Sunday, February 7, 2016

Satmar Guy Marries Shikseh with a Galich as the Mesadar Kiddushin

Priest presiding  over the Heimeshe Wedding 


  1. This was posted a while ago by the unreliable Chabad scumbag of Ponim Chalashos infamy on his website.

    Do you have any independent confirmation that this is really a Satmar meshumod?

  2. 4:31
    Yes I know the family ... and I on purpose left out the name ...
    V'hameivin Yovin

  3. Maybe for a Satmarer to convert to Christianity might not be such a bad idea,maybe it would even be a step up and an improvement,after all there are millions of fundamental Christians who are ardent and outspoken supporters and wholeheartedly support and are friends of MEDINAS YISROEL and absolutely believe that God gave this land to us Jews and it belongs to us and not the Arabs,as opposed to the criminally insane antisemitic SHIT-A of the Satmar barbarians who claim that we have no right to our land (before the arrival of the messiah) and it belongs to the Palestinian murderous animals.

  4. Big deal. Most chassidim stay frum. Who cares it's only 1 or 2 per cent get lost. The system works. Those who drug up or commit suicide are so minuscule it's not even buttel beshshim. Look how fast yeshivas are growing. Every year each Mossad needs a new building. So a few get lost unfortunately but it's bopkas
