Monday, September 21, 2015

Yeshiva Bochrum riot like Shvartzas in Geulah!

Bochrim have a lot of time on their hands now, because of Bein Hazmanim, so they want to show the Arabs how to really riot!
All the Torah that they learned this zman means absolutely nothing!
At this time no one even knows why they are rioting!
So the Arabs and the Bochrim got together to undermine the Police Force! Very nice!


  1. "All the Torah that they learned this zman means absolutely nothing!"--
    To bad your not hashem and don't get to decide this. Although the riots are bad...don't jump to stuff like this.

  2. What was the cause of these riots???

  3. show face photo's let parents know what their children are doing

  4. in answer to Fred,the cause was absolute boredom,these criminal insane ignorant savages who don't work,don't learn have no education are bored out of their empty minds,and just like the black hoodlums here in the U.S in the ghettos of our inner cities,who riot and rob and destroy their own neighborhoods,so too these jewish gangsters and marauders in Yerushalaim.
    These bastards need to be rounded up and forcibly conscripted into the IDF,and sent to Gaza to fight Hamas

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. To all you guys who think you know every thing there actually was a reason for it it was because there was another number of bochurim who got arrested
    This is what it said in the papers here in israel I don't know if its true but you definitely don't
    And don't tell me that's not a reason because then you are just dis agreeing with there reason but that doesn't mean they did it with no reason

  7. Hey Mordechai HaTzaddik, So according to your investigation, they rioted because "other bochrim got arrested" >>>> Hmmmmm?
    So my dear Mordechai... Why did they get arrested?
    My son learns in the MIR and knew nothing! ....
    So I guess these guys .... both.... those who got arrested and those who rioted after those bochrum got arrested....are a bunch of "leidegayers" that have no business being in a Yeshivah...
    Either go to work or join the IDF!!!!

  8. Man...this is totally amateur rioting...we schvartzes are totally insulted by your post!
