Sunday, September 13, 2015

Finally Charedim Campaign to 'Embrace Charedi IDF Soldiers'

Poster in Geulah Section

Rosh Hashana is coming, and the silent frum population in Eretz Yisroel are now Be"achdus to fight the vermin among them.

It's time to tell Roshei Yeshivahs that "Lo Zu Ha'Derech" your incitment against our brothers and sisters in uniform will no longer be tolerated!

Maybe, this will send the message to the "askanim" that violence is an Arab minhag! 

Hundreds of ads supporting IDF soldiers were placed in Charedi neighborhoods in Jerusalem last night .

The posters are part of a wide campaign entitled "Embracing the Charedi soldiers." They show a yeshiva student hugging a Charedi soldier and include a call for the public to send in pictures of haredi soldiers. The picture was taken on Geula Street in Jerusalem.

"The Charedi public refuses to be silent any more. 

There will be an appropriate response to the waves of hatred directed at our soldiers, the Charedi soldiers, that shows the feelings of the sane majority of the Charedi public," organizers say.

"Over the past two years, most of the Charedi public have opposed the incitement campaign against the soldiers, but has not found a way to express their protest. Now there is a way to do so."

They claim that this is only the first wave in the movement to express support for Charedi soldiers. 

The campaign is reportedly financed by a wealthy Israeli businessman who has requested to remain anonymous.

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