Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Rebbitzen Wosner: The Picture You Will Never See!

Nope! You won 't see it in the Yated, you won't see it in Der Yid, Der Blatt, Dee Zeitung, the Anti-Jewish Ami, or even in the MIshpacha!
This beautiful picture of Rav Wosner z"l sitting with his Rebbitzin on a bench, you will not see anywhere except on the "Tumedika" Blogs!


  1. Beautiful picture! Thank you.

  2. Would you see such a sexy photo in Hamodia? Of course not. Only on Rare View. Problem is no one comes here to know that.

    Calling all Romanians! Visit this blog if you want to get a high.

  3. Always nice to see the "human side" of Gedolim, Thanks.

  4. LES AYM: The human side of gedolim is that they banned sites like this disgusting one.

  5. To anon at 505pm , Few if any Rabbonim and certainly no Gedolim know anything about the internet except what their handlers tell them, they are not tech savvy.
    It's a shame that Halachic/Hashkafa issues are getting decided without them having both sides of the issues being explained to them.
    It's often been said that when Rav Moshe Feinstein or Rav Shlomo Z Auerbach dealt with technology issues they would have a techy or engineer explain all the pertinent points. Only then would they take all that info, absorb it and make a decision.

  6. Din- thank for showing this beautiful pic.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. all we can say is DUH!
