“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” Rav Kook z"l
Friday, February 7, 2025
How Crazy & Evil is This? USAID Funded the Hamas Tunnels to the tune of $310 Million
What more evil will we uncover here. https://t.co/KVi0pfWMYp
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) February 7, 2025
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 7, 2025
We funded Hamas’ terror tunnels. The same tunnels they used to hold American citizens hostage. We paid for our citizens to be held hostage. https://t.co/3VeLdXowsO
Israel-Hating far-left NGO 'New Israel Fund" Funded by USAID
Breaking! 馃毃 Last year, I wrote about the New Israel Fund, a shadowy far left NGO that finances damaging and disruptive activities in Israel. Now it turns out USAID funded this NGO through a series of intermediaries! This agency can't be dismantled soon enough! https://t.co/sLe1OnQTSg pic.twitter.com/FvxpoPXoOJ
— Uri Kurlianchik (@VerminusM) February 6, 2025
Rep Dan Goldman is now putting out videos in Chinese instructing illegal aliens how to evade ICE.
Dumb Basta*d, Dan Goldman, should be expelled from the House. See below: https://t.co/2iqRPwMIl3
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) February 6, 2025
Biden Gave Palestinians since Oct 7 $230 Million that's besides the $2.1 Billion
The US Dodged a bullet with Kamala ..She is clinically retarded!
The CBS interview with Kamala was exponentially worse than even what we knew was deceptively edited
The CBS interview with Kamala was exponentially worse than even what we knew was deceptively edited...
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) February 6, 2025
She's even dumber than we thought... YIKESpic.twitter.com/nyHcKkUuuw
$10 MILLION worth of taxpayer money was spent on creating transgender mice, rats, and monkeys.
Nancy Mace reveals that $10 MILLION worth of taxpayer money was spent on creating transgender mice, rats, and monkeys.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 6, 2025
I have no words…
BREAKING: George Soros received $260M from USAID.
— Mila Joy (@MilaLovesJoe) February 6, 2025
George Soros received $260M from USAID.
He didn't spend his own money to destroy the American justice system.
He used ours. https://t.co/rlLCbOKU0m
‘Wow’: Elon Musk stunned at discovery of Chelsea Clinton receiving $84 million in taxpayer funding
That is DOGE leader Elon Musk’s reaction to the discovery that Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former President Bill Clinton and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, has allegedly received some $84 million in U.S. taxpayer funding.
“USAID gave Chelsea Clinton tens of millions of dollars and partnered with their sex trafficking organization The Clinton Foundation,” wrote author and journalist Liz Crokin on X.
“In 2010, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped oversee $4.4 billion that Congress had earmarked for ‘recovery’ efforts in Haiti by the USAID in 2010.”
“So USAID was funding organizations sex trafficking kids and lining the pockets of their family members all while the USAID also funded media organizations to cover up that they were sex trafficking kids AKA Pizzagate and all with YOUR hard earned taxpayer money!”
Crokin continued: “The level of corruption and criminality – including crimes that are deemed capital offenses with death penalty as a potential punishment – are astounding and unprecedented.
“We must demand accountability and justice for these crimes.”
Netanyahu meets with bipartisan Senate leadership
Harvard, Columbia, And More Under Federal Investigation For Antisemitism At Graduations
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has launched Title VI investigations into four top medical schools—Harvard, Columbia, Brown, and Johns Hopkins—over allegations of antisemitism during their 2024 commencement ceremonies. The move marks a significant expansion of federal scrutiny into campus antisemitism, a process that was previously concentrated within the Department of Education.
The investigations, announced this week, stem from reports of antisemitic incidents at the graduation ceremonies of the medical programs in question. According to an HHS statement, the department aims to determine whether the schools “acted with deliberate indifference regarding events that may have impacted Jewish students’ rights to access educational opportunities and benefits.”
