Friday, March 11, 2011

Finally!! A Rabbi Against the Crazy "Kol Korah" Rabbinic Proclamations!

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger spoke out sharply on Wednesday night against the trend of rabbis’ letters addressing various social or political causes, declaring that such letters led to disparagement of religious leaders.

In an address to members of Netzach U’Magen, a religiously- oriented organization that commemorates fallen Israeli soldiers, Metzger slammed the “mode” of letters that the Israeli public had recently witnessed.

Dus iz Nies:
Maybe just maybe this will spread to the US Rabbis... The Kol Koreh's have become a joke and there isn't a serious person that listens to them ...
There will be Rabbonim, however,  that will probably say "we will not take a cue from a Zionist" "fin a zeeyoinee?  Chas V'shulim !"and will continue to issue Kol Korahs ..... 

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