Friday, February 6, 2015

Letter to Yated Editor says that Rav Yaakov Ruderman's pro-Israel views are now irrelevant

When a guy writes that what a Godol who passed away said years ago, is now irrelevant because if he were alive today he would have changed his mind, then how do we now know if anything any Godol says now, is relevant?

 How do I now know that what any Rishon or Achron said is true? 
Maybe it was true only when he was alive?
More of my thoughts after the letter:

Dear Editor,
In the last edition of the Yated, there was an interesting interview with the previous chief rabbi of Israel, Rav Yisrael Meir Lau.

One of the points in the interview was, in my opinion, mis-leading.

 Rav Lau mentions that when he met with Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman zt"l, the rosh yeshivah was talking to someone about whether it was permissible to have a Magen Dovid in a shul (as there was a machlokas whether a particular shul should allow this). 

Rav Ruderman said in Kovna, this was a common practice and therefore it was not a problem. When one of the people in the room argued that this was before the founding of the State of Israel, the rosh yeshiva said, "What's bad about the state? It saved many Jews from  death. It saved many Jews from death. It opened the gates of Aliyah to people with nowhere to go. Please leave the paroches as it is. The Magen Dovid is not  treif. The man is correct. There is nothing wrong with it, and you can tell that to the people in the shul in my name."

It would appear that even if the rosh yeshiva had this opinion at that point in history, we can't say with certainty that he would utter such a statement after the current terrible matzav in Eretz Yisroel, with a government under Yair Lapid that has caused such terrible damage to Torah in so many ways. To publicize something that the rosh yeshiva said so many years ago, when the matzav is so different now, could lead to a lack of clarity to our olam and/or a lack of respect for the gadlus of the rosh yeshiva.
An Alumnus of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel

What a chutzpah from a conceited smarkatch! ... 

Rav Ruderman clearly said :

"What's bad about the state? It saved many Jews from  death. It saved many Jews from death. It opened the gates of Aliyah to people with nowhere to go. Please leave the paroches as it is. The Magen Dovid is not  treif. The man is correct. There is nothing wrong with it, and you can tell that to the people in the shul in my name."

What changed about that statement?

He writes: 
"Yair Lapid that has caused such terrible damage to Torah in so many ways."

First of all: Yair Lapid is no longer in the government....

Second of all: What did he do that's knegged Ha'Toirah?

He wants Yesivah boys to go to the army? 
Didn't Rav Shach and Rav Ovadia Yosef say many times, that any boy whose "Torah isn't Umnusoih" should not a get a Petur from the army?
see the attached letter from Rav Shach

He cut money from Yeshivos and Kollolim?

I never ever saw so much as a "thank you" to the State of Israel that wrote checks for over 60 years to the Yeshivos and kollilim...
I would think that if they had shown a bit of appreciation, things would have turned out differently!

About the Magen Dovid...
The Satmar Shul in Satmar where Reb Yoel davened had a Magen Dovid...
see the photo from DER YID!
Notice the Magen David above the Aron Kodesh


  1. Dear Alumnus:

    K.M.A...... !!!!!!!!!!!

    You're nothing but an arrogant two-bit punk... !!! Are the 3 shvuos still relevant..? Are the toirelech about not having a medinah before Moshiach relevant?
    Are YOU , alumnus , relevant??
    Are you working for a living like the rest of us clock punching F-Train zhlubbs or do you own a relevant shver ?

    Hey Yated, Hamodia, Der Goy, etc....:
    You guys have more mazel than seichel, in that people still shake out to buy your irrelevant rags...
    The only Anglo-Yiddish newspaper that I bring into my house is the Jewish Press... Not that it's great, but it still has a pro-Zionist position and will allow my grandma's photo.. and your's too...
    Derby.... Hey Alumnus, I said K.M.A. !!!!!!! ----- The line starts around the corner .Now THAT'S relevant.

  2. Please read Rav Melamed's column in Arutz 7 , titled :
    Judaism : The Desecration of G-D and the Torah.
    He addresses the subject with clarity and reason, then adds the following, among other thoughts:

    "....The painful words I write are not directed at the masses......My comments are directed against the leaders...."

    A rav who has guts and courage to speak the truth...
