Thursday, September 10, 2015

Khamenei & Satmar: "Israel won’t survive next 25 years "

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday, that Israel will not survive the next 25 years, making a series of threatening remarks published online.

 Reb Yoel Teitelbaum said the exact same sentence about Israel in 1956 during the Suez Campaign!

So Satmar followers: How does this exact quote sound like coming from the Iranian Rasha? Hmmmm?

How do you guys  explain  the Rebbe's words?
Well! just like the Satmar's Rebbe's words did not come B"H to fruition, so too will the hateful words of this Sonei Yisrael never come to fruition!

In a quote posted to Twitter by Khamenei’s official account, Khamenei addresses Israel, saying, “You will not see next 25 years,” and adds that the Jewish state will be hounded until it is destroyed.

The quote comes against a backdrop of a photograph apparently showing the Iranian leader walking on an Israeli flag painted on a sidewalk.
“After negotiations, in Zionist regime they said they had no more concern about Iran for next 25 years; I’d say: Firstly, you will not see next 25 years; God willing, there will be nothing as Zionist regime by next 25 years. Secondly, until then, struggling, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of serenity for Zionists,” the quote from Iran’s top leader reads in broken English.
The quote was apparently taken from a speech given earlier in the day.



    A deal to help students at a private Jewish school in Montreal receive proper education still hasn't been implemented 10 months after it was signed, CBC's French-language service Radio-Canada has learned.

    The Quebec government agreed last November to allow the Yeshiva Toras Moshe Academy to stay open, as long as students were taught the basic provincial curriculum at home.

    The religious school for boys in Outremont receives no public funding and isn't certified. It has about 200 students.

    The province's education ministry has been trying to shut the school down since 2006.

    The ministry said the school was emphasizing religious studies to the detriment of core curriculum.

    Last fall the ministry reached a deal with the school: it could remain open as long as students were taught core subjects at home.

    The English Montreal School Board was tasked with overseeing and evaluating that homeschooling.

    Ten months later, students still aren't being taught the provincially approved curriculum at home.

    Angela Mancini, English Montreal School Board chair, told radio-Canada in an interview Wednesday that school board elections last fall delayed implementing the plan.

    Mancini said since then board staff have been working with parents to perfect their teaching plans.

    "That took a bit of time but I think it was worth it because it gave us the opportunity to ensure that when we do begin, we've crossed all our T's and dotted all our I's and that's where we're at," Mancini said.

    She said the material will be approved within a few weeks at most, and students will be evaluated on schedule in November, February and again in June.

  2. joel ibn chananya yom tov lipaSeptember 10, 2015 at 4:19 AM

    is she Satmar or Palestinian?

  3. Most Black hatters / Charedim don't either care one way or another about the Iran Deal. I have cousins that live in lakewood and I Asked them if there are any appeals made in shuls about this or if there were any organized efforts made from the BMG Rosh yeshivahs or any Rabbinim in Lakewood and the answer is Nada / Zilsh .All those that are "holding up the world", don't give a crap about Israel .The Yeshivasha and the Satmara were all there in March 2014 at the Rally in Manhattan against the Medina but now when it comes to the security of the 7 million jews living in the Medina there nowhere to be found .

  4. They should put a SHTREIMEL on top of the head of this Ayatollah Ali Kahameini,and make him the third Satmarrer REBBE,this antisemitic murderous Jew hating piece of DREK would fit like a glove into Satmar,
    believe you me,this Ayatollah is no less of a REBBE that those two Israel hating gangster brothers " Aron and Zalmen Leib (shem reshaim yirkav}

  5. Oh and how the words of the Satmar Ruv zy"o is coming to fruition big time, one famous statement which he said THEY THE ZIONISTS THEMSELVES WILL DESTROY THEIR OWN MEDINALA! Each and every move of that regime is bringing it closer to the end, but Hashem yerachem c"v to think that we have to wait 25 years, hopefully even before Rosh Hashanah should we hear the great news of SAAVIR MEMSHELES ZADON

  6. 3:52
    The Satmar Rebbe said those hateful comments in the year 1956, and just like it never came to fruition in 1981 which would have been 25 years, so now too that the Rasha from Iran said the exact hateful words that the Satmar Rebbe said, those words will never come to fruition!
