Sunday, May 31, 2015

Honoring Israel at Parade !


  1. DIN- just wanted to point out that it is Assur to go to the parade due to the Toeva groups which march (nothing to do with Zionism). Unless you are an anti-Zionist see herer : וְאֶּת זָכָר לאֹ תִשְכַב מִשְכְבֵי אִשָה תּוֹעֵבָה הִוא...אַל תִּטַמְאוּ בְכָל אֵלֶּה כִי בְכָל אֵלֶּה נִטְמְאוּ הַגּוֹיִם
    אֲשֶּר אֲנִי מְשַלֵחַ מִפְנֵיכֶּם... וַתִּטְמָא הָאָרֶּץ וָאֶּפְקֹד עֲוֹנָ עָלֶּיהָ וַתָּקִא הָאָרֶּץ אֶּת ישְבֶּיה... כִי אֶּת כָל
    הַתּוֹעֵבֹת הָאֵל עָשׂוּ אַנְשֵי הָאָרֶּץ אֲשֶּר לִפְ נֵיכֶּם וַתִּטְמָא הָאָרֶּץ"
    “You shall not lie down with a male, as with a woman: this is an abomination…You shall not defile yourselves by any of these things, for the nations, whom I am sending away from before you, have defiled themselves with all these things…And the land became defiled, and I visited its sin upon it, and the land vomited out its inhabitants…For the people of the land who preceded you, did all of these abominations, and the land became defiled.”

  2. 1:10
    There is also an anti-Israel parade by the Satmar goons, and I'm sure that your "Assur" applies to that parade too..because there are a bunch of gays there too! Probably more than in the Israeli Parade!

  3. I don't know anything about the Satmar parade. It has nothing to do that there are gays but rather that there are openly gay groups who march under that banner. You can say whatever you want... but Rav Ahron Solivetchik Zatzal (from Chicago and not at all and anti-Zionist) paskened when he was alive that if the Gay groups were ever allowed into this parade it would be assur. The point of the pesukim were to show that by marching/going to the parade it is an act of anti-Zionism because it is defiling E"Y and wanting people to be spit out from it due to Toevah like the Torah says/

  4. 4:04
    I'm against the Gays joining the parade... but it is what it is...
    NYS Law makes it illegal for the organizers to exclude them.
    it's interesting to note that the Satmar gypsies that have an anti-Zionist parade today are only protesting the fact that the parade is Zionist ...they are not bothered by the fact that there are gay groups marching...
    also the RBS"O will not at this time "spit out" any Jew living in Israel.
    but Hashem made sure that Spain, Portugal, and England and finally Nazi Germany spit out all the Jews...
    and the USA is next...
    So, my brother, pack your bags because you will soon be joining the gays living in Israel.

  5. "NYS Law makes it illegal for the organizers to exclude them." -- and guess what? the Catholics still don't allow them in their parade. Shows you the definition of Chillul Hashem.

  6. DIN do u have a Reb Yossi to back up your position. Who gives a hoot what you think?????? You are sooooooooooo stupid that tou make the Zollies look smart!!!

  7. 4:50
    The Catholics have no choice in the matter and last year the gays marched!
    The "Chillul Hashem" is not when gays parade in the Israeli Day Parade...
    The "Chillul Hashem" is when The Satmarer Rebbe and the Bobover and all the other tuches lekkers endorse a pro-gay candidate such as the menuvel DeBlasio, because he promised them programs and now they have extra $$$$ to buy brand new crystal "chillars" hanging in the dining rooms! That's the "Chillul Hashem"

    And YOU actually give "a hoot" to what I think... because you read my blog...and actually comment on it too... though most of my readers don't know that I delete most of your profane laced tirades on a daily basis...
    May Hashem repay you a thousand times!

  8. DIN- I wrote 1:10, 4:04, and 4:50. Not 4:55. I'm not the one either that writes the terrible comments that 4:55 usually writes. So I am not sure if your last post is responding to me but if it is I agree that those rebbe's are making chillulei hashem.
