Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Satmar Rebbes say 770 Stabbing was because America Stole NY from the Indians!

Well .... they never actually said it ....
but this is Satmar "farkrumtah" logic...
Didn't the "Chuchim" from Monroe say that the three kidnapped boys that were murdered by the Arabs, was because they were settlers?
So why is this stabbing different? Didn't the Americans steal this land from the Indians?


  1. I love that picture. he looks like he should be in the circus freak show.

  2. There is a time to kibbitz & a time to be serious.

    There are several indications that it was a Muslim terrorist attack at 770. The "mainstream" media is covering up the details like they always do lately because Obama doesn't like any mention of terrorist attacks.

    Have you not seen the details in the few places that reported it?

  3. Do we have to smile on this idiotic post? You would be a great candidate in the Guinness book of records for the most stupid idiot who LOOKS HUMAN BUT iN REALITY IS A MIX OF A MONKEY AND SKUNK

  4. To 11:47
    If it was indeed a Muslim attack, then this headline will soon be accurate..
    The Satmar Rebbe will say it's because of Americans stealing land from the Apachi Indians...
    and if he doesn't, then he is a hypocrite!

  5. CLASSIC BLASPHEMY, this blogger could be compared to the STURMER and he'll come out ahead, HOW DARE YOU write such EVIL!!! You're hands should of disconnected from their shoulders, your fingers should have fallen of your wrists when you penned those CRUEL VILE sentences, but dear people, this again RECONFIRMS what is STANDARD (substandard...) DIN and DERBY (THE FERD), both of them being uneducated (In tora) borderline retarded, mentally challenged (I'm politically correct........), addicted to SATMAR bashing, obsessed with an EXTREME SELF HATE, and there you have the exact formula and composition of this Blog and its TWO main (mean) characters.....

  6. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, to post such ugly remarks, and photo, you make no sense, you are a COWARD, hiding your obvious STUPIDITY behind senseless posts as this one, any sensible person understand your problem, and its a MAJOR ONE, for when you ATTACK SATMAR, there immediately is a deluge of comments blowing you to smithereens, so you now took on a new tactic, to just post ugly stupid nonsensical cheap shots, that would fit right into those ANTISEMITIC BLOGS, and try your luck this way, its a sad day that somebody that (says, I'm not so sure...) Was born to Jewish parents, should reach these depths of vulgarity & profanity.

  7. 1:16
    Aha! You don't like when I link an attack on 770 with the Indians, but's ok for Satmar to link the murder of the 4 Kedosim in Har nof with Har Habayis!
    Exactly my point, both make no sense!

  8. AL TAAN KESIL KEUVALTO, as we see nobody is answering your stupid retarded comments, we only are MOCHE because of KEVOD HATORA, the BIZAYON of A SAAR HATORAH, A RABAN SHEL KAL BENEI HAGOLAH

  9. Herr DIN,

    According to Pinny Lipschutz at least, Rav Shteinman made the same attribution for Har Nof as R' Aron Teitelbaum.

    Now of course things that Pinny claims need verification so I wonder if Rav Shteinman really said it.

  10. 1:56
    After you commented, I spoke to Pinny,and he says that he only reported what he saw in the news and that he has no verification.....

  11. The only Bizayon is your Saar Hatorah. The day he crawls on his hands and knees and begs mechila from the the 3 sets of parents that he insulted this past summer, I will consider recanting my comments. Until then, he remains the ausvorf that he is. Anyone who is a "saar hatorah" would never utter the words that he did. You wanna worship him, be my guest. Even Red Yoel Z"L would be embarrased by this man.

  12. Wow!

    You have Pinny on speed dial?


  13. 2:05
    I actually do, but he doesn't know that I'm DIN, if he did, he probably would fall down laughing

  14. Driving down CollegeDecember 9, 2014 at 9:24 PM

    "he probably would fall down laughing"

    I could swear I just heard howls of laughter & then a big thud coming from down Olympia!

  15. Laughing out Loud LOLOLDecember 9, 2014 at 9:31 PM

    UOJ once wrote that Pinny is glued to his site to get the latest breaking yeshivishe scandals that he could never report on himself.

    There is reason to believe it is true. Some readers warned Pinny in the UOJ comments that if the Yated doesn't stop calling every shysterish macher a "noted askan", they will start countering on UOJ with which crimes the "askanim" were convicted of.

