Sunday, November 30, 2014

Der Blatt Headline: Rabbis throughout Israel and the Diaspora cry about the Destruction and Spilling of Blood by the Zionists!

This weeks headline of, Der Blatt, the Yiddish weekly published by the Aroinie faction of the anti-Jewish Satmar, blamed the deaths of the 4 holy Rabbis that were brutally murdered by Hamas, on the Zionists! If you were in Mars and just landed and picked up this rag you would actually think that the Zionists murdered the 4 Rabbonim!
Der Blatt's disgusting anti-Semitic headline proudly joined the rest of the Jew-hating secular media...

CNN: "Deadly Attack on Jerusalem Mosque" (they changed it a full day after a public outcry.)

CBS: The two Palestinian attackers died in a shootout with police, it happened at a contested religious site in Jerusalem"

Reuters: "Tragedy & hatred abound in Holy land: last week, torched Qurans in West Bank. Today, blood-smeared Torah in Jerusalem." (then they put a picture of a Quran and a Torah side by side)

On the same front page of Der Blatt, they feature Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, covered in a Talis   (mocking the murdered victims that were murdered with their Talisim on) ranting that the Zionists are at fault for all Jewish troubles.
In a time like this, when Jews around the world are mourning the deaths of 4 innocent Rabbonim murdered by blood thirsty Arabs, "al Kidush Hashem," in a shul in Har Nof, this Jew Hater rants like a poisoned banshee, on the front page of his "hate newspaper," against his fellow brothers and sisters!
Last week, like shvartzas in Ferguson, he tore down his brother's shul in Monroe ..
What will he do next??


  1. You're at it again, spewing gushing HATE, SINAS HASHEM, SINAS HATORA VESHOMREHA BETAHARA, yes yes that's what MANHIGEI YISROEL should be doing, telling it like it is, not coddling, not being POLITICALLY CORRECT, just telling his holy FLOCK, consistently without fear, LO SOGURU MIPNEI ISH, you don't want to hear the truth, you're very uncomfortable with the truth, THE TRUTH HURTS, especially when you're on the other side, and for the SATMAR REBBE SHLITA, we say TECHZAKNO YADECHEM, OD LO ALMAN YISROEL,

  2. Aaron is sick demented bastard. And to any of you that tells me he is a gaon olam, screw you and that piece of human garbage you call a rebbe.

  3. 8:03
    I'm not "spewing hate" I'm just showing you what your Rebbe the Romanian,is saying ...
    you're actually agreeing with me that this is hate...
    because i'm just "spewing" what the Romanian is saying!
    I'm glad we are finally on the same page!

    1. We surely are not on the same page, nor on the same airwave, its AHAVAS HASHEM, AHAVAS HATORA, AHAVAS YISROEL, AHAVAS ERETZ YISROEL, that brings him, no, forces him to say the TRUE DAAS TORA HAKDOSHA.

  4. How come you don't also include The SAAR HATORA HAGAON THE ROSH BEIS DIN SHLITA?, A REAL LUTVAK, A MAJOR ROSH YESHIVA, A GREAT GREAT grandson of the holy GRAA of VILNA, who is in total agreement with the SATMAR REBBE, do you think we can't read a bit of Yiddish?, I would want to get a copy of that newspaper, and read the DRASHAS of both word by word, I'll try Googling online maybe its available there

  5. 8:24
    If what Your Roumanian is saying is coming from "AHAVAS YISROEL"?
    Then what rhetoric is now called hate?

  6. Your comments are HATE, Hate To HASHEM And to his Ehrlich Yidden,

  7. You are quoting the Satmar Rebbe out of context, he mourned the Kedoshim no less than you, more much more than you, he Has AHAVAS YISROEL, real AHAVAS YISROEL, which you have nothing at all, you only have AHAVAS RESHAYIM, AHAVAS TZIONIM.

  8. I dont understand the story about the shul being torn down in Monroe. Can you explain? The earlier post you had didn't have any facts- just some pictures.

  9. 11:11
    buy a copy of Der Yid, its on the front page
    What's there to explain..
    the Zalonies had a shul in Monroe, and the Aronim, like the Shvartza in Ferguson, tore it down with bulldozers..
    very simple

  10. Obviously, you're an Aroni. What if R' Zalmen would've said that?
    Here are your words again:

    "That's classic Zero Zali and his Bande, empty lowlifes, menuvalim, using nivul peh, as a first line of defense, aggressive Gvar Alim, Bullying as a way of life,.."

    Some say potato, some potahto
    Some say tomato, some tomahto
    You say either-neither, I say nyther-eyther
    Some say ZA'LOONim, some say SA'LOONim
    Some say Malaga, some say mamaliga
    I say tzveevel, you say tzibbel
    I say krumpeerin, you say kartoffel
    We say chremzlach, they say latkes
    Some say goo'in , some goy'in
    A third say borscht, a third bawsht, and a third burrisht ( filim, bootzess,shvaritz, hahritz, )

    Many say ehch, dehch, mehch, most say ich , dich, mich...
    vee, voo..
    a'heen , a'hoon...
    Most say kei-kei
    Galitzianer say ka-ka.

