Monday, June 1, 2015

Satmar hires Mexicans to protest Israeli Day Parade

The Romanian gypsies DBA Satmar, came up with an ingenious plan .... instead of coming out in the rain to protest the Israeli Day Parade, they went schnorring by Shachris in Williamsburg and in KJ and hired Mexicans and dressed them up with Tzizis and Yarmulkas and gave them anti-Jewish signs......

Some people would say that "Satmar would never do anything like that" that's Neturei Karta, so the readers of my Blog already know that my shitah is that it's all one.... Satmar is Neturei Karta, and the Neturei Karta is Satmar....  Satmar only use the Neturei Karta for their dirty work... but the SHIT'a is the same. There is absolutely no difference in their ideology ..  ....
So for this they have $$$$$!
But I think they saved some money because instead of  having to serve hot KJ chicken soup to the usual Chassidishe protesters ... they got away with some cheap jalapenos!
Hasta La'wego!



    Those cheap jalapenos are so environmentally friendly that you can varf them in the Ramapo River

  2. these guys werent hired by satmar...the guys who hires them is a Talmid of Rav Avigdor miller and the signs are not anti Israel just anti the Toevah and pritzus in the parade.

  3. I deeply appreciated reading your blog on this matter. I am truly enlightened to see that Satmar a/k/a Neturai Karta have taken an open position in accordance with true Torah ideology against the gays and the immoral and non-tznius dressing by Jewish women- many of which are found walking up and down Kingston Avenue with no shame whatsoever. That Satmar collected the money to pay those Montezumas is obviously because they did not want to be seen any where near that detestable group of empty headed Sodom type creatures. Believe me, I never had any high opinion of Satmar -until now. Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth. And, if you can find out for me what office of Satmar sponsored that protest, because I want to send them a nice size donation to help pay for their next rally.

  4. 11:19
    you can send the donation to:
    The Williamsburg/Monroe Nazi Party
    Auschwitz, Poland
