Monday, January 25, 2016

35 Chareidim Join Israel Police

Thirty-five chareidim joined Israel Police last week as part of their national service. They join the 140 chareidim already serving in Israel Police as an option towards fulfilling their mandatory service – an alternative to IDF service.

They will enter courses to equip them with the necessary knowledge to perform their duties, as well as being certified in the use of a firearm. They will join routine patrols as well as the technological and intelligence branches of the department.

Israel Police officials report that they are continuing efforts to build an environment that will be viewed as comfortable and inviting for chareidim to encourage more members of the chareidi community to select Israel Police as a public service option.


  1. Most of these guys are leidigeiers or tuna beigels. They don't represent the average frum Jew. Will they beat their fellow jews when there are protests for shabbos or protect the gay parades in jerusalem. Shame on these traitors.

  2. kreina d'igrisa tehei prevankaJanuary 25, 2016 at 4:06 PM

    11:22 pm, why don't you march in the gay parade to find out?

    Mir varten tze heren fin eich vus iz geshein

  3. 11:22,
    They DO represent the average Jew... NO, they will NOT beat the Shabbos protesters and stone throwing mechallelei Shabbos B'farhesyeh'nicks , or beat policewomen after a drunken balagan at the rebbe's tish... even if they're beaten themselves and called the ugliest names..
    And yes, they WILL protect gay parades because like it or not, that's their job.... If YOU the kanoyee want to stone the gays, then first bring eidei hasroah, THEN, eidei hameiseh to a bes din... It's not a policeman's job to give death penalties to anybody...
    And from where you come, your heilige "leaders" forever endorse pro-gay candidates because of the........ Say it slowly.... The M-o-n-e-y H-o-n-e-y... Prugraaaamin.... You hypocrite, you..

  4. Hey 9:06.... LOL...
    I was thinking along the same lines... Funye plimenitzeh m'oisuh itiseh, iz ah yesh omrim...... Siz nisht poooooSHITT'eh zeir Shytt'eh..

    L'chol Hapoochis

  5. Just want to explain that in no way do I justify a gay parade , especially in the holy Jerusalem. But many rabbonim told their talmidim to ignore it and stay away.. You DON"T throw rocks at them and you don't condone a meshuganer who stabbed a woman to death there ...Besides it being a Chillul Hashem...

    Of course, in your mind it's ok to make violent demonstrations especially on Shabbos, burning garbage , beating police and religious IDF even when they come to daven Mincha... This, I guess, is ok..