Federal officials have signaled that research funding at these institutions—totaling hundreds of millions of dollars—could be at risk if the schools fail to comply. The department’s press release noted that the ceremonies allegedly featured “offensive symbols and messaging,” including expressions of support for terrorist organizations.
The expansion of Title VI enforcement comes amid reports that President Donald Trump, who has been vocal about cracking down on antisemitism on campuses, is considering dismantling the Department of Education. His administration also launched five new Title VI investigations this week through the education department, while the Justice Department is reportedly collaborating with both agencies as part of a broader federal task force addressing campus antisemitism.
At least one of the HHS investigations appears to have been influenced by a study published in an Israeli medical journal by two American Jewish doctors, Steven Roth and Hedy S. Wald. The study examined recent medical school commencements, including Harvard’s, and identified clothing and behaviors it classified as antisemitic. Roth and Wald found that 2.5% of the studied graduating cohort wore “symbols representing antisemitic themes,” while 1.7% displayed protest signs or engaged in verbal demonstrations.
The study categorized the wearing of a keffiyeh as “antisemitic regalia.” Other examples flagged as antisemitic in the study included signs reading “Stop Bombing Hospitals,” “Honor Our Oath — Free Palestine,” and “Harvard Med Funds Genocide.”
Trump mocks Schumer calls him a ‘Palestinian’
President Donald J. Trump on Thursday took a swipe at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, indirectly referring to him as “Palestinian” in a Truth Social post about the future of Gaza.
“The Gaza Strip would be turned over to the United States by Israel at the conclusion of fighting. The Palestinians, people like Chuck Schumer, would have already been resettled in far safer and more beautiful communities, with new and modern homes, in the region,” Trump wrote.
The remark follows past attacks from Trump against Schumer, whom he previously called “a proud member of Hamas.”
Schumer, has been critical of Trump’s foreign policy and has called for a more balanced approach to the conflict.
Agam Berger Prayed To Have A Siddur. A Terrorist Fulfilled Her Wish
讗讙诐 讘专讙专 讗讜诪专转: 诪讗讜讚 专爪讬转讬 诇讛转驻诇诇 讘砖讘讬 讜讛转驻诇诇转讬 诇讛' 砖讬砖诇讞 住讬讚讜专, 砖讗诇转讬 讙诐 讗转 讗讞讚 讛诪讞讘诇讬诐 讗诐 讬砖 诇讛诐 住驻专 注诐 转驻讬诇讜转 讬讛讜讚讬讜转? 讛讜讗 爪讞拽, 讜讻注讘讜专 讬讜诪讬讬诐 讛讘讬讗 讗转 讛住讬讚讜专 砖诇 专讬谞转 讬砖专讗诇. 讛讜讗 讗诪专 诇讬: 讛讗诇讜讛讬诐 砖诇讱 讗讜讛讘 讗讜转讱. 诪爪讗谞讜 讗转 讝讛. 住讘讬专 诇讛谞讬讞 砖讗讞讚 讛讞讬讬诇讬诐 砖讻讞 讗转 讝讛 讘讞讗谉 讬讜谞住"#讞讚砖讜转… pic.twitter.com/1jmG7Fmu8a
— news iL (@newssil) February 5, 2025
Freed hostage Agam Berger inspired many with the story of how she bravely fought to maintain her Jewish values while in captivity, refusing to cook for the terrorists on Shabbat or to eat any meat despite the lack of available food. Agam’s mother had prayed that she would not be released on Shabbat as this would cause desecration of Shabbat by the news outlets, and in the end she was the only surveillance soldier released on a weekday.
Agam related recently how she managed to obtain a Siddur in Gaza, enabling her to pray daily.
I really wanted to pray while in captivity and I prayed to Hashem to send me a Siddur. I asked one of the terrorists if they had a book with Jewish prayers inside? He laughed and two days later brought me a Rinat Yisrael siddur. He said: Your G-d loves you, we found this. It is likely that one of the soldiers forgot this in Khan Younis.’
