Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thousands of Haman's Grandchildren will gather in Willaimsburg today to burn the Israeli Flag

So you read the megilla this morning and you read that we managed to hang Haman and his children....

Well, one of them must have gotten away ..... because ....
today at 3:30 PM .... in Williamsburg at Hewes Street corner Lee Avenue, thousands of his descendants, dressed like Chassidim, will publicly burn the Israeli Flag ....the flag that represents the Jewish people!


  1. Yeah you keep platzing away and according to your twisted mind soon the whole klal Yisroel will dance and celebrate when Hashem is gonna bring us the real yeshua and the entire MALCHUS HAMINOS will disappear not only the atheistic anti god revolutionary flag BB"O

  2. DIN dude stop being obsessed with Satmar, Ami, chassidim et al. It's very off putting. Concentrate on other things, dude. And learn ho to speak English without that Willliamsburg Romanian accent.

  3. the Israeli flag does NOT represent the jewish people - it represents a state that was formed against Halacha - that's why they are burning it.
    IMHO they should not be making such public displays because even though they are right - this is simply not the correct way to handle it.

  4. The Magen David always and DOES represent the Jewish people for thousands of years, dude.
    It's against who's halacha?.
    What if state starts to put on tfillin and tallit, are they going to burn that too?

  5. The whole world including the Nazis knew that the Magen David represents the Jewish people, so here you just threw in a stupid lie

  6. Attention Romanian Anti-semites with streimels:

    Learn a little Torah for once in your life-the very first Rashi in the Torah proclaims the Jewish ownership of Eretz Yisrael.

    Then learn a little history instead of remaining in a state of pathetic ignorance. The UN General Assembly in 1947 voted by a majority vote to allow a Jewish State. By denying the rights of the Jewish nation to Eretz Yisrael, you are rebelling against the nations and brazenly violating the three oaths mentioned in the Talmud Kesubos.

    Its not the "Tzionim" you're fighting-you're fighting Hashem and His Torah, and you will not succeed.

  7. Goombash
    It seems that the whole wide world thinks that the Israeli flag represents Jews .... So why don't you tell ISIS that the flag is against Halacha and doesn't represent you maybe they won't chop your silly head off,

  8. Ha! I love this krazy blog. I love to see Jews fight.

  9. I agree, this blog is demented. No honor or sense. Just name calling.

  10. This is the first time I've visited this site. I'm not sure it's demented but it surely isn't an upstanding one! Who's the guy with the clown hat, and who put it on him? It's not nice for any Jewish blog to poke fun and distort the looks of anybody.

  11. reading the comments here... i know why moshiach is still not here.

    as long as those self hating satmars and there ilk are around...

  12. din is an insult to anyone's intelligence. he take's normal people and insults them.