    Guess what? The Yated stopped applying that title to people! LOLOLOL

  16. We need to hear from the resident expert Derby if any native Indian tribes are known to drink Malaga.

  17. I think this stabbing was because a whole boat load of chasdidishe buchurim from bnai brak were caught in a night club. And when the owner got wind of what was happening , all hell broke loose and most were kickef out of yeshiva. U could all see pictures of it on some israeli sites as well
    as on nuchum rosenbergs site.

  18. DIN,

    Sorry to burst your anti-Satmar bubble, but you might actually be saying a limud zchus on R' Aron.

    R' Aron could hold like Menashe ben Yisroel whose shita is that Indians are from the Aseres Hashvotim so he is sticking up for other Yidden if he takes such a position. Lubavitch on the other hand is the closest thing to Judaism.


  19. Rumoy shel oylam... LOL

    I'm not an expert on anything, but this thread is teaching me about women's pants, so......

    Don't know about the many American Indian nations, but recently, an archeologist discovered a shard of ceramic in upstate NY with an Indian partial inscription which translates into ....aga....
    So it's possible that it was 'malaga' originally.
    I'd guess that it MIGHT be evidence that the NY Indians... drank it.. probably, let's say from Oneida County NY to say, Lakehurst, N.J... you know, where the zeppelin crashed in '38... that whole swath which includes many now prominent Jewish cities and communities, probably drank it...

    But who cares? It's the rebbetzin's pants/wardrobe that are interesting now..


  20. When a bumbling jackass like you comments, people with some common sense can add two plus two, and realize what's behind your words, ranting and raving about MALAGA nonstop, adds up to the fact, that YOU YOU, Derby (the ferd), are a CHRONIC ALCOHOLIC, and you're VERY VERY JEALOUS that you can't afford enough of the 'bittere Trupp', therefore you mention ALCOHOL at least twice in every sentence. Clear minded people deducted your intoxication problem, just by the fact that most (Ruba Deruba) of your posts and comments just don't make sense whatsoever. Its most obvious that you need emergency professional mental help, I'll bet you that your diagnosis will be comprised of multiple disorders and many of them will sound like Alphabet Soup, ADD ADHD OCD BiPolar etc, please see to it to take your MEDS on time, follow all the instructions, with meals, or before or after meals etc, and then Maybe Maybe we'll have a bit of Menucha, you being a childish immature individual, Low IQ idiot, we have to reinforce these instructions.

  21. Laziest media on earthDecember 10, 2014 at 5:10 AM

    What kind of nonsense is that, that Lipschutz just repeats in Yated & Matzav what is reported elsewhere?

    If he is reprinting snippets of newswires like AP / Reuters or even the amateur ones like VIN / YWN, that is one thing. But he incorporates information into his in-house reporting & editorials as if it is fact - for that he has a duty to find out if it is in fact true, or at least try.

  22. December 9, 2014 at 10:00 PM,

    You are lucky that Derby invokes malaga and not that Everclear stuff that is so potent it is illegal for sale in NY. There are heimishe who drive to Port Jervis and then just over the river there it is Pennsylvania where they load up on that 120 proof rubbing alcohol grade mashkeh plus billigeh price tzigarettlach.

  23. Has anybody observed what I see? Look at all the recent posts how there are practically no comments on them whatsoever, only when an ANTI SATMAR or a PRO ZIONIST statement is posted, then there's a voluminous outpouring of comments, mostly annihilating the pro Zionist or Anti SATMAR post. I would assume that everybody will agree to my assumptions, 1) that this blog is very unpopular, 2) has very few followers, 3) those few that occasionally open the blog vehemently disagree with its views, 4) and last but not least, even among modern shomrei Torah Umitzvos, Zionism doesn't get a blank check anymore, time has taught us and we now realize that The Satmar Rebbe WAS 100% RIGHT, and Zionism is the worst Plague that hit and HURT Klal Yisroel in more ways then one, its devastating Judaism both physically and spiritually.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. "....YOU YOU, Derby (the ferd), are a CHRONIC ALCOHOLIC, and you're VERY VERY JEALOUS that you can't afford enough of the 'bittere Trupp', therefore you mention ALCOHOL at least twice in every sentence. Clear minded people deducted your intoxication problem,...."

