Sunday, July 19, 2015

Satmar Rebbe told Rav Shteinman in 1945 in Switzerland not to make Aliyah because "Zionists live there"

Satmar Rebbe ... and Rav Shteinman ( Circled) in 1945 in Switzerland 
Crazy stuff. 

It seems that when the Satmar Rebbe escaped Romania in 1945 with the help of the Zionists, he settled in Switzerland before making Aliyah himself!

But that didn't stop him from advising people not to make Aliyah.....

What was good for the goose is not apparently good for the gander....

At any rate, Rav Shteinman's Rebbitzen went to see the Satmar Rebbe (G-D only knows why) and asked him if she and her husband  should make Aliyah, the Rebbe advised her not to, because, as he put it   " Zionists live there and you have to be extremely careful from them and stay far away from them" 

The Rebbitzen told him that her husband is a "big Yirei Shamayim and he knows how to take care of himself"
The Rebbe then said that he heard about Rav Shteinman and would love to get to know him.

I ask you guys, here is a Chassidic leader that saw what the Murderous Europeans were capable of,  and he knew of the huge mistake that he made advising Romanian Jews pre WW2, who held Palestine and American  passports, not to emigrate, because as he put it ... "Hitler will never come to Hungary and Romania" and all those that took his advice, subsequently perished, ....... so now that he is safely ensconced in the mountains of Switzerland, he gives the same  advice!
How did he ever hold on to his Chassidim?
And weren't there Zionists in Sakmar in Romania? Why was it ok to advise people to stay in Romania with the Zionists, but not ok to be with the Zionists in Israel?

Why was the Rebbe's  scare tactics different then the Meraglim that said:
'Ameiliek dwells in the area of the south, the Hittie, the Jebusite and the Amorite dwell on the mountain and the Canaanite dwells by the sea and on the banks of the Jordan?"

The cherry on top is that the Satmar Rebbe himself did not listen to his own advice and made Aliyah?

What is even crazier is that Satmar Chasidim hate Rav Shteinman,.
Did he kill anyone?
Did he steal from anyone?
Did he call Reb Yoilish names?
Did he curse the Satmar Rebbe?
Did he call him an Apikoras and a Meen?
No No No
the hate him because they consider Rav Shteinman a "Tziyoinie" 
Satmar call themselves "erliche yeedin" and they hate another Jew because their philosophy is different! 
So they hate, yes hate Rav Shteinman!
Sick Romanian barbarians!


  1. i don't believe it. not everything they sell about rebbes is true

  2. 12:36
    So which part isn't true?
    1) That Satmar Rebbe advised people not to go to Palestine?
    before the war and after the war?
    2) That he never spoke to Rav Shteinman? ok maybe he didn't!
    3) That Satmar hate Rav Shteinman?

    Which part of the story isn't true....
    also if you are going to say that no part of the story is true then how do we know if any story about the Rebbe is true...

  3. I'm so disappointed in you for speaking badly about the Satmar Tzaddik Rebbe Yoel Teitlebaum זצל.


  4. 2:29
    I'll tell you "who the hell I am"
    I'm a guy that is fed up with the fairy tails that the Satmar Rebbe was the biggest "Ohaiv Yisroel" .... because if you look closely, the SHIT'eh doesn't square with the facts...
    He called Gedoilie Yisroel that didn't agree with him "Meenim and Apikorsim"
    It's time to bring Moshiach and they way to do it is to peel away perceptions from certain ideas foreign to Judaism!
    One of those ideas is the SHIT'eh of Satmar...
    and I'm committed to chip away at this SHIT'eh!
    That's "who the hell I am"
    Le'hitrayoit Cha'bibi

  5. 2:29
    I don't see you sticking up for Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l
    Why is the blood of your Satmar Rebbe more red than the blood of Harav Kook z"l?