After Schumer Sabotaged ICC Sanctions in the Senate ..Trump Sanctions Hague Court Over Israel Probe
U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order imposing sanctions on the International Criminal Court on Thursday over its investigation of Israel for alleged “war crimes” in Gaza and its decision to issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The order includes a declaration of a national emergency to respond to what it describes as the court’s “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
“The ICC’s recent actions against Israel and the United States set a dangerous precedent, directly endangering current and former United States personnel, including active service members of the Armed Forces, by exposing them to harassment, abuse and possible arrest,” the order states.
Neither the United States nor Israel are members of the court, which is a stand-alone entity in The Hague and is not a part of the United Nations. Both Washington and Jerusalem have argued that they are outside the tribunal’s jurisdiction.
In November, the court issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, then the Israeli defense minister.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
FCC Will Investigate Soros Funded Radio Station
The FCC has initiated an investigation into a Soros-funded radio station after it broadcasted the real-time locations of undercover ICE agents.
Another Win for Trump!! Panama will allow United States Navy ships free passage
Ganif wearing a business suit Cleans out $15,000 From Tezdaka Box
A shameless intruder stole about $15,000 from donation boxes inside a Brooklyn synagogue during an early-morning heist last month, cops and sources said.
The masked, suit-clad thief snuck into the Congregation Agudath Sholom on 18th Avenue near East 19th Street in Kensington around 1 a.m. Jan. 25, authorities said.
Footage released by the NYPD late Tuesday shows the suspect stealthily opening the door and traipsing through the house of worship.
The suspect – who wore a baseball cap and backpack alongside his business attire – entered various rooms of the synagogue and swooped up the large pot of cash from multiple donation boxes, police and sources said.
He then left the same way he came, slowly closing and locking the door before casually walking away, the video shows.
He fled east on 18th Avenue and then south on Coney Island Avenue, cops said.
It wasn’t clear if anyone else was inside the synagogue at the time, but no injuries were reported.
Anyone with information on the suspect is asked to call the NYPD’s CrimeStoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or, for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).
The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the CrimeStoppers website at https://crimestoppers.nypdonline.org/, or on X @NYPDTips.
"Evil" Schumer manufactured a quibble to justify voting against ICC sanctions
Last week, Senate Democrats led by Schumer tanked a vote on a bill that would have slapped sanctions on the International Criminal Court for its outrageous arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense minister, Yoav Gallant.
The ICC’s action showed its willingness to act against non-members like Israel and the United States, putting American service members and other potential US targets in danger.
But the Democrats’ action was equally craven: Not only did it keep alive the grotesque prosecution of Israel’s leaders for defending their nation against terrorist attackers, it set a ticking time bomb for President Trump.
The “Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act” would have imposed direct sanctions on ICC officials who “engaged in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute” an individual or entity in the United States, or any citizen or lawful resident of a US ally that has not agreed to the court’s jurisdiction.
In other words, the bill would have protected Americans and allies like Israel from being targeted by the rogue court.
The bill passed with significant bipartisan support in the House, and Senate Democrats previously said they favored it.
But at the last minute Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) manufactured a quibble to justify voting against it, claiming the bill’s “lack of precision” could have put in its crosshairs American tech companies that assist the ICC in its investigations.
Schumer’s argument was disingenuous: The first Trump administration imposed sanctions almost identical to those in the bill by executive order, without any US firms being penalized.
But it was enough to sink the ICC Act — and preserve the court’s hounding of Israel in the wake of Oct. 7.
The ICC enjoys a ballooning annual budget of $200 million, yet over its entire lifespan it has convicted a total of six individuals of the mass-atrocity crimes it was supposedly designed to prosecute.
Having had little success targeting warlords and mass murderers like Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir, it turned its attention to Israel, a non-member state and globalists’ favorite punching bag.
And the action against Netanyahu came after the ICC in 2020 opened an investigation into the United States, allegedly for military service members’ war crimes in Afghanistan.