    I do???
    I can't afford cultist Malaga is right, very expensive, don't have big $$$$$ to fold into squirrel...Oops, I mean qvirrtel, or whatever it's called.
    Only disagreement I have is "bittere Trupp". Why are you robot shuckling everybody, slurping cult Malaga and repeating nonsense that you've heard from some Galicianer. . My alcoholic bourbon is SWEET, not bitter Any alcoholic'll vouch for that.

    Derby... let's count how many 'alcohol's I wrote.

  27. Ich bein ein Chaim BerlinerDecember 10, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    Bourbon? Derby must have been in Chaim Berlin for a shtik tzeit.

    Haha! Talk about cultist!

  28. Never was. Bourbon in CB? Nishkushe.... Malage here, bourbon there, Scotch over there, Cajun moonshine, vodka... same thing.

    Derby.... Der Seymour ist Shmeggegee mit Essig

  29. I am far from being a Satmar follower.
    I don't even live in the US

    However I happen to know that the Satmar Rebbe Reb Aharon is an amazing Talmid Chacham, whose talmidim have already published over 30 volumes of his Chidushei Torah.

    Therefore every time you abuse and lampoon him, you are, according to Chazal, playing with fire
    המבזה תלמיד יכם אין תרופה למכתו
    That is dangerous and foolhardy behaviour.
    And should you or someone close to you ח''ו one day find themselves in a terrible health situation - you will have no one to blame but yourself and your childish blog

    Of course your abuse is nothing you. Far bigger 'journalists' and writers wrote similar and far worse about his late predecessor the holy tzaddik Rav Yoel zetzal.
    One Forwertz regular called Chaim Liberman was a regular and uber-nasty detractor who even published a disgraceful book attacking the rebbe.
    He died a horrible death. May that be a kapara for his behaviour.

    So my advice to you is, lay off, loz up, no good will come out of this for you, your family and even your finances.
    וֶהֱוֵי זָהִיר בְּגַחַלְתָּן שֶׁלֹּא תִכָּוֶה, שֶׁנְּשִׁיכָתָן נְשִׁיכַת שׁוּעָל, וַעֲקִיצָתָן עֲקִיצַת עַקְרָב, וּלְחִישָׁתָן לְחִישַׁת שָׂרָף, וְכָל דִּבְרֵיהֶם כְּגַחֲלֵי אֵשׁ:

    PS I of course do know your true identity and also know that you are far from being a hamburger flipper (or whatever it was a commenter wrote elsewhere).
    But seeing that G-d has been so good to you, why do you waste your days and years attacking gaonim and Kedoshim , eg the holy Munkatcher rebbe zetzal rather than spending your free time studying "real" Torah (not those naarishe books you wrote) and doing chesed with needy Jews.

    Hopefully it isn't too late to do Teshuva

  30. Kitch - is that really you? Or is it another of our landsleit using your name?

    I agree that JB should be using his G-d-given talents to better use than being mevazeh talmidei chachomim.

    Maybe that gentle hint from you will have the right effect. Halevai.

    Zei gezint

  31. This was only the most flagrant case. Rabbi Aaron B. Shurin, author of a critical article on the Satmar group in the Jewish Daily Forward, was also the victim of a round-the-clock campaign of telephone abuse. Rabbi Shurin suffered weeks of persecution, until he had his telephone changed to an unlisted number. When the Satmar group demonstrated before the Israeli consulate, Rabbi Max Kirshblum, president of the Mizrachi Organization of America, issued a critical statement. Rabbi Kirshblum, too, got the telephone treatment; finally, an anonymous phone call came to the national office of the Mizrachi, claiming that Rabbi Kirshblum had just been “killed” in a traffic accident. Chaim Lieberman, religious columnist for the Jewish Daily Forward was another telephone victim. And the author of a letter to the Forward praising Lieberman received scores of magazines to which he had never subscribed, followed by bills for them. Salesmen of all types came to his door in response to his “requests.” Organizations sent trucks to pick up clothes and furniture he had “offered.” A Catholic priest thanked him for his letter expressing “interest” in the Church. In June 1958, according to Der Yid, copies of the Forward and the Day-Morning Journal, another Jewish daily, were publicly burned in Williamsburg. The Satmar movement’s wrath was also turned on Rabbi Eliezer Silver of Cincinnati, seventy-nine-year-did president of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis, when he criticized the “World Union’s” ad in the New York Times as offensive to religious law. He was threatened with physical violence if he set foot in Williamsburg. An Israel Bond Rally at the huge “Brisker Shul” on Williamsburg’s Clymer Street had to be called off when Satmar partisans jammed the synagogue to threaten rabbi and speakers. Police had to quell a riot in the Old Fifth Street Synagogue when Satmar zealots tried to drag Benyamin Mintz, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, off the dais.