    1. Why? And why? Again and again, because the OIF TAMEH KOOK was a apikores, as a matter of fact he had studied BEIYUN the new testament, but again I'm not arguing with you and it's really a waste of time to debate you, THE REAL REASON YOU'RE HATING THE SATMAR RUV IS BECAUSE HE'S YOUR SCAPEGOAT, IN REALITY YOU HATE HASHEM VETOROSO, AND I HAVE NO DOUBT THAT EVENTUALLY YOU'LL FOLLOW THE FOOTSTEPS OF YOUR DEAR MENTOR TH YM"S AND SHOW US YOUR REAL INTENTIONS

  6. 2:02
    I don't hate the Satmar Rebbe, I expose his fanatical and irrelevant views vis a vis Israel.... but I don't hate him...
    It's Satmar that has all the hate....just read your own comment..
    You are the one calling a Gadol Be'Toireh and Yirei Shamyim ... "Tameh Kook"
    your'e the one writing "he had studied BEIYUN the new testament,"
    BTW's Satmar that has a "new testament" because in the "old testament" it says that G-D gave the Jews Israel forever!
    Also, I don't know if you realize it, but the Caps are on ..on your computer sometimes! Check it out...

  7. 1) You actually hate not only the satmar ruv but each and every Jew who follows the path of the Torah and chazal, and not the path that some disgusting atheist and G-d hater founded through his sick mind
    2) No it's not me who calls him that, the majority of the gedolim in his generation called him so and much more including his own father in law
    3) And regarding the land of Israel, G-d gave it to us and took it away till the coming of moshiach and by decision of a bunch of CHAZIR FRESSERS

  8. 5:15
    Oh I see you fixed the Caps on your computer!
    1) so you know what's in my heart? wow! ...
    "each and every Jew who follows the path of the Torah and chazal," oh yea.... how about the Jews that believe that the Torah says that Israel belongs to the Jewish people for ever? How about those Jews?
    2) His own "father-in law?" You miserable liar.... you smelly skunk!
    3) G-d took it away? So how come we have a State and an army? Hmmmmm?
    G-d actually gave it to us in 1948, buddy!
    These Romanian bastards curse everyone that don't agree with their SHIT'eh! Sick and demented savages!

    1. "how about the Jews that believe that the Torah says that Israel belongs to the Jewish people for ever? How about those Jews?"
      And how about the Jews who believe that it's np to travel shabbos with a car, and it's np to marry a shiksa? You know very well what's about them? The reform Jews in the diaspora are more Jewish than the Zionists in EY, and still who cares what they do? Same here MR SMELLY SKUNK WHO CARES what you fantasize aka believe?
      Yes his own FIL i have copies of letters from him against his SIL
      "How come we have a state? Are you for real? That's a state that was given by Hashem and Hashem can't protect it? He does NOT protect it because it's against his orders, and yes that wonderful state will disappear be"h shortly UMALCHUS HAMINIM MEHEIRA SEAKER ETC BB"A

  9. "...a matter of fact he had studied BEIYUN the new testament,...'
    And if he did, so what???
    Rambam studies Socrates, Aristotle, b'iyun.
    Sanhedrin studied witchcraft b'iyun.
    Chazal knew about different avoda zoros b'iyun..
    Smart educated Torah people study EVERYTHING. Ignoramuses and hippopotamussesss know nothing....
    " da ma lehuhiv l'apikorus" means study, study study... so that you know what to debate....
    Get over it already, soreloser...
    All the tzaddikim who supported the State were right....!!!!
    You can't handle it? Go to a siyum, eat katchke, steak & jumbo franks, then drown yourself in Smirnoff, malaga & concord ....
    The hischalte d'geula has begun, but you guys are prolonging the Final Geula by opposing it and cursing holy tzaddikim....

    ".. G-d gave it to us and took it away till the coming of moshiach...
    Nope, not necessarily.. A whole slew of big rabbonim don't agree.... Moshiach's role viv-a-vis kibbutz is highly debatable...

    Once & for all... Where exactly does it say that only Mosiach will do the kibbitz... Give me chapter and verse.... Hello???!!!!
    Sanhedrin: R' Hillel says: AYN MOSHIACH L"YISROEL... Open and read. He believes the geula will come w/o Moshiach... Open & read...
    Yo...!!! Pay attention...!!! More and more olim are cramming the Nefesh B'nefesh flights , especially from France & North America.... Thousand, and thousands...... More and more each year... Tuff SHYT'eh, eh???...!!!!!!!! It's right there in front of your envious eyes... So where's Moshiach??

    It's the Ribono Shel Olam, m'boy..... He comes before any Moshiach... Moshiach isn't an avodo zorah... It's about Hashem first, Jewish people second and Moshiach 3rd.... Whatever you were taught is wrong...!!!! Maybe, had we deserved it , Moshiach would've appeared and done what you say.. In any case, this was only one scenario...

