Sunday, December 27, 2015

Massive Search for 80,000 Missing Jews In Israel

There was a "massive" protest against the draft in Israel last week. 
Never missing an opportunity to report anything that would put the State of Israel in a bad light, two Satmar Yiddish weeklies placed the protest on the front page. 

Arabs were stabbing and murdering Jews all over Israel this past week, but what were the Satmar savages busy with? 
What do these barbarians put on the headline of their anti-Semetic weeklies?

Protests against the draft!

The Police and the IDF are busy trying to protect the citizens of Israel ....... and the parasites couldn't care less .... they don't give a damn that precious manpower has to to be wasted to watch the parasites and watch as speaker after speaker chastises the Government that protects their fat bottoms!
Somebody should round them up and ship them to Gaza!

 Reading the headlines of Der Goy, you find that there were 100,000 parasites attending the rally.  
Der Zeitiung reported that there was 20,000 attending the rally.

Where were the 80,000 missing Jews? 

The Shin Bet is now busy looking for the 80,000 missing "Leidegeiers".....

Message to Shin Bet: Don't look in any place of work, or even in the Yeshivos...


  1. Hey fat disgusting monkey bottom
    There's a massive search to find any connection between the savages aka Zionist regime to Judaism and you know well that it's never ever going to be found
    And yes someone aka moshiach is going to ship those Zionist savages to hell very shortly and those few anti-zionists are the ONLY ones who will be left according to the navi Yirmiyahu

  2. 7:02
    Where does Yirmiyahu say that only the anti-Zionists will be left when Moshiach comes? Where?
    Hey ... you meshiginar....
    and why did you curse Yirmiyahu?
    Is that what the old fart taught you?

    1. Meshigener,
      Where when did i curse Yirmiyahu?
      And regarding your first question don't be lazy and look it up yourself, since you don't believe in Hashem and chazal i don't wanna be the one to show you something that you don't believe, even though the reason you don't believe might be only because you're a ignorant idiotic bum maybe but what I'm definitely sure is that you're a disgusting pig

  3. The 80,000 are at O'Malley Pub getting ready for the New Year's singing of Old Lang Syne.... ubber mitt'n knyaak...!!!!

    Hey Haynech ... Are you from the 80,000 ???? Pass me that authentic Gaelic Guinness ... let's sing Danny Boy together off-key like the good ole days...

    Eirrin Go Bragh..!!!!

    Another D'Oireiseh Midvar Sheker Tirchak lie about Zionists, Zionism, blah, blah, blah...
    Hey Efron Hachitti.... Where are ya when we need ya ??? What's a few thousand between me and you??? Eee nisht geshtoigen, aye nisht gefloigen.. L'Chaim, yuz meinseh mitt ah ber'nickes...... Ha, ha... ...

    Pass me another buttle, ye ole fool and go kiss the Blarney Stone, yuz missing nehlaam'nickes...

    Hey Guy Lombardo, we miss you..!!!

    May your glass be forever full...

  4. "...And yes someone aka moshiach is going to ship those Zionist savages to hell very shortly and those few anti-zionists are the ONLY ones who ... blah, blah.."

    No Kiddin'.....
    By any chance you remember the Shloshes Yyemei Afeileh'nicks who died, by many estimates in the millions, because they were anti-Zionists?
    It's good here... We have fish & watermelons & heimishe babkeh & Ox'ens who dabble in Mitzrishe politics... So what if Paaroh wanted to throw a few babies in the water.... We have Goshen, an eim v'eer b'yisroel... yeshivos going back to Yaakov Aveeinu...
    You goilemes you...! Traverse a desert? Fight with Amalek? Fight with Cannanim, Amorim? for 7 years???? And more years and years with Pelishtim, Amonim, Edomim??? You fools...!! Fools...!!!
    We have 10 heimishe herrings with 78 hashgoches here... In the midmar you'll chow down on something called Mann... Idioten.... Fools...

    L'chol Happoochis... the very tall thin one with the small hat and old-fashioned tiny brim who's always dancing....

    1. Do you remember the shloshes ymei afeilenikas? Hope you know who and why they died?! Because they decided to get out of galus BEFORE the time and that was before Matan Torah, after MT and the warnings written in the Torah the punishment of those revolutionaries was/is and will be much more severe h"y idiot just keep joking but when time comes and everything written and said by chazal will become facts your crying will be a little too late and you'll end up in the same shit hole of you know who

    2. 5:56
      Turns out that not only are you a fariktah briah ..., but you are a huge עם הארץ
      The Jews that died during the מכה of חושך
      Died because they refused to leave מצרים
      You are mixing up the yoitzrois
      The one you are alluding to in your עם הארצית were the בני אפרים

    3. I told you more than once all your name callings is a honor to me, that's standard in any mental institution

  5. 5:56
    And now let me give you a lesson in Torah ... a knowledge that you obviously lack
    Indeed, Bnei Ephraim were the ones that the Novie Yechezkel brought back to life in the Valley of Dry Bones. And once brought back to life, they made aliyah and raised families there, unlike the Jews who died in the desert following Moshe Rabbeinu to the Promised Land. It may have been because of their tremendous yearning to live in Eretz Yisroel that resulted in their early deaths, but it was also the reason for their reincarnation and second chance to live in the Holy Land.Something that the Bnei Satmar will unfortunately not have, because they don't want it ... they want to occupy Monroe and Williamsburg

  6. Hey 5:56... Moran K"AK of GooolisLuvverrs...

    There were 2.... Count 'em... TWO incidents.

    The B'nai Efraim who left early and were killed by the Pelishtim... Those are the ones you're referring to.
    The 3 days Afeilah'niks were a SECOND , more dangerous, and more numerous group. These died because they didn't want to leave at Yetziyas Mitzraim. So they died at Makos Choshech....

    This latter group who loved Egyptian kneidlich, its tzibbillis and falche fish... This group who probably had some Ox'soonim in Pharoah's outhouse and tuchess-lekking him, this group who felt that they had a Mokem Teyreh in Goshen... who pooh-poohd Avodah kosho.... Bah...!! Avodah kosho, babies in the Nile...After all, it's golus, don't you know... THIS group is whom I'm talking about...

    Go learn something instead of hanging out on the Internet and obsessing over de zeese gooooolis and bashing TziyoiNUM

  7. Oh, and by the way, Mr. Wrong Sermon:

    The Bnei Efraim weren't successful, true.
    But the Zionists WERE.... If you don't see the lesson there, you're
    one of the missing 80,000.

    Now readers: You can see for yourselves how these SHYT'ta'nickes lie, revise, twist, omit , take out of context any truth, any Torah, any Chazal, any historical verifiable fact, and continue to lie like rugs , hate, malign and make machlokes, especially in these difficult times... ..
    Seriously, we need to verify their Yiddish yichus... Impossible that these golus loving KofRUHM can be Bnai Avrohom, Yitzchok & Yaakov... Impossible..!!!


  8. Surprised at DIN that he is furt not giving credit to these Satmar chevra for having a way with words:

    fat disgusting monkey bottom

    They are mamash pyetunim
