Friday, January 31, 2014

Car carrying the Gerrer Rebitzen runs over little child in Bnei Brak,

The wife of the grand rabbi of Gur after the incident 
The Haredi World reports that a little boy was left with serious injuries after the Gerrer Rebitzen's  car ran him over in the Israeli city of Bnei Brak. 

The car failed to  to stop at a stop sign on Hoshea Street.

As a result, the eight year-old boy was hit in the head and was transported to a local hospital.

Interestingly, the Gerrer Rebbi, a millionaire,  does not allow his followers to own or drive cars.

Rabbi Abraham Benjamin Silberberg, a senior rabbi in Gur, has issued eleven new decrees for Gur followers.

Rule number 8 on the list prohibits men from getting a driver’s license. “It is self understood that women are also banned from driving,” the letter states.

Rule number 9 prohibits men from riding bicycles.

Rule number 10 also prohibits families from going to a hotel.

1 comment:

  1. The car in the picture looks like it has a NY license plate. Surprise!
