Monday, December 31, 2012

Agudath Israel now tells people who know of anyone getting sexually abused to report it immediately to authorites


  1. They are scared of having people confuse Agudah with Satmar. Mitoch sheloh lishmah, buh lishmah. Maybe this will help clean up Boro Park and Flatbush

  2. it is very well put and could not possibly have been produced by the Aguda since it doesn't say that rabbinical power is the most important concern and that is followed by the need to preserve the illusion of perfection and kedusha.

  3. Can anyone tell me whether it is confirmed as authentic on the Agudath Israel website. I looked for it but could not find one.

  4. Richard L
    Agudah does not have a website.

    "Duz Iz Nies"
    I think this was produced by someone who is protesting against current Agudah policies.

  5. this has already been confirmed as a forgery by the Agudah!
