Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Chasidishe Meshiginer Cheers Ferguson Protesters in Times Square


  1. If that person that cheered the shechorim I'm Times Square, would not have been a Chasid, only a Zionist, we're sure your comments would have been, WHAT A GREAT KIDDUSH HASHEM!!!!!!!!, but because he has a CHASIDISH TZURAH, then its another story.........., but of course YOU are a neutral unbiased blogger..............

  2. And if he did it in Monroe he would be called rebbe.

  3. 4:23...
    S-e-e-e- M-o-u-r-..?????
    Can you give me more Matzoh ball soup, Mom???


  4. He claimed later that he was almost attacked and thinking fast what to do, he started the slogan which caught on and he was hence considered a friend by the mob.

  5. Now now, look at yourself, he was in a Skana, and had to think fast, Hashem put this thought in his mind, BH he was saved, BUT with you its Shoot first....... A cheap shot at a CHASIDISH GUY is your first priority, whether you're right or more often wrong, is not important.............