  32. During the telephone campaign against Chaim Lieberman and the Forward, Rebbe Teitelbaum was urged, without success, to voice his disapproval. Finally, in a rare interview, given to the Toronto Jewish Journal in October 1958, the Rebbe denied categorically the news reports that his Hasidim “had terrorized their adversaries through telephone calls and other inadmissible means.” The Rebbe attributed these stories to the Israeli government, “past masters in spreading false rumors about their opponents.”

    Significantly, there have been no stories of such “terrorizing” since the Rebbe released his statement. Credit for the change is given by some to a reported intervention by the District Attorney’s office. Der Yid denies this. The District Attorney’s office will neither deny nor confirm. Another possible factor was alluded to in a column by Lieberman in the Forward: “The Rabbi, after all, also has a telephone, and so do the big fish in his entourage. Hence, it occurred to someone to pay it all back, a phone call for a phone call.” A drop in contributions to the Satmar projects, as a result of antagonism to the anti-Israeli demonstrations, may also have had its effect.

  33. Klausenburg: The Klausenburg rift if the oldest of the three. It hearkens back to the 1950′s when R. Joel Teitelbaum himself was not yet fully established as the undisputed leader of Hasidic Jewry in America –or at least in Williamsburg. The Klausenburger Rebbe, R. Yekuthiel Yehudah Halberstam –who in his prewar marriage had been a son-in-law of the atzei chayyim, R. Joel’s brother– also settled in Williamsburg and tended to “compete” against his Uncle, R. Joel. There are reports, for example, of Satmar lads tossing orange peels on the Klausenburger and other petty harassment. In the end, the Klausenburger realized that Satmar had gained the upper hand and was forced to cede the Williamsburg turf to the enemy, relocating to Israel ultimately.

  34. The power struggle between Aaron and Zalman Teitelbaum � the sons of Grand Rabbi Moses Teitelbaum, head of all Satmars and a prominent figure in Hasidism � took an ugly turn in October this year when police broke up a melee of hundreds of members from the two opposing factions of the Satmar congregation outside a Williamsburg synagogue. The brawl reportedly erupted when Aaron followers forced their way into Zalman�s temple. Twenty-six arrests were made and seven summonses issued.

  35. the Satmar people’s treatment of the rabbi who for twenty-seven years had occupied the pulpit of the B’nai Israel Community Center Synagogue on Williamsburg’s Fourth Avenue. He served as president of the local Mizrachi chapter, occasionally supported Israeli fund-raising efforts, chose to be clean-shaven, and ruled that it was permissible to drink pasteurized milk even though no kashruth inspector had approved it. Morning after morning, the rabbi found his front steps covered with noisome garbage. His windows were painted with tar to which was affixed anti-Israeli leaflets. He was rudely accosted in the street by youngsters in skullcaps and peyes. His telephone rang all through the night, and when it was answered, anonymous voices cursed him. His wife was spat on in the Street. One day she received a telephone call telling her that her husband had been run over by a truck. The rabbi finally resigned his lifetime contract with his congregation and moved away, although he had no other appointment.

  36. Kitchen burger & alter ego, Fozzie fin YENTA velt....

    המבזה תלמיד יכם אין תרופה למכתו....
    Mishne describes talmidei chachamim as " marbim sholom Baolam "... Ipso facto that if a scholar engages in machlokes, OR if his chassidim, askonim , dedicated shleppers, cultist morons, Malaga shikorim do so, he isn't considered a REAL talmid chochom?? A Rav/Rebbe/ baseball manager/business CEO is responsible for the actions of his chevra/hooligans.

    וֶהֱוֵי זָהִיר בְּגַחַלְתָּן שֶׁלֹּא תִכָּוֶה, שֶׁנְּשִׁיכָתָן נְשִׁיכַת שׁוּעָל, וַעֲקִיצָתָן עֲקִיצַת עַקְרָב, וּלְחִישָׁתָן לְחִישַׁת שָׂרָף, וְכָל דִּבְרֵיהֶם כְּגַחֲלֵי אֵשׁ...........

