Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Frummies cover up rape of 5 year old in Modiin Illit!

Police are investigating the alleged rape of a five-year-old girl in the haredi city of Modiin Ilit that occurred two weeks ago.
It is suspected that the girl was on her way to kindergarten, when a haredi youth grabbed her and took her to an unknown location close by, possibly a storage room or an empty communal building, where he raped and abused her.
It appears that communal leaders have attempted to cover up the incident and have pressured anyone involved and the broader community not to cooperate with the police investigation; neither the parents nor anyone else involved in the incident reported it and residents are reluctant to speak to the police or media about it.
He then release the girl who arrived at her kindergarten bruised an injured. The kindergarten teachers contacted the girl’s parents to collect their daughter and she was subsequently taken to hospital.
Army Radio, which first exposed the allegations, revealed that the incident was only finally reported last Friday by an anonymous tip off sent by SMS to an officer.
A police investigation is currently underway. Investigators went to the hospital where the child was treated but were not able to see her due to family objections.
Police officers from the Judea and Samaria District Police also went to the kindergarten in question but no-one was prepared to cooperate with the investigation.
A Modiin Ilit resident whose child attends the same kindergarten said on Channel 2 News that the kindergarten management was silencing the incident, specifically accusing the director of the kindergarten association.


  1. Don't blame the frumies. It is the PARENTS who are "covering up" in order to protect the girl and the family in the future. You know us jews remember even after 20 years AND we don't know how to keep our10753 mouths shut.

  2. and now we find the whole thing was made up. still hate the "frummies"?
