by John Nolte
With her poll numbers rising and her closing in on the front-runner, it’s time for popular culture to jump in and do their dirty work against Rep. Michele Bachmann. The three boxes are all checked in this segment: racist/stupid/crazy.
Perhaps the most shocking part of this clip is watching Whoopi Goldberg ignore the devastation of the American black family with an oddball defense of single parenthood. The shamelessness of the leftist spin knows no boundaries, but part of the Left’’s tactic is to make it seem as though no one on our side can ever be right … about anything. And so in furtherance of that, Bachmann’s signing of a document that (among other things) decries the abomination of slavery and the awful unwed birth-rate in the black community, is spun into some kind of negative racial pose on the Congresswoman’s part.
It’s all about creating a narrative, not truth.
Bachmann is one of those who support Israel because the 'ingathering' must happen before the Rapture. She also thinks G-d told her to become a tax attorney. She talks as though she still has 23 foster children in her home, though she hasn't had one for 10 years or so. She thinks is is interesting that the swine flu outbreak took place during another Democratic administration but says she doesn't blame Obama for it. That marriage statement she signed presents family units under slavery as better than the current state - never mind that they were only families at the convenience of the Master. This is one kook we would do well to be without. I am neither left wing nor right wing - but I wouldn't trust this nut with my child - nor my country.