    Yeah, of course..... are you prepared to extend and apply same to:

    Moreinu Harav Kook ZT"L
    Late Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT"L
    His father-in-law predecessor ZT"L
    Harav Teichtal HY"D
    Harav Goren ZT"L
    Harav MOhiliver TZ"L

    Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc ????

    "....And should you or someone close to you ח''ו one day find themselves in a terrible .....situation ..."

    Since you have a pipeline to Heaven,
    (Ozi - fin YENE velt) , please explain how come so many come here from EY to shnorr 4 atta time, disrupting davening, disrupting even the Bal Tfilah,,, many of these presumably supporters at least in shitta,of the rabisste dynasty that we're discussing here, and begging for a quarter? What did THEY do wrong??

    If you won't answer these questions, then pleeezzeee don't waste our time with your OSMMwT ( one-sided mussar mehkking with toirele).
    Kindly use your time in productive fashion by playing Ping- Pong with your shvigger, or taking her to see a weepy melodrama...

    Derby... Last Q: Is it true that one has riches in the bank when one yakks to oneself..?? Dooo they serve Bergers oif YENNE velt??

  37. The biggist offender of
    המבזה תלמיד יכם אין תרופה למכתו..
    Was Reb Yoel Teitelbaum when called all Rabbonim that didn't agree with his SHIT"ah "Koifrim" and "Minim"
    Number 2 was,.... yes .... you guessed it
    The Minchas Eluzer... who was M'evazeh the Belzer Rebbe and Gerrer rebbe, and any talmid Chochum that did't agree with his hate for another Jew...
    we had great teachers and Rebbes to learn from...


  38. המבזה תלמיד יכם אין תרופה למכתו.

    And YENTA Veltel with the forked, Yeshivish tongue then adds :

    "..... JB should be using ....

    Aha... Per chance referring to R' J.B. Soloveitchik Z"TL ????

    But didn't he just say ?

    וֶהֱוֵי זָהִיר בְּגַחַלְתָּן שֶׁלֹּא תִכָּוֶה, שֶׁנְּשִׁיכָתָן נְשִׁיכַת שׁוּעָל, וַעֲקִיצָתָן עֲקִיצַת עַקְרָב, וּלְחִישָׁתָן לְחִישַׁת שָׂרָף, וְכָל דִּבְרֵיהֶם כְּגַחֲלֵי אֵשׁ

    Fozzie from YENE/ YENTA Veltel..... Don't keep your Shvigg waiting... ( with Ping-Pong shorts?)


  39. When the Holy Tzaddikim the Minchas Elozor and the Holy Satmar Rebbe the DIVREI YOEL called others MINIM and or Apikorsum it was a Rabbinical DAAS TORA that they rendered by coming to that conclusion through a clear BEIRUR of SHAS UPOSKIM, that those who say such words are according to the GEMARA indeed MINIM etc. There was no personal CHESBONOS involved nor NITZACHON Kavanos, them bbeing HOLY GEONIM UKDOSHIM, MANHIGEI HADOROS it was their TAFKID to do so, and they did that with PAIN and TEARs, whereas you who are a individual an AAM HAARRETZ a KAL SHEBEKALIM, and are mevaze those Tzaddikim with SIMCHA with Personal hatred, that's where the CHAZAL point and render you a MEVAZE Talmidei CHACHAMIM ........,

  40. To My readers,
    Last night a Satmar Chassid but a Chassid of Reb Yoel, who knows I'm the author of the blog, asked why I attacked the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Weissmandel and the Minchas Eluzer...
    He says ..."nobody reads Der Yid, Der Blaat and Dee Zitung... who cares?"
    I tried answering him, but couldn't convince him that the circulation of those Satmar Yiddish Weeklies is much larger than the New York Post and the Daily News combined...
    and people do read them...
    I'm just a lone blogger that writes what Frum people that I talk to, both Satmar and Litvish, are really thinking.... because when I talk to these people they have no clue that I'm DIN....
    also my blog only gets from 60,000 - 90,000 hits a month...
    it's just a drop in the bucket...
    When I blog, I just want to let people know that there are others out there that think just like them...
    And I'm not attacking Satmar, Weissmandle and the Minchas Eluzer, I'm challenging their ideas,
    and notice I don't call them Koifrim and Minim because they don't think like me...
    People like me also stood at Har Sinai and heard the same words that Satmar did,we are not Koifrim if we believe that Hashem granted us Eretz Yisroel NOW!
    If Satmar believes that its not so, I would respect them if they just didn't take out ads on CBS WOR ABC and meet with our enemies ...
    If they kept their ideas to themselves, I wouldn't say a word, but they are now poisoning the liyvisher world also, and people are afraid to oppose them because Satmar and now the Litvisher world have a violent history...to ideas opposed to theirs...
    therefore Hashem created the Anonmous blogs, so that people like me that make sense can have a voice out there!
    Geneeeg Ge'zukt!

