzon/keren iezer/tomcha Shabbat/ and other kinds of organizations,, when the rabunim veadmorim are becoming richer and richer till the tooth,,living in nice big huge owned houses, with /gabuim/ and /drivers/ /shlegers/and drivers with nice caddies, And the poor chasidim shotim they will have to come to the rebbe with a kvitle and including to the kvitle comes a big pidyan to the rebbe,? Wow I wish to be a rebbe, I can be rich and my poor chasidim will bring me more money, when they come to me with a kvitle, love it,

  2. But I really really wonder where in the world is there a surplus in satmar today,? When the satmar rebbes can afford to bring millions of dollars where ever they travel,? When they are ripping off the parents when it comes to /tuition/ membership/matzos for Passover/etc,,they are claiming that the mosdos can not clear their budget, they have lots and lots of ,chovas, expenses,? So they have no choices but to increase the amount of tuition every few months, Not only that, but they claim that they are making every year the big (chuff alef kislev dinner) to be able to shnurrer out some money from every single parents who have a child in their mosdos to be able to cover some but some expenses of the mosdos budget,, so my question is to everyone if satmar is increasing the tuition very often where suddenly dose satmar find themselves in a surplus when the satmar rebbes are traveling around to Israel, or to Antwerp,or to Montreal,or to London, they keep on crying that the schools are in totally bankrupt,they have millions and millions of dollars in expenses? They can't go on like that anymore and the mosdos have no choices but to increase the amount of tuition every month, this is what they keep on crying by their big dinners,? So where do they find extra millions of dollars for the rebbe to splurge,around when he travels,?

  3. And you of course also heard about the good news that all the yeshivas who are getting government money are supposed to teach government curriculum and follow the public school system which includes THAT THE STUDENTS ARE SUPPOSE TO VISIT CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND MUSLIM MOSQUES! This is yesterday's news from this point till the Israeli/Zionist version of Auschwitz is just a small jump
    And finally you checked around and didn't find a mental institution that would accept you? Oy nebech are you sick just wonder what tzidreiter meshigener household you grew up in that spew out such vermin

  4. 7:26
    Listen you liar and listen good....
    I have very close family in Israel that actually attend the Israel public school system and nowhere and I repeat nowhere is it in the curriculum that anyone should visit churches and mosques ...
    and they have never visited any churches or mosques ...
    and it's interesting to note that the Shverer Rebbe that recently visited Israel went to a Mosque .... the Moras Ha'machpeilah which is a bono fide mosque ...and so is Shmuel Ha'navi's kever ....and the Rambam paskens le'halacha that a Jew can enter and even daven in a mosque!

    Yes ...Yeshivos that are getting money should actually teach Zionist History... absolutely ...
    We have that in the USA as well .... yeshivos teach or should be teaching American History...

    1. I'm not a liar that was yesterday in the Israeli news, although let me be clear, to step foot in the kneses haminim is much more worse than to go into a church and even more worse than kneeling to a cross, according to halocho minos and apikurses is worse than avoida zara, and i also have cousins in public schools in Israel and close ex-relatives because obviously they're no yichus to me at all in the Israeli leadership and they're a bunch of apikorsim, pure products of their atheistic education who live their lives like animals in the zoo

  5. 7:26
    So Mir, Ponovitz boys go to Churches & Mosques? How about Ger, Belz, those boys go to churches & mosques?
