Sunday, May 3, 2015

This Week's Haftorah Debunks Satmar Anti-Israel Philosophy!

Those of you following this blog are aware of the irrelevant $atmar SHIT'ah that prohibits Jews from moving to Eretz Yisroel.

 The Shitah's philosophy mimics the now defunct radical ideas of the Minchas Eluzer, the first Muncather Rebbe, that basically states that only when Moshiach comes can Jews make Aliyah... 

This shitah is contrary to the Rambam and other Rishonim that explicitly state that the Geulah will come in stages.  

The first stage will be the in-gathering of Jews from "the four corners of the world." The Second stage will be the rebuilding of the barren land of Eretz Yisroel. The third stage will be the coming of Moshiach and finally, the re-building of the Bais Hamikdash!

See Derashos Chasam Sofer 27 Elul 5580, where he implies that the people of Israel will gather together in Eretz Yisroel, without the Bais Hamikdash, even before Moshiach comes.

The first two stages have already come to fruition with the massive aliyah to Eretz Yisroel; over 6 million Jews live there, bli ayen harah, and the massive infrastructure already in place.

Those of you listening to the haftorah this past Shabbos, must have heard the Baal Mafter, read from the Novie Amos, predicting what is already in place. and which the blind $atmars cannot see and believe!

The Novie states: 
(Verse 13)"Behold days are coming..... so says Hashem,
When the plower will encounter the reaper, and the one who threads upon the grapes will meet the one who brings the seeds, the mountains will drip with wine, and the hills will melt (with fat)...
I shall bring back the captivity of My people Israel, and they will rebuild the desolate cities, they will return and plant vineyards and drink their wine, they will make gardens and eat the fruit.
I shall implant them upon their Land, they will not be uprooted again from upon their Land that I have given them, says Hashem, your G-D!


  1. No, we didn't say this haftorah this shabbos. We said from Yechezkel "ben odom"...

  2. 11:24
    Most Jews follow the Shulchan Aruch that says that in Chutz L'aratz we read the one from Amos..on Parshas Achrei Mos- Kedoishim
    But that is neither here nor there...
    the prophecy of Amos stands for itself!

  3. The CHESED LEAVROHOM (Passed away 371 years ago) brings in his Sefer very clearly, that the day when Moshiach is gonna come with klal Yisroel to EY he will find there ONLY 7000 thousand Jews! Where will the rest of them be? HASHEM YERACHEM

  4. 4:19
    What about the following quote from The CHESED LEAVROHOM? Hmmmmm?

    "Know then that the Jewish (Neshamot) souls that dwell in the Land of
    Israel come forth from the ten sefirot of [the realm of] Yetzirah. [Thus,
    these souls] are called the "House of Israel". They are also called
    "children". For when a Jewish person dwells outside the Holy Land then
    [all he/she] has is a (nefesh) soul from the [level of] the Ofanim
    (angels). When one merits to enter the Land of Israel there comes upon
    him/her a new (nefesh level) soul from Yetzirah and cloaks itself within
    his older (nefesh) soul.
    The first night that one sleeps in the Land of Israel both souls leave [the
    body] and ascend above [to visit the Heavenly realms during the allotted
    sleep time]. Upon returning only the new soul returns. Therefore, such
    a person is not fit to receive any punishments [for any sins committed
    outside of the Holy Land], for this, the new soul [which now inhabits the
    body] is not the one who sinned. Thus, our blessed Rabbis have taught
    (Ketubot 111A) that such a one (i.e., one that lives in the holy Land) is
    forgiven all his sins. [Thus] every Jewish person who lives in the Land
    Chessed L’Avraham Page: 10/76
    of Israel is called a tzaddik (righteous person), even if to all appearances
    one is not such. For if the person was not a tzaddik the Land [itself]
    would vomit out such a person, as it is written, "And the land shall vomit
    out those who dwell upon her" (Lev. 18:25). Being that the Land does
    not vomit out such a person, we must accept that he/she is a tzaddik
    (righteous person) even if the person is considered a rasha (criminal

    1. 1) Tnx for this piece, because this answers the question in my original post WHERE WILL THE REST OF THE JEWS BE? Yes HAKBH has patience but at the end ALL the sinners will be expelled as the Torah warned

  5. 5:47
    if you read what I quoted from the Chesed LAvraham .... you would have seen that ALL JEWS LIVING IN ISRAEL ARE Tzaddikim, otherwise they wouldn't be there!
    Now, for the number...7,000 that number is a "guzmeh" and used alot in shas...
    for instance the gemarrah has a story about a talmud of Ben Pridah who couldnt grasp any torah unless he was thought 400 times...
    so most meforshim say that's a "guzmeh"
    there are many in Shas and this is one of them!

    1. I read very well what you wrote and actually looked it up, and obviously you did NOT read my full comment which is based NOT on the Chesed leavrohom but on the psukei hatorah, and regarding your blabbering about the guzmehs of chazal you're not even worth to be replied on that

  6. 5:47
    Also Rav Avraham Azulai the author of Chesed L'Avraham was niftar in 1643,
    The jewish population in Israel in the 1600's was approx 5,000 out of a total of 300,000 goyim...
    The Chesed L'Avraham thought that Moshiach would probably come in his time or a bit after ... so the number 7,000 was huge in his eyes!

    1. Whatever happens and goes on nowadays in EY including the protests of the Ethiopians (which is a direct result of their atheistic education) but not limited to only that, is directly in contradiction of what chazal tell us will happen, and actually it's clearly written in chazal to the contrary of what you think or fantasies THE IMMINENT EXPIRATION OF THAT ATHEISTIC REGIME IS VERY CLOSE

  7. This and the guzmeh issue from the the previous reply are so idiotic and shows how ignorant you are in basic chazal, NEBECH

  8. 9:02
    "Psukei hatorah?" ha ha hee hee
    Which "psukei hatorah?" you meshiginer<>>
    How about the Novie Amos... that not "psukei hatorah?"

    you mean the Satmar dynasty? ...or do you mean only the Aroinim?

  9. 9:23
    so, Bubele< you are saying that Chazal is contradicting the Navie Amos?
    Interesting? ......
    Notice that 9:23 parroting the crazy idiotic ideas of the Romanian savages is saying that Chazal ignores a Novie...

    1. No i didn't say anything close to it, of course the psukei hatorah and the words of Amos are NOT contradicting IT'S CHAY VEKAYOM But the Zionistic atheistic ideology which was founded by those two subhumans TH and MN ym"s (btw the last one was married to a goyta) IS in totality a contradiction to ALL of chazal


    Speaking of your opening line regarding Satmar "opinion" or, well, nevermind ...

    Here is Aron Teitebaum saying that when the Agudah joins the Israeli government they are jumping into boiling sh**