  41. 12:18...

    Honestly, I don't understand 2 words you wrote, you're regressing into your old style Yeshivish Babel-babble again, so forgive me.
    Probably you said complimentary things, I'll assume.
    Reminds me of the chazzan who went to another shtetel for a Shabbos probeh, and upon his returned was mobbed by the locals and asked, " Nu, did they like you?"
    " Like me? They loved me...
    You should have seen how they threw pieces of apples, nuts and lemon peels at me when I was doing coloratura at Mimkomcho....
    Then as I sweated at Sim Shalom, pulling a Yossele with his falsetto, they threw hot, wet mikveh towels to cool me off.... like me? Are you kidding ? "

    Derby... Dodge City here... Doc, you got a band aid???

  42. "... they rendered by coming to that conclusion through a clear BEIRUR of SHAS UPOSKIM, ..."
    Why, of course, of course... And other rabbonim, tzaddikim whom you shamelessly cursed in the past, Seymour, didn't conclude through shas & poskim?
    Do shas & poskim allow cursing and harassing of other Yidden because you disagree with them?

    Precocious 9-year old Motel, son of L'chol Hapoochis, subbing for Derby.

  43. GUT GEZUGT, 9 year old Motelle sounds just like Derby (the ferd), same IQ same Shtussim........., in answer to your comments, why those 'rabonim's' beirur is lacking, POSHUT! They were poretz gidrei olam, halachos that were mekubal from the times of the rishonim were blown away by those PORTZEI GEDER with 'BOICH SEVAROS', that's why they are considered MINIM and APIKORSUM, and you are doing the same thing..........

  44. 4:15, Seymour the true authentic Torah'nik ...

    You've exposed yourself to be a 2-bit thug who wants to bloody other Jewish heads with shas/poskim. You're a lowlife, menuval who curses with Y....S...., the rabbonim you don't like.That's what POSHUT. What's NOT POSHUT is why your MD prescribed only 40 mg of it, when you poshut need, 40,000. You're a shameless defender of thuggery, hooliganism and machlokes among Jews, presumably also based on "halachos that were mekubal".

    Who are you, Neanderthal caveman with a club, to demean gedolei tzaddikim who, by the way, preached ahavas Yisroel, as opposed to you know who...

    Now, bal dikduk, is the Sitra Achra a male or female?
    You know, like Shoyte, Shoyt..
    Is she your HO' ???????

    Motelle, the GUT ZUGGER, only 9 but spots a crème de la crème Rev-defying Internet junkie & deluxe hypocrite when I smell one, for the Derby

  45. Motelle, what would you like for Chanukah, child??
    So smart & penetrating at your tender age? It's ok now... You don't have to hold your nose... It's evening now, so he's back on the streets with his 'clergymen' shikorim and street bums shouting their mania at nobody, really..
    Soon, Motelle, he'll find a Jewish IDF soldier, one that your grandparents who perished in Treblika never dreamed to see, and curse him, beat him and use our Holy Torah for his disgusting, criminal acts....He's a bad creature, Motel.. hates other Jews and our great rebbes... Nay, he's an evil ogre Motelle, but don't be scared... He's a depressed, unhappy creature, human-look-a-like, harmless puffy horsey-gas whose mommy threw him out in the gutter...Now let's go shopping Motelle... What would you like..??


