Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rebbetzin Chaya Mussia Schneerson in video has most of her hair uncovered!

Rebbetzin Chaya Mussia, wife of the last Lubavitcher Rebbi Z"L being deposed over the ownership of Rabbi Josef Isaac Schneerson's library, she clearly has most of her hair uncovered!


  1. I see were your going come on come up with tour own bs stop taking bs from failed messiah.
    Now I finally see that all the other stuff you were saying were bs the stuff about the boys the emails the rapists your full of it.
    You really think that she had any of her hair uncovered
    you not at all interested in the truth you just repeat like a fool.

  2. This post has nothing to do with Failed Messiah or any other blog, the fact is that this video clearly indicates that the Rebbetizin a"h never totally covered her hair, show me one picture of her with covered hair...
    Please stop re-writing history, it makes you look foolish.....

  3. wow! why is this news? its from 1985. and maybe that's a shaitel with a tichel covering it. big deal. she was a tzadekes and her husband was a huge tzaddik. i'm failing to see the importance of this post. i really enjoy your blog and visit it frequently, but this one baffles me. sorry, but this is really low.

  4. Re righting history? foolish?
    What made you think she wasn't covering her hair from that video?
    Its like Bagin told Ben Gurion whats history gonna say what you did to my ship he answered it depends who writes the history so when you take your history from FM that's what you get.

  5. are you stupit do you rely thinks that the rabitzan would have her heir uncoverd it is knowin that the rabbi was vary pro shatelach so what we see in the video is clear.

    it is unecsaptabel to try to paint a tzadakas like this i ask that you take down the post asap

    thank you
    a person with camensanse

  6. hey you blogger of DIN,you must be a real ignorant jerk, don't you know that in Russia before the world war
    80% of FRUM women did not completely cover their hair,
    the ARUCH HASHILCHON ,dicusses it,and comes up with a HETER.
    As a matter of fact there are plenty of pictures of Reb Moishe Feinstein's rebetzin in the early days in America showing her with some of her hair uncovered,
    In Russia and lithuania and some parts of Poland it was perfectly ok,
    if all you are trying to do is to become a cheap imitation of Failled Messiah,
    you are making a fool out of yourself,please stop it

  7. To 3:06 pm
    I totally agree that she was a tzedeikas, and I agree that that the minhag of the Russian women were not to cover their heads,and you are correct that Reb Moshe's wife did not cover her hair in the early years in the USA, eventhough he has a clear psak that married women must cover their heads. I just wanted to point out to the "frummies" that they probably would not have accepted her, if they knew.

  8. i dont understand

    why is it so comlicated to say that it is a sheitel and she also wearing a tichel as many women do in willy and other places ?

    did someone do a scientific analysis of this video and say it is her hair ? maybe the sheitel just looks good ?

    why are you saying it is her hair ? are you a maven in this filed

  9. Wow! Look at what ppl have come to! We are so brainwashed to the extent that we lie to ourselves and convince ourselves that something that is so black, is really pink. She is not wearing a wig. You can tell that clearly by the way the hairs are coming out from her head. There is no way that anyone can say that that's a wig. It's insane how we end up fooling ourselves and say that the king is wearing clothes while he's naked. Who's going to be that honest boy who sees straight through the BS and questions society?

  10. To Anonymous:
    You don't need to be a rocket-scientist to know that you can't see the hairs coming out of one's scalp when they're wearing a wig, but I certainly will have to go to psychology classes to figure out how so many people buy into their own assumptions and lies.
    She's not wearing a wig. Just because the Rebbe was very outspoken about the concept, one cannot assume that the Rebbetzin followed. Who ever said that she wanted to be married to him? Who ever said that she appreciated that he was never home and that she didn't have children? Have you ever spoken to her and heard her talk about how happy she was in her situation. I haven't heard either side so I cannot say that she was or was not. One thing that I could say for-sure is that she is NOT wearing a wig.