    Potato, tomahto, SALOONim, ZALOONim,....
    Let's call the whole thing off... (Ira & George Gershwin)

    the Derby

  11. You don't have to be an an ARONY a chasid of Harav AHARON to write those kinds of expressions on the Zalonim, people who have nothing in common with Satmar, but who have open Torahdig minds, yiras Hashem, are very much aware that the difference between those two factions is wider than the distance between the earth and the moon, and if you want to measure and weigh the REBBES themselves, you're talking like the distance from earth to MARS, LO KARAV ZEH EL ZEH, but that's not the point, the fact is the words of the current SATMAR REBBES regarding the situation in ARTZENU HAKDOSHA, are relevant, accurate and to the point, your hate inspired ranting and raving makes no difference to anybody at all, you're just making a fool of yourself, showing your low level of common sense, childish behavior, getting involved into subjects that are way way above and beyond your IQ numbers, and your level of maturity.

  12. Milady's Foods presents another frog ribbet...ribbet

    "... if you want to measure and weigh the REBBES themselves, you're talking like the distance from earth to MARS, LO KARAV ZEH EL ZEH, but that's not the point,..."

    Eminent pisstorian now adding another rebbe to his hate list. I'm not for this or that one bichlal, but quackturer has already denigrated, insulted ,yemach shmo'd and cursed in the vilest klulles other rabbonim who didn't want to step in his doooo , as we all know.

    Derby... As my mom OBM used to say... Oif a chazir, a kroin..

  13. Milady's Foods & My-T-Fine Pudding , present another frog ribbet...ribbet

    "... if you want to measure and weigh the REBBES themselves, you're talking like the distance from earth to MARS, LO KARAV ZEH EL ZEH, but that's not the point,..."

    Eminent pisstorian now adding another rebbe to his hate list. I'm not for this or that one bichlal, but quackturer has already denigrated, insulted ,yemach shmo'd and cursed in the vilest klulles other rabbonim who didn't want to step in his doooo , as we all know.

    Derby... As my mom OBM used to say... Oif a chazir, a kroin..

  14. DIN, please check the Submit button, or is it me?


  15. You measure others with your yardstick, whereas your cranial cavity, is a tangled mixed up piece of HATE, you imagine that that's the way everybody is, so you decipher every word as if its hateful, putting hate where there is NO HATE, we don't HATE the Zalonim, nor RAV ZALMAN, just as we have nothing to do with RAV ARON or Aronim, it was just a factual piece of information that this is the way the Two Rebbe's are perceived in the Tora World, no offense meant to the Zalonim or their Rebbe, contrarily most of the time Rav Zalman words are mirror images of Rav Aron's, and you can be sure that they 'like YOU' equally, however you are always on the lookout for some scrap (crap) of Lashon Hora, to possibly gain some traction for your irrelevant blog comments.

  16. " offense meant to the Zalonim or their Rebbe,..."

    Yeah, right:
    Hier ist Dr. Jekyll,

    "That's classic Zero Zali and his Bande, empty lowlifes, menuvalim, using nivul peh, as a first line of defense, aggressive Gvar Alim, Bullying as a way of life,.."

    We're not ahz stooopiddd as yoo sinkk, we nouw who you are, we nouw yo're a schizo mitt 3-4 puzonahliteezz...

    Herr Dukktur Franz Ausgeboiggen, fur dem derby.

  17. That you are many times more stupid is clear, and without doubt, the problem here is that you don't know how stupid you are, and definitely are not aware of what we all know, however not knowing you personally, were aware that if we would talk to you face to face, we wouldn't be surprised to find out that you're actually even dumber and more mentally incapacitated and handicapped than indicated.

  18. Herr Per'fresser;
    Get yourself an editor and stop pulling an Eisenhower..
    Usser your kuzinke Deliah if anybody understands even two words..

    Derby... Dat's all she wrote.. !!! Have a great day and a better one manyana..

  19. It's OK that you don't understand, its quite understandable the you don't understand, we didn't expect you to understand, your comments show, and let us know that you're IQ level is so low that you don't understand the subject matter, or comprehend any of it, its important for you to know, that most of the comments aren't meant for your comprehension, as their not appropriate for guys with obsessive compulsive mental defects, so don't you worry that you don't understand, we have empathy for you, and won't laugh when you're around, (can't promise what we do when you're not around).

  20. I don't understand, you're right. I don't and can't understand your insults after I spent 4 hours defending you today. That's right..!! I ran into a guy that knows you and he argued with me about you, and I kept defending you... for 4 hours.....
    He kept saying that you aren't good for sh(y)t... and I kept emphasizing that you most certainly are... So much for hakoras hatov...


  21. I really appreciate your defending me,?????, interesting! Here on this site you're definitely doing the opposite, and Shelo Befonai you're....... Ok, Than You Very Much. I'm astonished by your admitting that you indeed have Ruach Hakodesh..... That you know who I am..... And I thought that I'm a Roeh Veino Nireh, well well.....

  22. I don't have RH, only I met your friend who knows you... didn't say that I know you... You're right though about a Roeh Veino Nireh, you have a neshama which is that.
    Remembered a true story that appeared in Ann Landers or sister Dear Abby years ago.
    Two women were constant writers to a certain newspaper with opposing views on a certain subject,getting very nasty and personal which went on for a couple of years. One day, one of the writers stopped writing, and upon investigation, it turned out that the letter writer died. It gets more bizarre....These 2 ladies were real life next door neighbors who were on very friendly terms and neither ever knew that the other was the neighbor until the death of one of them.
    Could be you're my next door neighbor... Scary thought, but you should be maarich yomim.... and come to see the light....

  23. So busy with distractions, I forgot to sign in..

    the Derby