  46. We already mentioned that we follow the way the Tora teaches us, AAL taan KESIL vekulho, so when your many facetted mental problems come to the surface we don't address your comments, those few people that occasionally hit this blog know and appreciate that, so we'll just say, those names you mentioned aren't all M'EOR ECHAD at all, RAV Teichtal clearly was a KANAI his WHOLE life, see his SEFARIM SHUT MISHNE SACHIR, only a low IQ SHOTA (like you) will say that what he said or wrote in the last few days of his life, when his life was in danger, and was promised by the Zionist Reshayim to get a pass out of the Holocaust, is to be taken at face value, its a terrible disgrace to such a great person to say so, whereas some of the others like Goren, Shem reshayim Yirkav, he was a Matir Asurim Metaher Mamzerim, same situation with Kuk the Rasha Ocher Yisroel.

  47. "....They were poretz gidrei olam, halachos that were mekubal from the times of the rishonim were blown away by those PORTZEI GEDER with 'BOICH SEVAROS', that's why they are considered MINIM and APIKORSUM, and you are doing the same thing...."
    Hey John with the HO'.....
    Take your buddy in Tzoyeh's advice...
    וֶהֱוֵי זָהִיר בְּגַחַלְתָּן שֶׁלֹּא תִכָּוֶה, שֶׁנְּשִׁיכָתָן נְשִׁיכַת שׁוּעָל, וַעֲקִיצָתָן עֲקִיצַת עַקְרָב, וּלְחִישָׁתָן לְחִישַׁת שָׂרָף, וְכָל ....
    דִּבְרֵיהֶם כְּגַחֲלֵי אֵשׁ

    Mrs. Tirtzeh Kol Toov, your next rabbi...Hence, I wear long pants... Only Poodles Allowed in my court..for Derby..
    who just bought Drishas Tziyon, by Harav Hatzaddik Tzi Hirsch Kalischer,the great Ohev Yisroel and Zion, Zechuto Yagen Aleinu for Motele, the talented little shtink detector ...... Nice...

  48. No , caveman ... R' Teichtal was a great talmid chachom and changed his mind, wrote his reasons out clearly... Yes, it WAS the Holocaust that made him see the light... Absolutely... So what ???? Only a stubborn Billam's Ass never changes his mind..nor does a dead stone....He rejected the Munkacher SHYTa in TOTAL... I have been in contact with the Translator, R' Moshe Lichtman, because I wanted him to translate another sefer... and B"H the English translation is already out of edition and will soon be reprinted...

    Derby.... Good night, Seymour... don't get arrested waking up the neighborhood, ok??

  49. So who was metaher your mother, Seymour?? So that you're the...... Bingo..... MAMZER..!!!

    Motelle the Shtink detector

  50. My final post on this:

    Folks, you can see that I never cursed this shikur mamzer's rebbes, even though I strongly disagree with them. Now you see what hate Satmar has taught and wrought. There's the shtick charrah in front of us... Do you see what he says about our great rabbonim? This American yeshivish wannabee He learned it from Munkathc & Satmar... Only a mamzer like Seymour, HO's mother was metaher'd by some "REV" and gave belch to him ,can scribble these curses.... Shimu Shamayim...

    Motelle the Shtynk detector

  51. Actually its Motelle vos SHTINKT.....

  52. "Chassid of Reb Yoel, who knows I'm the author of the blog, asked why I attacked the Satmar Rebbe"

    Seriously speaking, how are you still in one piece?

    People who have done far less than you have been beaten up or at least intimidated by a visit from the Satmar mafia.

    There was a Litvish rosh yeshiva I know who many years ago he was attacked in a Satmar paper for being a "Tzioni" based on an article he had written in English for a mainstream frum publication. It turns out that the Satmar loser who saw his article had poor English skills & completely misunderstood what was written. The "mafia" intimidated the rosh yeshiva who tried to plead with them that they should have someone who actually understands English reread the article & they will see he wasn't even talking about Zionism. For the next month the poor rosh yeshiva & his wife were shaking in their boots, terrified that they might be violently attacked.

  53. You already have a 'chazaka', to write outright lies, quote out of context etc, so 'anything' that you post is highly questionable, suspect, and at best irrelevant, however of course your Zionist 'Tzaddikim' do nothing wrong,....... Whatever they do you'll always find a 'limud zechus' or just say it's not true, Chazal tell us, 'Cheresh SHOTA PGUASON RAA, hem shechavlu Peturin Veacherim shechavlu bahem Chayavim, that chazal fits your description 100%, . nb its heartwarming pleasurable to see that even on this crummy excuse of a 'blog', that the non chassidim non YESHIVISH crowd is also slowly but surely, coming to the realization that the ZIONISM & the state of Israel, is a calamity for the Jewish people in the fullest sense, even the claim that they try to brainwash us with, that its of utmost importance to have a safe haven for Jews, has unfortunately been proven to be just the opposite, those who live in Israel will tell you that 'Baboker Tomar Mi Yiten Erev, Mipachad just like what the Tora says in the TOCHCHA, and that's the situation with physical safety, if you think about the vastly greater danger for the spiritual safety of every single Jewish soul you can really see how dangerous the zionists are, but of course you don't you won't see that, because you're obsessed infatuated addicted to being a Jew without any MITZVOS or obligations, you're looking for the 'easy way out', and found that in the Treife ZIONISM.