    Oh, he'll come alright....If you get lucky, he'll drag the remnants, the stubborn holdouts like you kicking and screaming into a robust built-up land.... Everything you believe is being contradicted by real time events in glorious fashion... Suck it up, boy... Stop whining... Start wine'ing...!!

    Derby... Now pass some blintzes in sour cream....

  10. It's worthwhile to download the "HATZIYONIS" by Rav Hagoan Yehuda Don-Yechiye at for his analysis. He wrote it in 1901.
    He discusses the whole Moshiach issue with clarity and answers all questions, bringing down all memres about Moshiach.
    In short, he believes it will a slow process and discusses Moshiach's role...
    So said Rav Kalisher Z"TZL as do others... As does R' Avrohom, the Vilna Gaons' son in Tehillim... That Eiliha Hanavi will do the kibbutz... So also says Radak in Hosheya... So do others... NOBODY knows the exact role Moshiach will play in the kibbutz... It's simply not clear.... What IS clear, is that that the kibbutz is growing and fgrowing... more and more are making Aliyah,, if not thinking and planning it....
    Waiting for Moshiach is a poor excuse..... means you have unfinished business in galus which you don't want to give up... So you put the whole kit 'n' caboodle on Moshiach... Oh, I'll go when he comes... Right..!!!!

    Derby... And don't forget the shliskes & lekvar......

  11. "....""""CHAZIR FRESSERS ....."""

    As opposed to KOOOOSHER Chazir Feeslach...!!! ha, ha , ha.

    The Heen & the Hoon.

  12. ".. the majority of the gedolim in his generation called him so and much more including his own father in law ...

    Folks, this is a small sample of a lying, psychopathic deranged lunatic who repeats like a hashish addicted papagei, loshon hora and evil slander during the 9 days...

    Rabbanit Tammy Kol Toov.... soon to darshen at your local shtiebel...

    1. Loshon hora that's what bothering you? You deranged lunatic don't be lazy and look in Chofetz Chaim that on reshaim - and he states clearly what kind of reshaim - is a mitzvah to talk loshon hora! And again the OF TAMEH WHICH THE TORAH SAYS THAT KOOK IS ONE OF THE OFOS TEMEIM ON HIM THE MAJORITY OF GEDOLIM IN HIS TIME INCLUDING REB ELCHONON WASSERMAN AND MANY MORE CHASIDDISH AND LITVISH WROTE AND DENOUNCED HIM AS A APIKORES

  13. Many rabbonim make the following keen observation:
    According to the 'wait till Moshiach" crowd, how will millions of Jews suddenly move into wastelands, swamps, mosquito ridden areas, no agrigulture, only Bedouin huts .... how is that possible?
    Moshiach will come after the country is built up, agriculturally, housing, hotels, farms, highways, roads,trams. Egged buses, falafel stands, humus joints, stores, parks...etc... infrastructure... etc.
    Doesn't this make sense?
    Hashem waited 40 years with the Jews in midbar, so that the trees and vineyards that Canaanites uprooted when Benei Yisoel's entry to EY was imminent,grew again, so that the country would be bountiful..
    But logic has no place for the ANT-i ( chagovim)-Zionists because they don't want to think for themselves.... only to papagei svoros that are very, very obviously contrary to what's happening....

    L'chol Hapoochis....... Chemyele & Tante Jenny & his Kapelye already made Aliyah...The kapelye is entertaining IDF at the fronts..

  14. 1) the inyan of a slow guela is a big mistake...kema kena was only written about purim and not about masiach
    2) rav kook learned rhe NT... pleae bring source
    2) he did learn philosophy at voligin in 1885 which is much worse than a iphone in gur today

  15. Check this out on the Emes Vemunah blog:

    "......R’ Aharon Leib Shteinman has shockingly quibbled with part of one of those 13 principles. The one which says that 'even though he (Moshiach) tarries, we must wait for him'. Rav Shteinman says we do not have to wait for him. This is not to say that he won’t be coming. We must believe that. But to actively wait for him has historically been ignored by even observant Jews with few exceptions ....."