Senate Democrats are far from stupid. Their party has already used impeachment, state prosecution and federal criminal charges to target Trump — and they view the ICC warrants against Israeli officials as an avenue for a future lawfare strategy.
Four years from now, when Trump is once again an ex-president, expect the ICC to seek warrants against him, administration officials and perhaps Republican lawmakers for attempting to sanction it.
The ICC warrants against Israeli leaders show that its prosecutors can be as creative as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in manufacturing charges.
Indeed, the ICC prosecutor has already threatened American legislators with punishment merely for threatening to “retaliate” against the court with sanctions.
Of course, should a Trump indictment happen, a Democratic presidential successor would publicly lament the ICC’s overreach, while doing nothing to stop it.
The ICC is no stranger to such maneuvers. In its latest ploy targeting Israel, the court invented a state of Palestine over which to exercise its jurisdiction, then invented a phenomenon of mass starvation in Gaza to prosecute, despite the thousands of aid trucks Israel has facilitated.
Senate Democrats also claimed that sanctions would only make the ICC dig in its heels against Israel, but experience shows otherwise.
When Trump sanctioned ICC personnel via executive order in 2020, its prosecutors promptly abandoned their investigation into alleged torture by US troops stationed in Afghanistan — only to reopen the matter when President Biden rescinded the sanctions.
Ironically, ICC officials thought the court could survive the sanctions that Schumer blocked. What they truly fear is a stronger measure that would sanction the institution itself, not just its employees.
Republicans passed on imposing such a measure because Democrats signaled their support for the more limited bipartisan bill that passed the House.
Now that the fa莽ade of cooperation has disappeared, Trump has no reason not to sanction the ICC once again by executive order — and now that he’s witnessed the cozy relationship between the court and the Democrats, he knows he can’t stop at half-measures.
Erielle Azerrad is a senior fellow at the Center for the Middle East and International Law at George Mason’s Scalia Law School, where Eugene Kontorovich is a professor of law.
Why Arab nations may secretly approve of Trump’s Gaza ‘takeover’ proposal
Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations have publicly rejected President Trump’s plan to evacuate war-torn Gaza’s 2.3 million residents so the US can “take over” and redevelop the land.
But, they may come to support it in secret because it would finally solve decades of conflict and end Hamas’ iron grip, a former Israel-Palestine negotiator says.
Avi Melamed, an ex Israeli intelligence official who served as a senior Arab affairs adviser to Jerusalem, said Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan are likely interested in Trump’s future vision for Gaza as a possible solution to their Hamas problem.
“I wouldn’t be surprised to know that in the back rooms, the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, are very much happy about Trump’s… that idea of the United States taking control over the situation in Gaza,” Melamed told The Post.
“We have to remember that in the end of the day, Hamas presents Egypt and Jordan and the Saudis and the Emirates… a significant threat,” he added.
The Arab nations have previously shown disdain for Hamas, which seized power of the Gaza Strip in 2007.
Minister Karhi estimates: Hamas won't complete hostage deal...Says AG Will be Fired
Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi says Attorney General may be fired soon, Hamas unlikely to return the last of the hostages.
82% Of Palestinians Freed In First Ceasefire Have Returned To Terrorism; 1 In 4 Already Killed Or Re-Arrested
New data from the IDF reveals that one in four Palestinian terrorists released under the November 2023 Israel-Hamas ceasefire has since been re-arrested or killed.
According to IDF Central Command statistics shared with Channel 13 News, 33 released terrorists have been detained again by Israeli security forces, while four were eliminated while carrying out new attacks. The alarming figures reinforce growing concerns that the mass prisoner releases—a key component of the 2023 ceasefire agreement—have strengthened terrorist organizations and fueled further violence.
Beyond the 25% who have already been re-arrested or neutralized, the Shin Bet reported earlier this week that at least 82% of the freed terrorists have returned to terrorist activity.
