Monday, March 2, 2015

‘Mr. Netanyahu, 6 Million Holocaust Victims Thank You for Traveling to Washington’

The “Our Eretz Yisrael” organization released a message of support for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as he prepares to give his  address to the United States Congress.

“All of Am Yisrael stands behind you as you embark on your trip to Washington for your shlichus to save Am Yisrael from another Holocaust. 

The lesson from the Holocaust is that we may not remain silent as Jewish leaders’ 75 years ago suppressed the wave of protest against Washington and the United States Government permitted Nazi Germany to bring millions of Jews to the gas chambers and death camps. 

This was the case with the world media too, including the media in control of the Jews.

“Six Million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust and we thank you for traveling to Washington so our cry is heard regarding the future in addition to reminding the world of the terrible failure of the past, allowing the genocide of the Jews as the world turned a blind eye” stated Rav Shalom Dov Wolpe, Chairman of the Our Land of Israel.

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