    "....that Rav Aharon Kotler once read secular literature or wrote letters to his fiancé before they were married is deemed derogatory by the Hashkafa of the right. How dare we say that a pure and holy man like R’ Aharon Kotler read secular books… or even worse, wrote letters to his finance?! To the Charedi mindset these things are beneath the Kavod of a man they consider to have been the Gadol HaDor. So when someone like R’ Kamenetsky published those things in his book, Making of a Gadol, it was banned. Apparently the Kotler family felt it was disparaging to say that about their patriarchal figure...."
    How's that for B'iyun???????? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???????????????????


  16. To Yaniv
    Oh he learned philosophy in 1885....
    How about in 1886 ... did he also learn philosophy? or was it only in 1885?
    Who cares...?
    What's interesting is that in our time... a leader of Thousands who couldn't read a word English (got all his news from Der Goy) and ensconced in a comfortable home on Bedford avenue, made up the entire scenario of the 6 day war ...and has thousands upon thousands repeating these narishkeitin and outright BS!
    Maybe he should have read some philosophy in Hungarian in 1967?

  17. 6:44
    The Majority of Gedoilim"
    The majority are Buddhists, and then the next "majority" are Christians...
    BTW check your computer, it typing in caps again!

  18. ".... it's np to travel shabbos with a car",....
    Nobody says it's not a problem...

    """" and it's np to marry a shiksa? You know very well what's about them? The reform Jews in the diaspora are more Jewish than the Zionists in EY, ..."""

    HUH ?????? DUH !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reform intermarriage is about 80%.... Israel chilonim maybe 10%...
    What's this about you guys who hate Zionists & love the Reform?
    Zionist chiloni doesn't go to shul , therefore aren't mevaze it... Reform have their own shuls , say cut-out prayers, don't recognize the sefer Torah in their fancy aron as coming from G-D... Sit men & women together b'pritzus & w/o kippas..... and you crazies have no problem with them...
    BTW... Look in this week's Kli Yakar on PNU LUCHEM TZEFONAH.... See what he says about hisgeirus bagoyim in chutz laaretz....

    "....Yes his own FIL i have copies of letters from him ..... BLAH BLAH, BELCH...."

    Even if true, it DON'T MATTER..... Stop maaleh geyreh'ing the same old stuff.... R' Elchonon, Chofeits Chaim... R' Elchonon, Chofeits Chaim... R' Elchonon, R' Elchonon... Majority of this, majority of those... R' Elchonon... Chofeitz Chaim..... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz...SNOrrrrrrrrrrrreee...... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
    It's the 9 days... I don't want to get in with R' Elchonon....

    Everything changed in 1948....Any opposition before that is history ...

    "..... He does NOT protect it...." Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, LMYAO.....ha,

    Hey, you can't even begin to talk even a tiny amount of nissim that occur there every SECOND... You only see the sometime bad things that happen.... Which happens in your golus shtetl also...... Stop being a kofer & apikorus..... It's time...


  19. ".....Yes his own FIL i have copies of letters from him...."
    The same way you have a copy of the so-called "B'DAM" Zionist letter to R' Weissmandel?????

    You already have a chazokah of being a liar and revisionist.....
    Anyway..... Even what I'm saying is already getting stale : " IT'S OVER...""" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What don't you get about it??? IT'S OVER..""" YOU guys were wrong... !!!!! Remember.... 1948...!!!! ( elmispooruhm )

    The Hoon.... The Heen is buying some intergeshluggineh boondlach ( don't know what it is, but my sometimes friend, a deluxe meat fresser and fanatical anti-blintze poi'er { POH'er bilshoynum hatmeyeh v'hashikse] always used to tell me that his metziyeh ( wife...bilshoynum hame'eeeeesih v'hatmey'eh) makes them for fahrfasting...

  20. "....THE MAJORITY OF GEDOLIM IN HIS TIME..." First of all, this is savage Bool SHYT'te and we know from where you got it.
    But let's for argument sakes, say it's even true..
    Were you maavir sedreh this week??

    Moshe Rabbeinu is reprising the story of the meraglim...

    Now v-e-r-y, very s-l-o-w-l-y...

    How many were on the right side?????
    Count with me.... O-n-e- and t-w-o...
    2 right?????

    And the others who caused us to fast on Sunday????
    Who were they??????


    The what????????

    The MAJORITY......
    Slowly ... The M___A___J___O___R__ I____T___Y___

    Derby.... Unbelievable...
