Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Thanks to Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky's ruling that children not be Vaccinated, Whooping Cough Cases Spike In Frum Brooklyn Neighborhoods

Those following Rav Shmuel Kaminetzy's recommendation to refrain from administrating vaccinations to infants and children should immediately keep their children home and not have those children spread deadly diseases! 
A wave of whooping cough has hit the frum Brooklyn neighborhoods of Crown Heights, Williamsburg and Borough Park, city health officials said Monday.
A total of 109 cases of pertussis, or whooping cough, were reported over the past year in the three neighborhoods, with an increase in cases over the past four months, the Health Department said, according to a New York Post report.
Five infants were hospitalized and one came down with pneumonia.
Most years, there are 200 cases of whooping cough reported in the entire city.
Toddlers and infants make up the majority of cases. About half were not vaccinated at all or didn’t get the full set of shots, authorities said in an alert to medical providers.
Only 3 percent of the 37 mothers of infants with whooping cough received the recommended tetanus-diptheria-acellularr pertussis vaccination during pregnancy, the alert said.
Health officials are urging doctors to recall patients who are not up to date with vaccines so they can provide prompt antibiotic treatment to affected patients.
“Delays in on-time initiation and completion of the pertussis-containing vaccines series remain problematic in the affected communities, facilitating ongoing transmission,” said Jennifer Rosen, director of the Health Department’s Bureau of Immunization Surveillance.
Children receiving treatment must stay home and not attend school or day care until they have received at least five days of antibiotics.
Family members of patients should also receive antibiotics to prevent spreading the contagious respiratory disease.
Source: New York Post


  1. he should stick to Taireh and keep his nose out of medicine; him and the 2 clowns in Fakewood - Kotler and Solomon

  2. how many people in crown heights listen to R' Shmuel Shlit"a for advice? 0!!
    How many in Boro Park? Did anyone in Williamsburg ever even hear
    of Rabbi Kamenetsky?! NO!
    his followers dont live in these places. please get your facts straight

  3. 7:40
    My point was ..... that Rabbonim should stay the hell out of the medical business unless they went to medical school!
    Children that are not vaccinated should be home schooled!
    I was in the business some years ago, and wouldn't allow any child that wasn't immunized in the building period!

    1. You're point is simple, you're a poshe yisroel and mevazeh talmidei chachamim, the Muslims biggest enjoyment is blood and your biggest enjoyment is showing off your stupidity and constantly attacking Rabbonim Rebbes and all gedolei yisroel who doesn't take advice from you first

  4. I don't agree I think the fruma are too into drs like how they'll send anybody with troubles to phyciatrists and keel talking about pills and say he's a Dr etc etc