Beit Shemesh Leads in Frum Divorce in Israel
诇讗讞专 驻专住讜诐 谞转讜谞讬 讛讝讜讙讜转 砖讛转讙专砖讜 讘砖谞讛 讛讗讞专讜谞讛, 诇驻讬讛诐 注诇讛 讻讬 诪讙诪转 讛讙讬专讜砖讬谉 讘讘讬转 砖诪砖 讛讬讗 讛讙讘讜讛 讘讬讜转专 诪讘讬谉 讛注专讬诐 讛讙讚讜诇讜转 讘讗专抓 - 注讜诇讛 讛砖讗诇讛 诪讛 讛讙讜专诐 诇转讜驻注讛.
讛驻专砖谉 讛讞专讚讬 讬注拽讘 专讬讘诇讬谉, 砖谞讜讛讙 诇注讬转讬诐 拽专讜讘讜转 '诇注拽讜抓' 讗转 拽讛讬诇讜转 讛爪注讬专讬诐 讛诪讜讚专谞讬诐 讘讘讬转 砖诪砖, 诪住讘讬专 讻讬 讛转讜驻注讛 拽砖讜专讛 诇讛驻讬讻转讛 砖诇 讘讬转 砖诪砖 诇'讘讬专转 讛讞专讚讬诐 讛讞讚砖讬诐 (诪讜讚专谞讬诐)'.
讛"驻专砖谞讜转" 砖诇 专讬讘诇讬谉 注讜专专讛 讙讬讞讜讱 讗爪诇 讛讙讜诇砖讬诐, 砖讛住讻讬诪讜 讗诪谞诐 砖讘讬转 砖诪砖 讛驻讻讛 诇讘讬专转 讛讞专讚讬诐 讛诪讜讚专谞讬诐, 讘讚讙砖 注诇 专诪讛 讚', 讗讘诇 讝讜 讗讬谞讛 讛住讬讘讛 诇转讜驻注转 讛讙讬专讜砖讬谉.
Bondi Comes in like a Hurricane ...Ends DEI, Targets Sanctuary Cities, And Pursues Hamas Terrorists
Attorney General Pam Bondi wasted no time in launching sweeping reforms at the Department of Justice (DOJ), issuing a series of bold directives aimed at restoring law and order, eliminating political bias, and cracking down on violent crime and illegal immigration.
Bondi, confirmed by the Senate on Tuesday and sworn in on Wednesday, is expected to usher in a dramatic shift in the DOJ’s priorities, focusing on death penalty enforcement, cartel dismantlement, and reversing progressive-era policies that she argues have weakened America’s justice system.
Among Bondi’s first actions was the creation of the “Weaponization Working Group,” tasked with investigating politically motivated prosecutions and government overreach. The group will focus on cases involving former Special Counsel Jack Smith, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and New York Attorney General Letitia James, all of whom have aggressively pursued legal action against President Donald Trump.
Additionally, the working group will review cases involving January 6 prosecutions, the FBI’s surveillance of Catholic Americans, and DOJ investigations into parents protesting at school board meetings. Bondi emphasized that DOJ attorneys must enforce the law impartially and warned that anyone refusing to defend Trump administration policies will face disciplinary action or termination.
Bondi immediately reversed the federal execution moratorium imposed during the Biden administration, directing DOJ prosecutors to seek the death penalty where appropriate, especially in violent drug trafficking cases.
Her directive also orders a re-evaluation of past cases where capital punishment was not pursued, signaling a potential reversal of Biden’s 2024 decision to commute the sentences of 37 federal death row inmates. Former President Donald Trump had condemned those commutations, calling the released individuals “the most vile and sadistic rapists, child molesters, and murderers.”
To address transnational crime, Bondi has partnered with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to dismantle drug cartels and human trafficking networks. Under her leadership, the DOJ will prioritize high-level cartel operatives rather than low-level offenders to maximize impact.
She has expanded Joint Task Force Vulcan, originally created to combat MS-13, to now target Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan gang recently designated as a foreign terrorist organization.
