Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Katie Holmes shooting a movie in the holy city of Monsey!

Yup .... Monsyeites are all excited because the famous 36 year old actress Katie Holmes ex-wife of Tom Cruise is shooting a film called "All We Had", around the corner from Bais Medrish Elyon, Yeshiva Bais Dovid and did I mention Mesivtah Bais Shraga?

Rumor has it that she will chap a Mincha at Viznitz, but it's not true!
The film centers on a single mother and her daughter who live together on the edge of poverty in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse.
The location in Monsey chosen for this filming was Ralphies Diner on Remsen Avenue, at the corner of Grove Avenue. The diner got a new name for the purpose of the movie:
"Tiny's Grub n' Go."


  1. If she is trying to hide out from Scientology she should go to Mechel's instead of that treifenna place.

  2. its her ex husband Tom Cruise that's into Scientology , not her.
    Better ask her for mechila - she has a nice one :)

  3. I meant that Scientology is usually nokem against those who escape. There are all kinds of horror stories out there. But she can hide out at Mechel's while enjoying a shtik yaptchik. Just stay away from Tuvya's next door where that putz baal tayva Leib Tropper hangs out even more than before now that he has nothing to do.

  4. Or she could chap a danish at Frank's bakery . . .