  54. To 9:17, You are a breath of fresh air, this stale and putrid blog, I'm referring mainly to 'the blogger and Derby...., seem to be, either borderline 'retarded, and/or mentally challenged, spiritually empty people, and I would have long ago stopped visiting here, however reading your comments are, 'Kemayim Karim AAL Nefesh Ayefah', Immensely enjoy reading your comments, they are well written well thought out and obvious that the writer is a special person, Techzaknu yadeichem.

  55. Hahahahahah....Oh...Hahahaha !!!!

    Sey..ha-a-a-aH.. SEYMO...ha-ha-ha Seymour, please, hahah.. Pleeeezzzee...
    I know your mom doesn't ever congratulate you, so you're doing it to yourself.. ha-ha-ha..

    Do you still sleep in pajamas ??
    I ditched them long ago. Wear them only when I have a cold, who knows if it's a matching pair anymore... What a balagan... getting undressed, then dressed to go sleeping, flannel pants, shirt to button, sleeping dunce cap... Then peel it all off in the a.m. , get dressed in day clothes... 1/3 of life spent on pajamas..

    So how did you find out that the above mentioned rebbetzin wore pants ???

    Tirzeh Kol Toov, newest rebbetzin ( buzhever) in slacks , teilling matzoh ball shreiyim . Oh... Derby sends regards and warns that Shabbos is early, so do the hachonos starting..... NOW !!!!

  56. To 9:17
    You scribble:
    " those who live in Israel will tell you that 'Baboker Tomar Mi Yiten Erev, Mipachad just like what the Tora says in the TOCHCHA, and that's the situation with physical safety,"

    So what does the Torah write about the Jews that lived in Europe .... Hungary, Poland, Romania,France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Russia,?

    The Torah doesn't have anything to say about the 6 million Jews, 2 million of them children, that were brutally murdered in Chutz L'aretz?

    1. The ways of HKBH are hidden from us, and when he in his UTMOST wisdom does things that we don't understand we don't ask any questions, however that still requires us to act on those instances that we do fathom, and the Zionists were over on the SHOLOSH SHEVUOS, and brainwashed many Temimei Lev, the ONESH followed, even now in Israel Rubei Derubei of the population are secular, the state itself is anti tora, see what Rabbi Lay a Heiser Zionist said recently, so there is no question that HKBH is not with them. What about condoning gay marriage? Non orthodox conversions? Etc etc, but you'll find a limud zechus.....only when the Gaon Vetzadik Hador Rav Aron Teitlbaum says his DAS Tora, which is of course different than your Deios Kozvos, then you have a problem.

  57. Me thinks you mixed up the venues. The Israeli economy as of today is in much better shape, B"H, BLE"H than the American.
    Here people are losing their jobs, are unemployed and underemployed, businesses , for the most part losing money, homes owned by former ashirim quietly going into foreclosure R"L, even in the prime neighborhoods.

    ".The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation" Thoreau.... in America then, and now, now.

  58. And YENTA Veltel with the forked, Yeshivish tongue then adds :

    "..... JB should be using ....

    Aha... Per chance referring to R' J.B. Soloveitchik Z"TL ????

    No Yossele, ich mein dir..

  59. Flood street faithfulDecember 16, 2014 at 2:12 AM

    SEEING there have been a few old Sydneysiders names hinted in the current comments, does the name BOBKER ring a bell for any Aussies here?

  60. Conveniently you omit an important video of the chief RAV Mitaam, Lay, how HE the fervent extreme ZIONIST, chastises the government of ISRAEL as being ANTI HATORA,..........ALUVA EISA SHENACHTUMA MEID e ALEHA.

  61. My name is Joe Bobker
    So what do you want from my life?
