Sunday, June 9, 2013

Massive "Chillul Hashem" planned for tomorrow by the Satmar "Rabbi Brothers", Lakewood will not attend!

The feuding Teitelbaum Brothers decided to team up to fight the State of Israel in a massive protest tomorrow at the Federal Plaza Center in lower Manhattan.

 I had the opportunity to read the Hebrew Haaretz, and I read the Satmar "Der Yid" and  "Der Blatt" this week, and I was amazed that the two Satmar newspapers, and the  Hebrew radical leftist newspaper, had the same exact views about Israel!

Haarets is fighting for a leftist 20 year-old conscientious objector by the name of Blanc,who has refused to serve in the Israeli military for political reasons and is now the national poster for the left...
Blanc, is not religious and has no moral positions based on religious belief. He is not a pacifist. He explains quite candidly that the reason he refuses to serve in the Israeli military is because he is opposed to the "occupation." In other words, he wants an exemption from military service because he disagrees with national policy on ideological grounds. Blanc has been arrested 10 times and jailed for his refusal to serve...

So my question is: What is the difference between the Satmar "shita" and the Israeli Leftists?
Both don't want to serve in the army, both hate Israel, both are against the "occupation." Both don't believe in the Rabbinical Bais Din Process, the Satmar Brothers are currently in secular courts in complete defiance of the 3rd Rashi in Parshas Mispatim.
So where is the difference, since both defy the Torah openly!
Both have no issues with making a Chillul Hashem!

Satmar's biggest complaint against the State of Israel is the claim, that the State "antagonises the goyim." But satmar constantly antagonises the goyim in Williamsburg, Monroe, and Monsey!

Reading Der Yid and Der Blaat this week was like reading the Nazi newspaper, Der Shturmar!

Thank G-D, Lakewood and all Litvisher Yeshivos are staying away because of strict orders of two sane Gedoilie Hador, Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rave Shteinman, that said that this protest will cause a huge Chillul Hashem!

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