Additionally, Bondi has directed DOJ officials to pursue legislative reforms targeting fentanyl pill production and add Xylazine, a dangerous new synthetic drug, to the Controlled Substances Act.
Bondi halted all federal funding to sanctuary cities, ordering a full review of federal grants to NGOs that provide aid to illegal immigrants. The DOJ will now prosecute jurisdictions that obstruct federal immigration enforcement and identify funding agreements that enable illegal immigration.
In response to the October 7, 2023, Hamas terror attacks in Israel, Bondi established a Joint Task Force to pursue criminal charges against Hamas operatives and seek international arrests and extraditions of its leadership. The FBI has been ordered to dedicate top counterterrorism personnel to the task force, ensuring swift action against terrorist groups and antisemitism in the U.S.
As part of her justice system overhaul, Bondi ordered the termination of all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs within the DOJ by March 15. She also removed all DEI-related training requirements and reinstated merit-based hiring and promotion policies.
Additionally, Bondi will work with the Department of Education to ensure that federal grants only support schools that practice fair, race-neutral admissions policies, signaling a major shift away from affirmative action programs.
During her Senate confirmation hearings, Bondi vowed to end partisanship at the DOJ, declaring: “Politics has to be taken out of this system. America will have one tier of justice for all.”
These are the Funding Cuts That Have Democrats Like Pocahantas Fuming
Yesterday, a large-scale protest erupted outside the U.S. Treasury Department in Washington, D.C., as Democratic lawmakers rallied against Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency.
Protesters voiced objections, citing potential privacy breaches and the dangers of an unelected individual wielding influence over government operations. Senator Elizabeth Warren was among the most vocal critics, declaring, “No one elected Elon Musk to anything.”
This Is the Crucial Funding They’re Rallying to Protect…
Karoline Leavitt Delivers Crushing News to Politico During Press Briefing: The Taxpayer ‘Subsidization’ Ends Now
White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt confirmed Wednesday that pricey subscriptions to the leftist media outlet Politico by the federal government are being canceled.
Real America’s Voice host Brian Glenn asked Leavitt to comment on the Department of Government Efficiency's discovery that the United States Agency for International Development had been one of the agencies paying tens of thousands of dollars per year for Politico Pro subscriptions.
"Upon coming out here to the briefing room, I was made aware of the funding from USAID to media outlets, including Politico, who I know has a seat in this room," Leavitt began.
"I can confirm that the more than $8 million taxpayer dollars that have gone to essentially subsidizing subscriptions to Politico on the American taxpayer’s dime will no longer be happening," she continued. "The DOGE team is working on canceling those payments now."
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
See the Difference between the TV leftist Channel 12 and the normal 14 in reporting the Trump/Netanyahu meetings
The Israeli Leftist Media are going berserk on the honor given to Netanyahu!
Their entire agenda is collapsing like a wet cardboard box!
I haven't really touched on this yet!
讝讛 讛讘讚诇 讘讬谉 14 诇12
Pete Hegseth suggested that the Third Bais Hamikdash could be built on Har Habayit
Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth suggested that a temple could be re-established on the Temple Mount in a resurfaced speech he gave in 2018 at the Arutz Sheva conference in Jerusalem.
“There’s no reason why the miracle of the re-establishment of the temple on the Temple Mount is not possible,” Hegseth said.
“I don’t know how it would happen. You don’t know how it would happen, but I know that it could happen,” he added.
Hegseth also appeared to endorse annexing Israeli settlements, an effort backers of the effort often describe as “applying Israeli sovereignty to Judea and Samaria,” using the biblical names for the West Bank.
“A step in that process, a step in every process, is a recognition that facts and activities on the ground truly matter,” he said.
“That’s why going and visiting Judea and Samaria and understanding that sovereignty — the very sovereignty of Israeli soil, Israeli cities, locations — is a critical next step to showing the world that this is the land for Jews and the Land of Israel,” Hegseth added
He also rejected the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying that “If you walk the ground today, you understand that there is no such as the outcome of a two-state solution. There is one state.”